Well; ummm remember the conversation we had the other day where CD recounted his encounter with the Bees...
And I said I said I react rather poorly to Bee's and several other "Bitey, Stingy, type insects....
Well, over the weekend I'm doing some Yard W***
Putting some border stones against the fence line to keep out ground hogs.
(They don't like them because they can fall in the hole and disrupt their digging.)
When I realize "hey I need dirt to fill in the hole, so I can place the stones this spot."
So I decide to clear some leaves in the corner of my yard...
This will A. Clear the leaves and debris; and B. Free up the ground (where there is no grass due to the leaves.) Kill two chores at once right... Riiiight...
Yeah, I can rake the leaves, so I can scrape some dirt and fill the holes in. I think to myself "What a smrt idea. I can even plant grass in the corner too, this’ll be great!" Uhmm Yeah. It didn't go that way.
I proceed to rake the leaves and inadvertently expose a hive of bee's that made their nest in the ground. Let's just say they were 'displeased' with my intrusion.
I run for the hills, (Rake in hand) get to the back steps and begin swatting furiously
as I realize I had several "hitchhikers". Unfortunately, it was later in the day and they were much more active...
So, a trip to the hospital later; and an overnight stay... (I was kept overnight for observation...) Yup; it twas not my finest hour...
Add to that the wife (not to be outdone decides to drop the back seat of the new outback on her hand and proceeded to break her thumb.
So another trip to the doc for X Rays... and we need to see the hand specialist Friday. The fun part is trying to get her to STOP USING IT!
She can be rather stubborn and independent.

(I love her for it, but it can be frustrating at times.)
So it's been a rather eventful week at the Bekki household.