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  1. #1
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Defiler of the Just Omnipresence method - weeknights around 7pm -


    As some of you may know Omnipresence is an elite guild on another server that runs the new defiler of the just raid on EE. They developed some best practices and were kind enough to post those here - with a video:

    I will be out of town for most of September and October and won't be able to raid much during that time so I will be running/hosting this raid quite a bit during August - usually at around 7pm EST during the week.

    I plan to try out this method and will be posting lfms unless there is already a group running the raid - in which case I will join and just do what they want.

    I think this Omnipresence method has a few advantages:

    1) It will scale better for higher difficulties. If it goes well and we have solid DPS I would like to move up from EN to EH - hopefully for a better chance at mythic bonuses.
    2) It sounds like this method results in less lag
    3) It's easier for people to know what to do - especially if they are new to the raid.

    The usual Sarlona PUG method of running around killing everything and hoping we don't lag out works reasonably enough for EN, but I think if we get this method down for EN, it will make transitioning to EH easier.

    If you are interested please contact me in game, leave a message here or msg me on the forum. Basically any character starting with "Rand" in Guardians of House Cannith is me. I'll be putting up an lfm around 7pm most weeknights if there isn't one up already. I will be running raids with Randowl.

    I will probably limit the party size to 10 and if this method results in less lag I will try out 12.
    Last edited by slarden; 08-03-2015 at 01:36 PM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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