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Finding the button wasn't the difficult part...
How do you press it without constantly being interrupted?
On elite at level with full ship and personal buffs, it was ticking constantly.
1. you need a great reflex save to avoid damage,
2. there's a tiny little safe spot somewhere,
3. you have to disarm the trap
4. you turn off the puzzle after you kill the Archon, thereby deactivating the electric field?
Or is there something else entirely that I haven't thought of?
It's #2: there is a safe spot, just press your face into corner right next to button (corner to the right) and keep pressing. Then activate button.
Even with the trap activated I no longer got disrupted. So I could activate the button long enough for the door to open.
So yeah I failed the intelligence bit, same as the rest, just rushed in and clicked the 1 tile 'puzzle', thinking, oh wait, that's a ... trap!