PSA: When leaving your abode with your kid, and you both realize you've left your abode without your cell phones, at 10:30 at night, taking a load of totes to a storage facility on the other side of town - do not, I mean DO NOT - carry on bragging about how daring, adventurous, and bad-ass you are for braving the city wilderness without your cellular life-lines....
For surely enough, Karma will notice your stately bravado and reward you with a stalled car, inside a gated storage facility, 1-2 miles from the nearest convenience store.
1) You will walk to the front gate and find that your little personal bodies are not massive enough to trigger the motion sensor that opens the gate from the inside.
2) Once your sturdy able-bodied son scales the surrounding wall and codes the gate open from outside, you will then walk the 1-2 miles to the nearest QT convenience store.
3) Once to said QT store, you will try to not drip too much sweat on his clean counter as you ask him to borrow his phone.
4) Night assistant will reply, "no."
5) You, knowing this is not normal procedure because you are one of the vendor reps for QT stores, will laugh at the asst's joke and repeat the request for the phone.
6) The asst will not laugh, and repeat the "no" answer explaining that the store manager has ruled no one will use the company phone in order to keep the crack-heads off their phone.
7) You will then explain that you are one of their company vendor reps, NOT a random crack-head, and continue to name-drop and explain several who-is's of the company (including the guy who was probably this newb's trainer).
8) Once convinced you and your son are apparently actually
not random crack-heads, you are finally allowed to make a call to daughter and organize a rescue party armed with jumper cables.
So, umm, yeah... Don't do that.^^