the differences in my gear set up once i get the new armor will be:
many hook boots
mentaus goggles
deadly 10 accuracy 10 cloak
so id be at 5 less seeker, 8% less dodge (from items, i dont think this is going to make any difference in the end due to class dodge and sdk pls), up 4 slots, up ghostly, up 5 stun dc and up 19 trip dc (with the ability to swap boots to doj fom boots or possibly epic innocents for stun dc and morale bonus).
i think with the significant incoming damage these days, ghostly and a usable trip (and potentially usable stunning blow) greatly outweigh the dps loss of 5 seeker, while the huge dstrike increase is more single target dps anyway.
that said, provided i could find a way to live with the lack of item slots, and that trip is usable very reliably in le, i might switch to the str/seeker boots and wolf cloak.
also the best rng hamp item i recall seeing yet was only +48, and was i think ml 30. if thats the max, it would definitely make me think twice even if i had the perfect rng gloves and boots.
You would only lose 2% dodge, 0% if 2 sdk pastlives. You would lose a little more dps depending on how lucky you got with the random gen boots. I got +14 Str, 13 seeker ones atm. Still minor though.
Yeah CC and miss chances are king now. Let me know how well the trip/stunning blow lands in LE raids. To be fair though another +10% miss chance isn't going to help much against getting 1 shot. Death is inevitable.
The max I've seen so far is +56. This seems to be the max though.
trip is reliable even on a fairly low str build (low 80s) on le. stun without an item will land nearly all the time on lh. if you swap in an item its pretty good, not quite as reliable as trip though, but again im not using anything close to a tactics build.
and yes, death is inevitable, but 10% more miss chance means 10% less deaths, or 10% more time between deaths. i think that translates to more dps than 5ish more seeker seeker.
if +56 is max, then id be a lot more comfortable with switching to that since its only a loss of 4 hamp. edit: glancing through ah saw a +61 hamp.
Last edited by the_one_dwarfforged; 01-03-2016 at 04:26 AM.
I see a lot of barbarians going THF. Is that simply for the +6 melee power now that the kill proc from BS has that 1 second CD added to it now, and it makes LD DCs from LW and MS easier to keep on CD?
I've been building for twf and play between DC and LD and switch to Riftmaker/TF Gaxe in huge mobs.
I'm I missing something?
if you see a lot of thf barbs, its probably not because they want to max their boss dps, but either they dont know or dont care that twf is basically superior. personally i just like the animations and reach of thf better, the aoe destruction is pure lolz, and if im going to be exclusively auto attacking a single target red name for most dps, id rather be twitching so i feel like im actually playing the game.
Gear for Two Weapon Fighting Barbarian
This is my set up now any suggestions.
Helm: Sightless
Necklace: Legendary Pendant of the Warrior's Focus
Bauble: Epic Litany of the Dead
Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
Belt: Double strike 17 belt Random Gen
Ring 1: Encrusted Ring (slot Heal Amp +40)
Ring 2: Strange Tidings
Gloves: Epic Gloves of the Claw
Boots: Boots of Strength (+15 Strength 10 Combat Mastery Random Gen)
Bracers: Epic Bracers of the Claw
Armor: Towee Armour Medium
Goggles: Goggles Deadly 11 of Seeker 13
Quiver: Epic Quiver of Alacrity
Towee Warhammer
Pos air pos air Greensteele Warhammer
Running in Legendary Dreadnot
I'm looking for:
Better healing amp ring
Strength 15 boots of insightful Strength 6
Double strike Belt 17 of Insightful Constitution 6
I'm thinking the 17 Double strike belt is better than the Knost set because the Towee Armor does not have Double strike
Is the Towee set 20 melee power still optimal. My melee power is 225 when fully raged.
idk if i would say 17 dstrike belt is better than knosts, especially on a twf build. dstrike is more valuable on thf/swf, the flat dmg increase of the set is more advantageous for twf. the tod set doesnt just give you +2 dmg per hit either, its also +2 stacking str and con (which also increases rage duration), and an additional rage per rest. besides, the quiver still has 8% dstrike. i guess at the damage levels we are hitting 9% more mainhand is more significant than 3 dmg times mp per hit.
i definitely think that toee set is still the best choice for twf offhand.
I'm late in on building ToEE equipment for my barb, but have the Shrooms for my OH and only need 18 more for my armor. So what is the consensus for which elemental type is best in most content (soloing) vs L(X-raid)? I know they are all basically similar. However, I am assuming fire increases DPS from TF weapon on hit proc. However, Lightning and Ice sound solid for when grouping with sorcs, and acid for locks. Also Lightning would be well for a person wanting to TR in to a Tempest later on.
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