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  1. #1
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Default Reminiscent of the "Heart of Madness" pac (tested first two quests)

    Only played 2 quests so far, but they feel cobbled together from other packs, much like the "Heart of Madness" series (esp. Palace of Stone). This is not the complex and varied design of which DDO has historically been capable.

    The first two are a bit of a blur, and probably the conceptual design was good, but the implementation workman-like at best. The best one could say about them is that they are probably quick. And the small amount of original art is good, as are the subtle changes of lighting on the standard Shavarath scenery.

    But, compared to the variation, humour and complexity of the original Shavarath quests these are quite sad. Much as I hate to say it, I would probably have preferred the originals had been epic-ified (with some twists). Obviously that horse has bolted.

    Some attempts at constructive suggestions:

    - the trials one: I don't think one got optional XP for the trials. Since you can do more than one trial in the first room, they should offer optional XP (if they do, and I just missed it, then great).

    - the 'find the page' one. I don't recall optional XP for freeing the friend. If it's not there, it should be. And there does not seem to be a way to get back to the chest of one group does the 'free a friend' part while the other finishes the quest.

    - The portals are interesting in the first quest, but boring in the second. They also seem to spawn "more of the same" each time (not really the same, but so similar as to be procedurally identical). How about more structured waves that present different challenges. Even "Weapons Shipment" has substantial variations in waves. You've got reavers so why not beholders, Tharak Hounds, Devils, Succubi etc?

    - Portals can not be beat down. They should be, at least to provide some vague sense of localized non-linearity.

    I'll probably post another thread with the third quest later. And Raid, if I get a chance.

  2. #2
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Default Third quest is better, but just Bastion writ small

    Probably the best of the three.

    I know the idea was to make these shorter quests, but I think they could all do with optionals.

  3. #3
    Founder pjw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default The raid looks promising

    Have not played whole raid, just explored a bit. But no bad points, and the good points are:

    - not just one dreadful single room
    - seeks to genuinely require team work
    - has a dynamic feel to the fights

    This one gets a tick.

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