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  1. #1
    Community Member Feylian's Avatar
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    Apr 2013

    Post Improvements for new players and low lvl quest

    Hi everyone,
    many friends of mine said that they find the game complicated and boring. I think that is because the tutorial is a bit boring and dont really helps you to get trough the game. Starter paths are old and could be reworked and most low lvl quests are quite boring and linear. So here are my sugggestions:

    1. Pre-created character paths are old and dont give ANY information about your character and your role in a group. They should explain the whole character creation and give that you fight with spells or with weapons, which items you should look for or which play style is proposed. It would be also nice if players could influence in the build to make it their own character.
    2. The tutorial is made with little love and noone wants to play it. Rework it a bit and look at neverinter, they made a nice tutorial. I dont really know, but I think "The Grotto" doesnt introduce you into the story of khortos. This would be also a point to improve.
    3. The harbor quests and adventures let you think you are a little soldier to do the dirty work for the quest giver, not a hero. It would be nice if they would be connected to a whole story and make it more dramatically with intrigues and a nice underground boss who is reponsible for many murders and infestations. Something like Cartamon with nicer quests.
    At the moment, for a free-to-play account, quests from 1-5 are mostly boring, except for durks, ork quests, swiped signet, proof in the poison and some others. Then there are some nice levels with tear, gwylans, bounty hunter aaaaaand the pit . Since lvl 8 there a very little quests to play.

    Then hope someone read this and make my wishes true.
    If you need builds for new paths I would really love it to make you some, I love it to plan characters.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Feylian View Post
    3. The harbor quests and adventures let you think you are a little soldier to do the dirty work for the quest giver, not a hero. It would be nice if they would be connected to a whole story and make it more dramatically with intrigues and a nice underground boss who is reponsible for many murders and infestations. Something like Cartamon with nicer quests.
    At the moment, for a free-to-play account, quests from 1-5 are mostly boring, except for durks, ork quests, swiped signet, proof in the poison and some others. Then there are some nice levels with tear, gwylans, bounty hunter aaaaaand the pit . Since lvl 8 there a very little quests to play.
    I think this is intended.
    Sure, you mabe be hot **** in Korthos for having smashed a green crystal, but that's like winning a sports competition at your school in rural Wyoming in 8th grade. Noone's gonna recognize you in New York. In fact, you already get preferential treatment by being let through, all the other refugees are being held up in customs or have to bribe the guards to be let into the city. You've got a little rep after Korthos, but just enough for people to recognize you as "not a failure".
    That's why you get jobs doing the dirty work for the questgivers at all. Your character wasn't a born a hero, he or she has to make themselves into one.

    I also disagree with your second point. The Grotto is a decent introduction into the Korthos storyline. The dragon wrecks the airship you were on, you survive and end up washed up on the beach, some adventurers find you and you loot some basic equipment with them, you go your separate ways doing heroic stuff and meet up again when the mastermind Lars Heyton has come up with a plan for how to get rid of the dragon. You DID notice that the other adventurers in Misery's Peak are the same ones as those you met in the Grotto, right?

    Your first point I completely agree with, though. The paths for classes are in dire need of being reworked.

  3. #3
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    When I first jumped in the Tutorial was a great intro to playing the game. The real disconnect came when I reached the Harbor (now they have changed the layout so it makes ALOT more sense). Others have mentioned having a NPC work directly with your character in a more specific quest based on your Class. So a rogue would have a trap based/sneak quest with someone guiding you through. I caster would have a quest geared towards spell placement, range, SP conservation, etc. those could add some real depth to the early part of the game.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Feylian View Post
    3. The harbor quests and adventures let you think you are a little soldier to do the dirty work for the quest giver, not a hero.
    That's because at that level, you are a little soldier doing the dirty work. And you continue to be. That's part of D&D. If you want to skip zero to hero, D&D/DDO is the wrong game for you.

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