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  1. #61
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogann View Post
    After caving in to peer pressure I re rolled, gaining Haste Boost. I promptly fixed the OP to be more awesome and stuff.
    you now have permission to consider your character as filling the dps role in parties.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

  2. #62
    Community Member Ellihor's Avatar
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    I was thinking about the new axe. It has better critical profile compared to mauls, and much higher base damage compared to TF maul (about 9 or 10 more base damage, and even more on stuff with extra [W]). It can also comes with +4 mythic mlee power. So, if you go with that axe maybe it could be an option use the mythic gaze instead of the sightless, because it already has enhanced +6 mlee power (for +10 total). That would be a net gain of at least 10 base damage (depending of your str and how many [W] are you aplying), wich is about at least 50 damage per swing, plus +4 mlee power if your lucky to pull one.

    Now you loose on procs: riftmaker has 16.5 from bloodletter + 13.6 from force burst = 23,5 + 21.5 on evil outside = 45 on evil outsider
    TF maul has 17.5 fire from 1st degree and 36 force from mortal fear = 53.5 and 36 on current endgame stuff (everything has fire resist). If you look only for that riftmaker is in great advantage, specially in current engame. But obviously you also get the 1st degree bonus and mortal fear on TF. Also if your going for riftmaker you would have to use the hide of the fallen or dragonscale armor (intresting choice for 5% damage but loose ghostly and deathblock), and still loose 15% fort bypass. Also loose come constituion and prr. Another option could be just stay with the sightless, if you do that the gh armor becomes more atractive, but still, there's the fortification and ghostly problem if you go that direction.

    What do you guys think?

    Also, just one note about your thread, and others about people posting for barbs. There's no point in going for the encrusted if you are not using the set. Just wathever ToD will do. Makes life much easier for new people. Also it seems the strange tidings deception is not working so for now the avithoul ring wins. And put resistance +8 on the slot list.
    Last edited by Ellihor; 09-09-2015 at 07:58 PM.

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Ellihor View Post
    What do you guys think?
    That you are absolutely correct. I think people are to much set on Thunderforged being king right now.
    We got so much MP and damage (and good slots for seeker gear...) lately that weapons with better crit. profiles and better base damage heavily catched up to thunderforged, which usually benefits from on hit procs quite a bit.

    With my numbers used (typical high end barb numbers):
    - riftmaker is quite a bit ahead against targets where fortification is irrelevant
    - against targets where a 15% fortification difference would matter, it is only a small margin behind TF (I assume you would use a 20% fort bypass item on your gear)

    ...I did not calculate the force damage from riftmaker btw. because it is currently broken from what I heard and I also assumed banishing would not apply to the target.

    These numbers will obviously further push in favor of riftmaker the more +damage, +W, +seeker, +MP you can add to the equation.

    However if we look at trash mobs there is still mortal fear. With my current numbers riftmaker would only be ahead against trash if your average trash mob has less than 5080 HP. And that is not the case on EE at least for most scenarios

    TL;DR: That axe is very close to tier3 TF (sometimes better, sometimes worse).
    If you don't want to farm all the way to tier3 TF, definitely go for riftmaker. It's not that hard to get.

    I would currently still prefer TF however. This can change if we get even more power creep.

    Oh, and obviously riftmaker is awesome for producing shiny numbers, because critting with an x8 multiplier is fun, right? (could even go x10 if you go FB tier5, but the overall crit. profile would suffer then)
    Last edited by Eth; 09-10-2015 at 02:19 AM.
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  4. #64
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ellihor View Post
    Also, just one note about your thread, and others about people posting for barbs. There's no point in going for the encrusted if you are not using the set. Just wathever ToD will do. Makes life much easier for new people.
    This is common sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellihor View Post
    And put resistance +8 on the slot list.
    I didn't list all of the augments. Some other important ones are Fear Immunity, Blindness Immunity, Charisma +8 ETC. When I'm less busy I'll probably update the augments.
    Last edited by Rogann; 09-10-2015 at 11:04 AM.

  5. #65
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post

    Oh, and obviously riftmaker is awesome for producing shiny numbers, because critting with an x8 multiplier is fun, right? (could even go x10 if you go FB tier5, but the overall crit. profile would suffer then)
    I love my riftmaker =D

  6. #66
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    Update 28 offers nothing for the current item build.

    I also updated the augments. Does anyone know if multiple Golem's Hearts still "stack"?
    Last edited by Rogann; 09-26-2015 at 12:25 PM.

  7. #67
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogann View Post
    Update 28 offers nothing for the current item build.

    I also updated the augments. Does anyone know if multiple Golem's Hearts still "stack"?
    they dont stack, and also dont work like the description says they do.

    instead it has a 30 sec cd and procs the first time you take dmg and the aug is off cd.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

  8. #68
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_one_dwarfforged View Post
    they dont stack, and also dont work like the description says they do.

    instead it has a 30 sec cd and procs the first time you take dmg and the aug is off cd.
    Thanks for the info. I feel sorry for those people rocking 14 Golem's Hearts on Sarlona.

    I've also seen people rock like five of these Sapphire of Crushing Wave Guard. Not sure if those 'stack'.
    Last edited by Rogann; 10-07-2015 at 01:51 AM.

  9. #69
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    Checking out some stuff on Lam. Some new best in slots for sure. There may be named loot that hasn't been released yet but I'll post the best in slots so far. Also note that all these items are subject to change.

    EDIT: Had to update all the items as they were changed slightly. Crit profiles were bugged and are now corrected. Can anyone do the math and see what base weapon is best?

    SO far the only two items that are best in slot ~

    On a side note. The only LGS accessory that seems worth it is a full HP regen item. With the current gear in the OP, its ticking for 95 HP every 10 seconds.
    Last edited by Rogann; 12-13-2015 at 07:42 PM.

  10. #70
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    with u29 out, i dont know if theres anything i would change about this gear set up. every change seems to have significant drawbacks to me.

    warriors pendant unslots seeker and lesser displacement. displacement clickies only last for about half of a barb rage, so that lesser is pretty valuable. the only stat i find myself wanting from this item really is the double strike, because tf weapons are still the best when you need fort bypass, and otherwise im using esos in legendary. and tactics is covered by hook boots, and i dont feel the need to max tac dcs anyway because i cant slot a permanent stun item, im swapping strange tidings and dun robar rings for when i feel like stunning something. if i wanted to micro manage more, i could put on a deadly ring and visions of precision to accomplish the same thing but get a higher dc. i dont attempt many stuns though past ee storm meh...and ive been able to stun some thing without a stun item anyway tbh, though only weak enemies and not reliably.

    boots could be upgraded to 14 or 15 strength, and if they had seeker as well then that makes slotting warriors pendant somewhat easier. however youd be losing 2 slots on the boots as well as all your trip dc. of the raids ive run so far, trip seems to be highly effective in le ts. even if thats the only place its useful, id say thats still majorly worth wearing. im not sure i can lose the 2 slots for only 2-3 more strength.

    so basically, the only change im likely to end up making is upgrading to the new armor.

    edit: just noticed the armor has blur on used to simply tuning that out...i guess moving deadly item to cloak and putting on mentaus goggles (recovers seeker, ghostly which is being lost from armor, and some slots) would allow warriors pendant to be slotted. only question is whether 7% double strike is worth it enough of the time over +5 seeker. with supreme cleave you can maintain momentum swing a LOT more than without. hmmm and then dodge also becomes a problem... i guess 6% + 3 sdk lives puts you at 9/10 and then armor mastery aug could be dropped. i might do this just to get the ghostly back. of course, then id need to go and do 2 more sdk lives...****.

    still dont think id change boots.
    Last edited by the_one_dwarfforged; 12-21-2015 at 10:33 PM.

  11. #71
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_one_dwarfforged View Post
    boots could be upgraded to 14 or 15 strength, and if they had seeker as well then that makes slotting warriors pendant somewhat easier. however youd be losing 2 slots on the boots as well as all your trip dc. of the raids ive run so far, trip seems to be highly effective in le ts. even if thats the only place its useful, id say thats still majorly worth wearing. im not sure i can lose the 2 slots for only 2-3 more strength.

    so basically, the only change im likely to end up making is upgrading to the new armor.

    edit: just noticed the armor has blur on used to simply tuning that out...i guess moving deadly item to cloak and putting on mentaus goggles (recovers seeker, ghostly which is being lost from armor, and some slots) would allow warriors pendant to be slotted. only question is whether 7% double strike is worth it enough of the time over +5 seeker. with supreme cleave you can maintain momentum swing a LOT more than without. hmmm and then dodge also becomes a problem... i guess 6% + 3 sdk lives puts you at 9/10 and then armor mastery aug could be dropped. i might do this just to get the ghostly back. of course, then id need to go and do 2 more sdk lives...****.

    still dont think id change boots.
    I was thinking of the following:

    Equip new named armor.

    Equip new named necklace.

    I'll now be following this random gen guide for the rest of the gear.

    Equip new Random Gen Boots (Seeker 12, Strength 14-15, Insightful seeker +6)

    We lose 10% incorp, 5% blur, and 6 prr. We gain 16% doublestrike, 21% fort pen, 2-3 Strength, 6 seeker, 1-2 Feats, Angelic Grace, +14 saves, and 29 fort.

    This is the most important part. How much does +2 Strength add in damage before melee power is applied? 2.5 damage assuming Glancing Blow? I ask this because +6-7 Insightful Strength only drops on Bracers, Gloves, and Belts.

    So if +4-5 Str beats out Claw Set or Tod set more slotting can happen. Slotting Ghostly would be possible if this is the case.

    Something worth noting: Healing Amp on Random Gen gear is Competence Bonus only.

    Oh and what LGS weapons are you guys making? I was thinking Great Axe with Headman's Chop.

    EDIT: Slotting +15% doublestrike from Random Gen makes Heavy Armor best in slot.
    Last edited by Rogann; 12-24-2015 at 11:22 AM.

  12. #72
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    Every parrying item I have equipt since the update, these are random gen, are only granting half of what they state for saves. So that +14 to saves is most likely +7.

  13. #73
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogann View Post

    Equip new Random Gen Boots (Seeker 12, Strength 14-15, Insightful seeker +6)

    This is the most important part. How much does +2 Strength add in damage before melee power is applied? 2.5 damage assuming Glancing Blow? I ask this because +6-7 Insightful Strength only drops on Bracers, Gloves, and Belts.

    So if +4-5 Str beats out Claw Set or Tod set more slotting can happen. Slotting Ghostly would be possible if this is the case.

    Oh and what LGS weapons are you guys making? I was thinking Great Axe with Headman's Chop.
    gl finding such boots :/ 99% of the lootgen is still garbage of ****, or decent of meh in the wrong item slot...

    4 str = 3 dmg on a thf build (unless it would raise your max str mod from an odd number to an even number, then itd be 4 i think). if +5, then its +4.5 if it brings your max str up to an even number. the tod set also doesnt just grant 2 dmg, its grants 2 str and con also.

    so potentially you could find 2 absolutely perfect rng items, str seeker seeker boots and dstrike hamp str gloves, and would gain damage and lose threat gen from claw set. and then you could take the heavy armor feat and wear the heavy over medium.

    lgs = literally goddamn ****. tforgever.

  14. #74
    Community Member Ellihor's Avatar
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    What about drop the claw gloves for the gages, and the bracers for a random loot that could be STR + insight STR, and then change the goggles to seeker of accuracy and putting ghoslty on the boots (or insightful seeker)? Change the cloak to mysterious to make up for the loss of hamp.
    Ex player. This game had it's peak fun in 2011. After that, 2018. The rest is nostalgia from these 2 eras. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had some fun with MotU and in eGH, thought.

  15. #75
    Community Member Ellihor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogann View Post
    Had to update all the items as they were changed slightly. Crit profiles were bugged and are now corrected. Can anyone do the math and see what base weapon is best?
    Greataxes are the best option, but if the bursts are very good the others catch up a bit, but not enough
    Ex player. This game had it's peak fun in 2011. After that, 2018. The rest is nostalgia from these 2 eras. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had some fun with MotU and in eGH, thought.

  16. #76
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_one_dwarfforged View Post
    gl finding such boots :/ 99% of the lootgen is still garbage of ****, or decent of meh in the wrong item slot...

    4 str = 3 dmg on a thf build (unless it would raise your max str mod from an odd number to an even number, then itd be 4 i think). if +5, then its +4.5 if it brings your max str up to an even number. the tod set also doesnt just grant 2 dmg, its grants 2 str and con also.

    so potentially you could find 2 absolutely perfect rng items, str seeker seeker boots and dstrike hamp str gloves, and would gain damage and lose threat gen from claw set. and then you could take the heavy armor feat and wear the heavy over medium.

    lgs = literally goddamn ****. tforgever.
    Ill update the guide with the most simple random gen items.

    EDIT: Despite this being a 'Most Optimal' gear thread. I chose not to include the two super rare 1 in a million random gen gear. Would seem pretty unrealistic to do so.
    Last edited by Rogann; 12-25-2015 at 05:51 PM.

  17. #77
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    I tested the items out in the OP and found the loss of the Accuracy goggles very noticeable. Grazing hits from 2-9 on kobolds in EE creeping death. Once you get Fury and Advancing Blows going its not too bad but regardless I'm changing the OP.

    Keeping the old goggles and just getting Seeker boots of strength. Instead of just having Strength on the boots. This should be the final Gear build until the next update.

    OP is updated.
    Last edited by Rogann; 12-27-2015 at 09:40 PM.

  18. #78
    Community Member Irongutz2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogann View Post
    Updated for U29. A more in-depth discussion begins here.

    Before I begin I just want to say that what is most optimal is usually pretty subjective. Gear load outs aren't as clear cut as they were four years ago. There's just so many different choices and build ideals out there. However I believe the gear below should be the most optimal for the majority of builds. The gear will be focused around a classic THF barb with the intentions of DPS over defense.



    • I listed the most simple versions of the Random Gen items. Note that their values can increase as well as having additional effects such as Insightful Seeker.
    • Mysterious Bracers vs Epic Claw Set. The extra healing from Mysterious Bracers is too minimal to justify it over the dps that Epic Claw Set Provides. For a more in-depth look click here.
    U seem to be missing ghostly with that set up. Thats a big loss imo.
    Most ppl call me Az. Captains crew on G-land.

  19. #79
    Community Member Lemdog's Avatar
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    Sorry if this was already said, but is there any difference between the scalemail and the breastplate? The armor from LHOX and LTS
    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    Moved his sense of humor to a new data center, eh?

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemdog View Post
    Sorry if this was already said, but is there any difference between the scalemail and the breastplate? The armor from LHOX and LTS
    The scalemail is made of darkwood so it works for druids.

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