None of these feats is game changing anymore.
My suggestions:
(all of these feats are Min Level 21--prerequisites are unchanged--feats not listed are unchanged.)
Blinding Speed: 10% Attack Speed + 1% attack speed per Epic Level. 30% Movement Speed +1% movement speed per Epic Level.
Epic Damage Reduction: 10PRR. Stackable.
Epic Fortitude/Reflex/Will: +1 to save type per 2 Epic Levels. Nofail on 1 if roll is high enough.
Bulwark of Defense: While in defensive stance, +2 to all saving throws and 5% to total Armor Class + 1% per Epic Level.
Epic Skills: +1 to all skills. This may be taken in addition to the autogrant at each applicable Epic feat level.
Epic Toughness: +10% HP. This feat may be taken multiple times.
Epic Mental Toughness: +10% SP +1% spell crit. May be taken multiple times.
Epic Spell Penetration: +4 spell pen. May be taken multiple times.
Epic Spell Focus: +3 DC to appropriate spell school. May be taken multiple times.