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  1. #5301
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorrbeania View Post
    This made me laugh out loud! XD Love the last part especially!
    Thank you. That was my suggestion because in Big Top Scooby Doo, and I think an episode of Mystery Inc. Scooby demonstrates he trained Shaggy not the other way around.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    I find no flaws in that.
    Excellent. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    And for my /nab,
    Sneaky hobbitses...

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Don't get me wrong - utmost respect for our iconic action-hero/gamer-nerd, but... Naw. Singing ain't in his wheelhouse.
    *wince* *cringe* Well its not absolutely dreadful but... I'm not sure I could go so far as to call it tolerable either. Let me scour my thesaurus - uhm I'm going to go with bland and mediocre. But then one of my favorite groups is Rush, so yeah, I have high standards.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  2. #5302
    Community Member Zorrbeania's Avatar
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    Sincerely, Zorrbeania

  3. #5303
    Community Member Zorrbeania's Avatar
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    Default Would love to hear an answer to this! :)

    So, do any of you know if Standing Stone Games is going to update the graphics on some of the older races (humans, elf. khorvaire, etc.)?
    Last edited by Zorrbeania; 09-30-2020 at 01:10 AM. Reason: Needed a title! :D
    Sincerely, Zorrbeania

  4. #5304
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorrbeania View Post
    So, do any of you know if Standing Stone Games is going to update the graphics on some of the older races (humans, elf. khorvaire, etc.)?
    Naw, most of us here in the tavern are just players. The only reason the thread OP is now Cordovan is because he remade it after having to delete our last one when it got too long for VBulletin to handle.

    It's a common question with threads devoted to just that, especially with some homier looking race likes PDK and H'Elf.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #5305
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Naw, most of us here in the tavern are just players. The only reason the thread OP is now Cordovan is because he remade it after having to delete our last one when it got too long for VBulletin to handle.

    It's a common question with threads devoted to just that, especially with some homier looking race likes PDK and H'Elf.
    i mean... *looks at the devs lurking, watching my every move*
    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

  6. #5306
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    I wouldn't normally bring this in the door, but... It's Weird Al. I mean, come on... WEIRD AL!!

    ...that makes it okay, right?

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  7. #5307
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    had my uni orientation at 6am yesterday. first class is day after.

    on the plus side, embassy says they'll be opening applications for visas soon. fingers crossed.
    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

  8. #5308
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Bummer... Awesome guitarist, and was always fun to watch play.

    RIP, Eddie Van Halen.

    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 10-06-2020 at 06:10 PM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  9. #5309
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Bummer... Awesome guitarist, and was always fun to watch play.

    RIP, Eddie Van Halen.

    Aww bummer.
    I heard about this earlier.
    Was very sad to hear this.
    Just more bad news from this year...
    Official Muskateers Bartender
    Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  10. #5310
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Afternoon is creeping by. So ends another 5-day weekend as I burn off end-of-the-year use-or-lose vacation days.

    Transferred all my mules off hardcore carrying stuffs, leaving just my level 20 there. (Looking nervously at the current transfers lock-down) But anyway - browsing my 20's gear... At level 20, I still had a piece of level 1 gear, several 4-8 level pieces and the top two pieces were 12 and 13 (crafted). Even my weapon was a crafted level 16. Other than an early DD roll hit for a +5 Con tome, my HCLIII loot luck was garbage.

    Anyway, just sharing my self-chuckle of seeing those Korthos Spear-bane bracers on my level 20. I hate being shot with arrows...
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  11. #5311
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    visa application goes to them on Monday.
    started classes as well. stuff's finally moving.

    edit: also
    contact Dell support since my warranty ends in 200 days, wanted to see what i could squeeze out of it (with legitimate issues, mind)

    Getting a new motherboard, Heat Sink, Screen and maybe body for my laptop, all under normal warranty
    5 year pro warranty with accidental damage ftw. best feature of my laptop :P
    Last edited by doomboyv2; 10-16-2020 at 03:19 PM.
    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

  12. #5312
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doomboyv2 View Post

    visa application goes to them on Monday.
    started classes as well. stuff's finally moving.
    Good luck db!
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  13. #5313
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Good Luck DB.

    I know you’ll do great!
    Official Muskateers Bartender
    Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  14. #5314
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Red face i live here with you! :)

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Afternoon is creeping by. So ends another 5-day weekend as I burn off end-of-the-year use-or-lose vacation days.

    Transferred all my mules off hardcore carrying stuffs, leaving just my level 20 there. (Looking nervously at the current transfers lock-down) But anyway - browsing my 20's gear... At level 20, I still had a piece of level 1 gear, several 4-8 level pieces and the top two pieces were 12 and 13 (crafted). Even my weapon was a crafted level 16. Other than an early DD roll hit for a +5 Con tome, my HCLIII loot luck was garbage.

    Anyway, just sharing my self-chuckle of seeing those Korthos Spear-bane bracers on my level 20. I hate being shot with arrows...
    I went into night revels at level with chunkss got run off immediately. Very nearly got spanked at 5 levels off in a challenge.. So underpowered. The champions boots of feather falling were almost nicer than my boots, a trash mummy boss drop, lol.. I'm going to hand them down.

    I really value damage reduction!
    The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
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    of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]

  15. #5315
    Community Member Lizzy-Lane's Avatar
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    Default Is this just me???

    Hey guys. Is it just me, or does it not seem right that your level 16 character only gets 15 dragon scales in Eternity Unleashed (which I did on my level)! I mean, I've gotten more almonds in the Haverdasher quest!

  16. #5316
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Gotta /facepalm myself...

    Have an old character on Orien that was a victim of the Big Stick build gutting. He'd been sitting at 18 for years, so I decided I'd bump him on up to 20 and TR him just for shiggles. (I think this makes my 4th ever? Maybe 5th.)

    I dunno why I thought I needed an alignment change away from his [ugh] 'Lawful' alignment before I TR'd.... But I did that. Didn't even dawn on me what I'd done til creating the new character and got to the alignment choice screen. Pure ID-10-T moment.

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  17. #5317
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I woke up this morning moments before my alarm from a doozy of a nightmare. I dreamed I was sitting in a room surrounded by relatives at a party of sorts - some of them already passed on, some older than me but still here. But most were young, I mean younger than I ever knew them in life. And one of them asked me if we knew what happened to one of the nephews yet. And internally within the dream, I knew they meant he had died or was going to die. Then someone handed me a party gift, and when I opened it, it was a lamp. It had neon rainbow paisleys on it and a crucifix in front. Not strange as most of our relatives are catholic. But the text on the lamp was strange. At first I thought it said "Party for the coming of Christ" and was amused for a moment with the juxtaposition of the rainbow paisleys which I associate with the hippy culture. Then I looked at it again just before I woke and the text read "Pity for the coming of Christ." I startled awake feeling quite disturbed, and a moment later my alarm went off.

    I'm aware most people cannot read in dreams, though I frequently do and read just fine. Every once in a long while I'm confronted with glowing alien scribble instead of the letters I expect to see and I usually instantly know I'm dreaming when I see it. Those usually tend to be the best dreams because once I know I'm dreaming I take control of the dream.

    But now I have to find out what's going on with that nephew just to have some peace of mind.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  18. #5318
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post

    But now I have to find out what's going on with that nephew just to have some peace of mind.
    honestly, i'm fairly agnostic. don't really buy most spiritual stuff.

    but just going by what i've been reading about Near Death Experiences, and some of my own experiences, i feel like there's definitely more to the world, and our consciousness than we can currently perceive.

    higher dimensions, different existences, whatever. but it very much feels like something's there.

    had a similar experience where i had a dream where a friend came and cuddled up to me, seeming anxious. messaged her. she responded a while later. she had indeed been anxious then, some work stuff.

    so idk. more than meets the eye to the world, imo
    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

  19. #5319
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Things ya learn every day...

    Quote Originally Posted by Airman magazine
    Happy Birthday Master Sgt. Bob Ross! [posted on the 29th]

    Bob Ross served as a medical technician and first sergeant of the United States Air Force
    Clinic at Eielson Air Force Base
    , Alaska. He served for 20 years before retiring as a Master Sergeant. He would go on to become famous for his television show "The Joy of Painting" where he taught others to paint.

    He would be 78 years old today.

    Photo elements courtesy of Bob Ross Inc

    He retired in 1981, a year before I enlisted. Being a med tech, we could've crossed paths if timing had been slightly different.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 10-30-2020 at 02:35 PM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  20. #5320
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    i'm leaving on the 9th.

    also, mom's getting a divorce.


    (a divorce which i completely agree with, my father's a real POS)
    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

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