Thank you so much for the warmth from you all, it really is very touching and poignant

I have missed you all and the crazy stuff that went on here, but this.....
This... This... I just lost it so badly I'm sure my neighbours heard me crack up... priceless
Very sorry to hear of cocoa's passing Funny, more so that I wasn't around when it occurred. Part of my wows this last few months is I lost my beloved fluffy black cat who we had for about 10 years to a sudden illness and complication. His lose was made worse by my family burying him without inviting me. Miss Vodka was a very close friend when I found that out.
I will try to work out how to get a pic posted here, cause I took one of my back yard on Sunday that should probably leave many drooling

It was so gorgeous out here, I've taken to sitting on my deck at nights with a red wine watching the stars while listening to the waves crashing on the beach, very relaxing. As I said, It's been a long dark path but now I've settled myself I'm in a good place and although I know CD is right that the path is ongoing, i'm ok with it so am enjoying things again.