Yeah, we were all afraid of colicing here when he went down. (Colicing.... think the twisting and knoting of the intestines which results in a slow painful death if it doesn't undo itself.)
The Jeep is unknown so far. At less than 15 mph no noise. But get it up to 25 and you start to hear metal on metal screeching. I got it up to maybe 35 and said no fracking way I was going to trust that on the highway. I didn't feel any vibrations through the steering wheel.
Only other odd tid bit I can say is that I following the roads, there was a part that was very similar to making a U turn. Middle of that turn the traction control kicked in for some reason. It really should not have.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Glad the horse is doing better.
Labrador's can have a similar problem. So that's something I have to keep an eye out for with Ru.
As for the Jeep, yeah, that doesn't sound right at all.
The traction control could have tripped if it felt slippage in one of the one of the wheels, maybe due to the hard turn. (especially if there was any sand that built up) so it's possible That could have been a issue, but the screeching sound?
That's definitely sounds bad
Hope it's nothing serious M.M.
Guess it's my turn for the epic sad...
Yeah, turns out The son's Baja is gonna cost $1,300. To fix.![]()
So there's that... *Sigh...
But the big downer is my Aunt went in for a routine operation, (Gall bladder)
The doc pulls it out and everything goes well; at first. But the doc noticed something
So has the gall bladder Biopsied; it turns out it was consumed with cancer.
Also turns out the cancer may have spread to her liver.
So no we are waiting for the results of her tests to see how bad it is.
I guess it's just been that kind of week...
Really Karma, I was just kidding a little about missing the jeep... Really...![]()
Last edited by Bekki; 08-02-2016 at 10:41 AM.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Thanks Saekee.
My prayers for you aunt as well.
The scary thing is she is on the upside of 72... I think.
So I don't know that she will want to go through the Chemo and all that.
Plus she has other health issues at work there so I'm not sure what her options
Are gonna be. I figure I'll give my cousin a call tonight and see if there's any new news.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Wow, must be the season for sad. =\ Sorry to hear about everyone else's too. Will have to keep prayers going all around.
Cocoa is back to having a catheter in his neck for a couple more days for more antibiotics. No word on his poo sample yet so we are keeping going with them as an in case type scenario. Otherwise he is doing ok now. Eatin and drinking and making a mess in the stall. He's also being let out in a small pen for a little while during the day so he can move some. His front feet are still sore from the laminitis but he's slowly getting better.
Also, really nice work on the mini painting there, DB. If you were in the states I know you could easily make some cash off of doing that. Especially if you decorated the bases all nice.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Glad your horse is doing better funny.
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone going through tough times right now....
Yeah DB, that is some first class work there.
"Whuh; wait!? You can make MONEY painting mini's!?"
*Starys rummaging through Boxes to pull out his miniature painting stuff.
"Now where is my lighted magnifier...?" *Sigh...
*Runs off to buy news paints and mini's...![]()
Last edited by Bekki; 08-03-2016 at 08:31 AM.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
gonna make one big purchase from Games Workshop and then I won't buy anything for many years from them.
Planning on getting some paints, a Tau starter set and some Tau pathfinders.
did the math, it's cheaper to buy the stuff from their online store and pay duty than it is to get it from singapore with sis.
Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?
Had already taken this time off w*** for Gen Con, then found out I needed to pick up boy from airport at 11:45 last night. That worked out okay.
Highlight of the extended weekend so far? Sleep.
Browsed an update email from Ticketmaster, and on a whim checked tickets for STYX later this month...
View from front row would look like:
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 08-05-2016 at 09:13 AM.
bought a Tau starter set from a 3rd party retailer at a big discount, and got some vallejo paints instead of the citadel ones.
all in all, saved about 40% of my money, excluding duty.
Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
It's Friday?!?
Couldn't tell.
Okay, I'll jump. See who's paying attention...
...for the /Nabby!
NOW, it can be Friday.
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 08-05-2016 at 09:33 AM.