In what was possibly the first such win on Wayfinder since the release of U27, Defiler of the Just was beaten on 8/1/2015*.
Run on Epic Normal with a full raid group of 12. The new channel Wayfinderraids was key in making this happen, and it's been key in helping to organize many other raids and groupings as well. Join using '/joinchannel wayfinderraids'.
The named loot drop was a Fellblade.
It's not a very good screenshot, people were milling about and I snapped a few quickly before recalls started happening. It gets the point across in any event.
Any time I use <ALT>z to get rid of my UI the character names go away as well. Given that there is a specific toggle for that in the UI settings it's not necessary that this go away, and it is a shame that the names of the participating characters can't be preserved. If there is a way to keep the names visible please let me know.
* It's taken 7 days to get my account approved to post.