Funny thing is I saw a post that is almost the same as I have been thinking the last few days, why not make lvl 29 & 30 Mythic lvls instead of epic lvls. The field is wide open, we could have a mythic enhancement tree that allows us to endow weapons, items with greater power. Endow a weapon or item with sentience, kind of take your favorite item or weapon and customize the intelligence and abilities it will posses. Mythic lvls would also have their own Xp, possibly have a mythic TR, lets you start back at lvl 28, after x amount of Tr's you gain points to put into that sentient item, improving it. If you did not want to have a sentient itme and improve it, you could use those point to gain Mythic feats, such as wearing 2 magic items in the same slot, or something of the like. Maybe even and/or gain more ED feats that you would have access to. In this sense ETR's & ITR's would stay at lvl 28, with MTR at lvl 30, everything else is would remain the same. To be fair Mythic xp would need to be substantial between lvls to make something like this work, maybe 3 or so million between lvls, maybe less, maybe more.
Another thin that could be added is the ability to upgrade min Lvl 28 loot to mythic, maybe with a mythic seal that drops from raids in endgame content. The difficulty they would drop in is a debate, but with the Mythic Seal you could upgrade any piece of raid gear from Lvl 28 raids & above to mythic. This would give the player a choice of what he /she wants to upgrade instead of just chasing and hoping for that particular mythic item. Please understand that I would think that the seal would be an extremely rare drop in a raid, but well worth the wait.
I guess the only question I have left is what does everyone think about this idea? You comments both good and bad are welcome.
Thx Guys