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  1. #1861
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drelak View Post
    That is me, and it is Oseamus, my wife came up with that one.

    I just started teaching in a new place, and I am quite excited I may get RPG club going for local school kids.
    Ages 13+. Also my wife is trying to pack our last apartment, so I'll spend most of my weekdays alone in this strange little town of about 2300 residents and more than that summer cottages.
    My grandfather lives here, and my father was born here, but grandfather is 91 now.
    Nice. Set your opa up with DDO, too.
    Last edited by Tscheuss; 08-16-2016 at 02:39 PM.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  2. #1862
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunnyCide View Post
    I definitely can say that Mirkwood is not a favorite zone of mine in LOTRO. I ran in there the past couple of days to finish getting the 30k rep needed for Kindred so I could finish the Elf-Lord deed and get my pony. I did ding lvl 68 and 69 in the process though. I'm learning how to kite quite effectively too, although mobs being light blue to me probably helps a bit...

    Do the trainers serve any function after a certain level? When I dinged 68 the wiki said I should have a skill to buy but the trainer had nothing. I'm guessing maybe the wiki isn't updated.

    Now back to the much nicer looking Enedwaith and the Grey Company. Although I may do some running around on my RK too, biggest issue there is that he's more or less at Moria... I didn't enjoy Moria my first time. /sigh Gamer problems.
    I think skills are all auto-grant. The trainer's only good for the books deeds, as far as I know.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  3. #1863


    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    I think skills are all auto-grant. The trainer's only good for the books deeds, as far as I know.
    That's a huge switch... All that silver I spent on buying skills in the old days. lol

  4. #1864
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Uncle talking about bike riding at his new gym: 'You know you are fat when it hurts to sit.'

    I am cheering for him, though. He used to be a monster*, but an injury and office work made him fluffy.

    *in a good way
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  5. #1865
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drelak View Post
    PS: Who is Oseanus?
    Thelanis Cupcake Muskateer - had been inactive for ages, has been logging in randomly/quietly past couple weeks.
    That is me, and it is Oseamus, my wife came up with that one.

    I just started teaching in a new place, and I am quite excited I may get RPG club going for local school kids.
    Ages 13+. Also my wife is trying to pack our last apartment, so I'll spend most of my weekdays alone in this strange little town of about 2300 residents and more than that summer cottages.
    My grandfather lives here, and my father was born here, but grandfather is 91 now.
    Ah, k. Cool. (I saw the misspell when I logged in later, but forgot to stop back by for an edit)
    I had gotten so used to no activity on the roster, I had stopped checking when I logged on. Then one day I see blue text in my chat box as you logged off. *facepalm*

    Good luck with the club. Kids can learn a LOT from RPGs. Keep us updated on how that goes.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  6. #1866
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunnyCide View Post

    Do the trainers serve any function after a certain level? When I dinged 68 the wiki said I should have a skill to buy but the trainer had nothing. I'm guessing maybe the wiki isn't updated.

    Not that I know of other than a few still sell some class gear. (Hunter, anyhow)

    ...Now back to the much nicer looking Enedwaith and the Grey Company. Although I may do some running around on my RK too, biggest issue there is that he's more or less at Moria... I didn't enjoy Moria my first time. /sigh Gamer problems.
    When I do try stretching my LOTRO legs, I've been running my Hunter out towards Rohan. He had out-leveled several areas like Lothlorien, but I still plinked a few quests there cuz it did look so amazingly different than previous areas.
    (Fighting Warg Riders is silly and frustrating)
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  7. #1867
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    Ah, then you are not the cook I am selling to. I play Laurelin.
    That is one of the very few servers I *don't* have a character on.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  8. #1868
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    *Bekki wanders in...
    *Heads to the bar....
    *Sets up and restocks...
    *Preps the food and drinks for the day...
    *Pours morning drinks for all...

    Morning All !!!
    Official Muskateers Bartender
    Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  9. #1869
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    Uncle talking about bike riding at his new gym: 'You know you are fat when it hurts to sit.'

    I am cheering for him, though. He used to be a monster*, but an injury and office work made him fluffy.

    *in a good way
    Good for him; I know the feels...

    *looks at his own "fluffy" midsection...
    Official Muskateers Bartender
    Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  10. #1870
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    seems Games Workshop are in talks with other companies to partner with in India.
    In essence, they want me to give them a business proposal.

    alright then. i'll do it.

    but here's what i have to figure out. how can i add value which the larger businesses can't?
    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

  11. #1871


    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Not that I know of other than a few still sell some class gear. (Hunter, anyhow)

    When I do try stretching my LOTRO legs, I've been running my Hunter out towards Rohan. He had out-leveled several areas like Lothlorien, but I still plinked a few quests there cuz it did look so amazingly different than previous areas.
    (Fighting Warg Riders is silly and frustrating)
    Makes me a bit sad. I felt like progression was more noticeable when having to go see a trainer.

    My hunter did Lothlorien right after coming out of Moria since it was so beautiful. She is also making her way to Rohan. I want to try the mounted combat. I'm not entirely sure what the most direct quest route is to Rohan (plus I have about 5.5 lvls before I hit 75) so I'm just kind of bumbling along. I figure I'll get there some day. In the mean time I am earning some rep towards the Eriador meta deed steed.

  12. #1872


    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    Uncle talking about bike riding at his new gym: 'You know you are fat when it hurts to sit.'

    I am cheering for him, though. He used to be a monster*, but an injury and office work made him fluffy.

    *in a good way
    Fluffy monster...all I can think of is Stitch.

  13. #1873
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunnyCide View Post
    Fluffy monster...all I can think of is Stitch.

    Sulley thought you meant him.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  14. #1874
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunnyCide View Post
    Makes me a bit sad. I felt like progression was more noticeable when having to go see a trainer.
    Well, when there really wasn't any leveling 'choices' to make, it became kinda pointless. When there *was* a choice between skills, it was only which skill to choose first, then choose the other one next level. The actual choosing stuff was all moved to the Specializations.

    All the chatter is that war steeds are still messed up - all laggy and uncontrollable. I think I tried one in the far past and parked it way back then.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  15. #1875
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Well, when there really wasn't any leveling 'choices' to make, it became kinda pointless. When there *was* a choice between skills, it was only which skill to choose first, then choose the other one next level. The actual choosing stuff was all moved to the Specializations.

    All the chatter is that war steeds are still messed up - all laggy and uncontrollable. I think I tried one in the far past and parked it way back then.
    I have a war steed, and I think it is fun. It is a different learning curve than the pure transport pony, and I think war steeds have better pathfinding AI. Just remember that double-tapping S (default) will bring the horse to a sudden stop.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  16. #1876


    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Well, when there really wasn't any leveling 'choices' to make, it became kinda pointless. When there *was* a choice between skills, it was only which skill to choose first, then choose the other one next level. The actual choosing stuff was all moved to the Specializations.

    All the chatter is that war steeds are still messed up - all laggy and uncontrollable. I think I tried one in the far past and parked it way back then.
    Ok, valid point. The trait system does invoke choice and that I can't argue on liking. Even Missing made a comment as I was killing stuff with my hunter about how much more mobile she is and engaging it looks. My blue line is pretty much all filled out. hehe. Now I'm going after some red line since things like penetrating shot and swiftbow just don't feel like they have the umph that I remember.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    All the chatter is that war steeds are still messed up - all laggy and uncontrollable. I think I tried one in the far past and parked it way back then.
    Just means the horse doesn't respect you enough to obey your commands.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    I have a war steed, and I think it is fun. It is a different learning curve than the pure transport pony, and I think war steeds have better pathfinding AI. Just remember that double-tapping S (default) will bring the horse to a sudden stop.
    Learning curve has been the new trait system. I feel I've adjusted fairly well on my hunter and I think even enjoying her more than I did previously. I have a feeling I'll get used to learn the war steed system. Double tapping could be an issue since double tapping W, A, S, or D in GW2 makes you dodge roll. Yes, I have tried to dodge in LOTRO, it doesn't work so well.

    I'm trying to decide if I want to pick up the Journeyman Riding Trait bundle or not for the +78% speed on my ponies. I have one +68% pony but I really prefer riding around on my Harvestmath one. Of course that will probably change in a few levels anyway... I have no idea how fast a warpony will go.

  17. #1877
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunnyCide View Post
    Just means the horse doesn't respect you enough to obey your commands.
    That could VERY well be the truth of the matter.

    Me and horses get along great- right up to the point I get on.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  18. #1878


    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post

    Sulley thought you meant him.
    Forgot about him. ^^

  19. #1879


    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    That could VERY well be the truth of the matter.

    Me and horses get along great- right up to the point I get on.

  20. #1880
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunnyCide View Post
    Speaking of which, how is your pony doing?
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

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