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  1. #1321
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    I could see that.


    This is last December, about the longest I let the beard get before I started trimming it back:

    gettin' a bit scraggly there. i trimmed mine too.
    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

  2. #1322
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    it's funny how life makes you feel alive sometimes.
    for example, my friend and i both like a girl. having been rejected by her twice, i told him to go for it.
    they're now dating. i feel kinda sad, but i am happy for my friend.

    yet i managed to turn the disappointment around, and just attribute it to part of life. i used it to somehow feel alive, and that brought me joy. funny how putting a simple spin on things can make them seem so different.

    but it did make me realise something. i really want a girlfriend. mind you, i'm not desperate. but i really want to meet a girl with similar interests, bond, date and all that fluff.
    nothing sexual, perfectly innocent stuff.

    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

  3. #1323
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeryyn View Post

    CD <snip> are both handsome with their beards. It's nice to be able to put faces to "names".

    *Looks back at selfie of beard.*

    Are you sure we're looking at the same pic?!?

    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 03-20-2016 at 07:34 PM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  4. #1324
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Youngest's state bowling tourney this weekend at Fort Lost In The... erm, I mean, Fort Leonard Wood.

    She was struggling the first game, but blew the competition away in the second game with a 135 to take a Gold in her category. They had volunteer helpers in from several places. Her lanes had some Marines. She enjoyed that. So did her mother.

    Edit: One of the Marines on another lane was named "Butt". No wonder that kid had to become a Marine. High School *had* to be hell for him.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 03-20-2016 at 07:33 PM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #1325
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Before heading out on the drive, I burned thru my weekly Gold rolls. Had a couple decent hits:

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  6. #1326


    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Before heading out on the drive, I burned thru my weekly Gold rolls. Had a couple decent hits:

    whoa! So that is what I miss out on just doing silver? Congratz!
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  7. #1327
    Community Member doomboyv2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Youngest's state bowling tourney this weekend at Fort Lost In The... erm, I mean, Fort Leonard Wood.

    She was struggling the first game, but blew the competition away in the second game with a 135 to take a Gold in her category. They had volunteer helpers in from several places. Her lanes had some Marines. She enjoyed that. So did her mother.

    Edit: One of the Marines on another lane was named "Butt". No wonder that kid had to become a Marine. High School *had* to be hell for him.
    poor guy. he was probably the butt of everyone's jokes.
    Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?

  8. #1328


    Quote Originally Posted by doomboyv2 View Post
    poor guy. he was probably the butt of everyone's jokes.
    I would imagine that the local newspaper cartoonist is probably having some fun.

    Meanwhile... I got loaned out due to lack of work in my area. Can't really touch much due to how the systems are, but there is a guy by the name of Seebree (I think that is how you spell it) and he was in the Navy. He decided to stay out of the contruction area because those guys are apparently nicknamed CBs.

  9. #1329
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    I would imagine that the local newspaper cartoonist is probably having some fun.

    Meanwhile... I got loaned out due to lack of work in my area. Can't really touch much due to how the systems are, but there is a guy by the name of Seebree (I think that is how you spell it) and he was in the Navy. He decided to stay out of the contruction area because those guys are apparently nicknamed CBs.
    More an abbreviation than a nickname. :-)
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  10. #1330
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    I would imagine that the local newspaper cartoonist is probably having some fun.

    Meanwhile... I got loaned out due to lack of work in my area. Can't really touch much due to how the systems are, but there is a guy by the name of Seebree (I think that is how you spell it) and he was in the Navy. He decided to stay out of the contruction area because those guys are apparently nicknamed CBs.
    Fancy loaning yourself out down here in NZ
    I could use a decent staff member or 10

  11. #1331
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    Grats DB on the hair cut, you certainly don't look as young as we know you to be *tips hat*
    Hows the parents taking the haircut? I'd imagine you got a fair bit of grief from doing this?

  12. #1332
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    in other news....

    I've decided that the slave market is still very much alive and active in western society.. it's just called "Recruitment agencies" nowdays!

    I had to hire a temp sparky to keep up on the work front it got so busy and the "loan" fee was horrendous per week, after talking to him he only got to see 1/3 of that fee as his wage which made me wrinkle the nose a bit. Anyway it turned out that he was really really good and he liked working with us so I approached the slavers.. er... recruitment agency and said we wanted to take him as full time permanent.

    No issues they said.. here's the "finders fee" ... well that finders fee was $10,000. So yeah.. I just bought me a slave on the newly reworded slave market it seems, hehe.

    Now add in that i'm in the process of removing a problem apprentice and the legal fees from that exercise now top $5,000 we can also add lawyers to the slavers category as well.
    $15,000 on 2 staff members this year alone not counting the "payout" i'll have to do to finally cut the trouble person free.... A sure fire example of how to not make money in business these days. And the industry in general wonders why we don't take apprentices much these days

    *sigh* back to the smokes and booze ... at least I know what i'm in for on those two counts with no surprises, lol.

  13. #1333
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Youngest's state bowling tourney this weekend at Fort Lost In The... erm, I mean, Fort Leonard Wood.

    She was struggling the first game, but blew the competition away in the second game with a 135 to take a Gold in her category. )
    Heck, sure wish I could bowl a score like that!

  14. #1334
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    Oh and before I forget....

    This is one of the best most offensive and yet awesomely funny games I have yet had the privalige of wasting my life on while enjoying the fruits of the vine/ field/ distillery
    I can't recommend it enough (ps it's a legal free download but so much better if you own the actual card deck!)

    Cards against humanity

    I must also warn you that if you are easily offended do not click the link and don't play the game. However if you are thick skinned, can take an off color joke (ok, some are down right out of left field!) and enjoy the frivolous antics that can occur when a group of drunken friends get together, then this game is totally for you.

    I spent the night at a friends place playing this with some total strangers and must confess to laughing so hard I very nearly had a few little "accidents" along the way, lol. They say laughter is good for the soul... well I was given a very good dose of soul filling goodness that night

  15. #1335
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IssianasGhost View Post
    in other news....

    I've decided that the slave market is still very much alive and active in western society.. it's just called "Recruitment agencies" nowdays!

    I had to hire a temp sparky to keep up on the work front it got so busy and the "loan" fee was horrendous per week, after talking to him he only got to see 1/3 of that fee as his wage which made me wrinkle the nose a bit. Anyway it turned out that he was really really good and he liked working with us so I approached the slavers.. er... recruitment agency and said we wanted to take him as full time permanent.

    No issues they said.. here's the "finders fee" ... well that finders fee was $10,000. So yeah.. I just bought me a slave on the newly reworded slave market it seems, hehe.

    Now add in that i'm in the process of removing a problem apprentice and the legal fees from that exercise now top $5,000 we can also add lawyers to the slavers category as well.
    $15,000 on 2 staff members this year alone not counting the "payout" i'll have to do to finally cut the trouble person free.... A sure fire example of how to not make money in business these days. And the industry in general wonders why we don't take apprentices much these days

    *sigh* back to the smokes and booze ... at least I know what i'm in for on those two counts with no surprises, lol.
    That's insane. Why would a skilled tech sign into a contract that skims that much off the top? I'm guessing there was a contract involved, else what stopped him from dumping the slavers and just hiring straight on with you?

    ...and more guessing that that's the same issue with the "apprentice".

    Yeesh. Good luck with both of those issues.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  16. #1336
    Community Member Drelak's Avatar
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    I could use virtual drink right now.

    Here some Finnish hard rock:
    Band is Kotiteollisuus (lit. Home Industry) and the song is called "Minä olen" (lit. I am).
    Something about being alive despite "gods" in our culture that are will to live, greed and money.

    My father-in-law died last sunday. He was 82 years old and had cancer. He was not very nice person, but his suffering made us pity him and pray for him. We are quite exhausted from spending the weekend by the deathbed, and my wife must organize funeral and everything else. I have two weeks to do preliminary grading for the national finals I mentioned before. 43 students were supposed to answer 10 math problems each.

    On top of that I am trying to get my next job. Thus far I have got 5 invitations for interview, all permanent or othervise hard to get positions. There are approximately 65 qualified persons applying for the jobs. No-one knows who really goes where before summer, as the same persons get multiple positions and must choose where to go. In the first interview I was not in top 3, and I am still waiting results from 2 other interviews.

  17. #1337
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drelak View Post
    I could use virtual drink right now.....

    Sounds like it.

    *Retrieves The Hat from Hatrack*

    *Sets The Hat on the bar*

    *Pushes one of the few buttons I 'do' know what does*

    *Picks up The Hat, revealing one of the Tavern's special drinks*

    *Returns The Hat to Hatrack's care*

    *Slides the drink down to Drelak*

    Here ya go. Don't worry about what it is, or its' effects. You won't remember em.

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  18. #1338
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IssianasGhost View Post
    Fancy loaning yourself out down here in NZ
    I could use a decent staff member or 10
    Do you cover relocation fees?

    On another note:

    (Dungeon Master): Cordovan whispers something as he falls. You can't quite make it out, but you think it was something like, "Not ... cool cool."

    followed by:

    (Dungeon Master): This creature was too weak to give rewards.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  19. #1339
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Sounds like it.

    *Retrieves The Hat from Hatrack*

    *Sets The Hat on the bar*

    *Pushes one of the few buttons I 'do' know what does*

    *Picks up The Hat, revealing one of the Tavern's special drinks*

    *Returns The Hat to Hatrack's care*

    *Slides the drink down to Drelak*

    Here ya go. Don't worry about what it is, or its' effects. You won't remember em.


    Bah! Grats on 1337 /nab.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  20. #1340


    Quote Originally Posted by IssianasGhost View Post
    in other news....

    I've decided that the slave market is still very much alive and active in western society.. it's just called "Recruitment agencies" nowdays!

    I had to hire a temp sparky to keep up on the work front it got so busy and the "loan" fee was horrendous per week, after talking to him he only got to see 1/3 of that fee as his wage which made me wrinkle the nose a bit. Anyway it turned out that he was really really good and he liked working with us so I approached the slavers.. er... recruitment agency and said we wanted to take him as full time permanent.

    No issues they said.. here's the "finders fee" ... well that finders fee was $10,000. So yeah.. I just bought me a slave on the newly reworded slave market it seems, hehe.

    Now add in that i'm in the process of removing a problem apprentice and the legal fees from that exercise now top $5,000 we can also add lawyers to the slavers category as well.
    $15,000 on 2 staff members this year alone not counting the "payout" i'll have to do to finally cut the trouble person free.... A sure fire example of how to not make money in business these days. And the industry in general wonders why we don't take apprentices much these days

    *sigh* back to the smokes and booze ... at least I know what i'm in for on those two counts with no surprises, lol.
    Blegh, and people wonder why it's hard to run a small business....well with those kind of fees.....

    I think I'd prefer to hit my knees and dig into the word with a situation like that.

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