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For the purpose of this build, it depends on how you define a tank. Without a lot of gear and past life stuff, it's gonna be hard to create a character that you can walk into the room, AFK and make a sandwich, and come back to a living character, and this goes doubly for a wraith character (12 wizard levels cuts down on health and armor).
I tried to make a 12/6/2 Wizard/Ranger/Rogue back in the day and was less than impressed. It's doable if you want to play an extreme hybrid, but on the fragile side.
I'm currently playing a dex-based wraith swashbuckling and have very few issues surviving dungeons. The overall split is 13/5/2, relying primarily on evasion over mitigation. While not exactly what you're asking for (as it single-weapon fights rather than using TWF), it's otherwise pretty close.
Human 13/5/2 Wizard/Bard/Rogue
Str 13 5
Dex 17 13 (And all level-ups)
Con 14 6
Int 12 4
Wis 8 0
Cha 8 0
The above stats are modified for a 28-point first-life build, which changes things a surprising amount via a Cha dump. 12 Int gets you enough skill points for elite trapping through 12 or so, and hard trapping after that.
1 Rogue SWF, Dodge
2 Bard
3 Bard PA
4 Bard
5 Wizard (Extend)
6 Wizard Cleave
7 Wizard
8 Wizard
9 Wizard GC, (Quicken)
10 Wizard
11 Bard
12 Bard ISWF
13 Rogue
14 Wizard
15 Wizard IC: Slashing
16 Wizard
17 Wizard (Imp Mental toughness)
18 Wizard GSWF
19 Wizard
20 Wizard
Enhancements: Max out Swashbuckler, dip into EK for the SLA Shield and Mage Armors, get enough in PM for wraith, then toss the rest in Warchanter for extra defenses.
Healing: At level 10, you can use vampire form and Lesser Death Aura for low-grade healing over time. I stuck with a hireling until 13 (and avoided vamp), at which point I switched to Death Aura soloing. Feel free to take Wizard at 11, though this will delay Coup de Grace and Exploit Weakness until 13.
Epic Destinies: If this is a first-life toon, you'll want to start in Fatesinger, which is less than ideal, then swap over to Shadowdancer (decent given your dex basis, evasion, and the importance of crits) and ultimately end up in LD. My swash wraith is currently 16, so I can't confirm the effectiveness of various destinies, but either Shadowdancer or LD will be your best bet.
If this build doesn't sound like your kind of thing, try looking up a wraith monk build. If you want to wear heavier armor, you're going to need to be pretty selective with your gear to prevent a lot of ASF. The latter isn't unreasonable, so maybe a str-based sword-and-board Wizard/Fighter