I have been enjoying our "summer interruption" (not called summer vacation for some obscure reson) and playing lots of ddo (on Khyber).
I bought a new computer http://www.huuto.net/kohteet/pelikon...511?ref=hm_win that is lightning fast compared to my old recyclingcenter laptop (Acer Aspire 5100).
I should probably be packing up for move. Just got to take one thing at a time. W*** in new place starts 8.8.
At least paperwork related to wife's inheritance is over.
P.S: What is the deal with the Shadow Disciples in Sentinels of Stormreach quests? One is in the water part short before the necromancer boss in Spies in the House. I saw also another one in other quest, maybe Black Loch?
Probably just some pointer overflow.