Guild XP bonus weekend, a couple 200% guild pots, and a few Saga turn-ins = Thelanis guild just made 40 yesterday.
Longest absentees are 8 years, 8 months, and some change.
...and lastly, not being able to decon new loot is frustrating.![]()
Guild XP bonus weekend, a couple 200% guild pots, and a few Saga turn-ins = Thelanis guild just made 40 yesterday.
Longest absentees are 8 years, 8 months, and some change.
...and lastly, not being able to decon new loot is frustrating.![]()
Happy New Year a few days early since I neglected to post a Merry Christmas.
We had a right proper Christmas day complete with the oven breaking at my mother's place while cooking the turkey. Fortunately I don't live very far away and took it back to my place to finish cooking.
We were missing the drunk uncle and a big family fight.
Zyinniah Hazelnut and Curissa Hazelnut on most servers.
I'm going to remain a bit cryptic here just to be safe.
But I walked away only to become a more firm believer over time in my faith. I stayed up late both playing games but also acting as a guardian within the shadows. I have heard the Siren's song of death and felt the burning of light. The decisions I made also had me longing for that which I chose not to have, but through those experiences and looking back, I do believe I still made the right choice. And of course, mistakes as well.
As for the anime... It is an old one (now) but Koko wa Greenwood, minus the mob and add in a bit more spiritual stuff pretty much nails it.
/Wanders in...
/Preps drinks for all...
/pours everyone their preferred drink...
Glad things are going well DB.
Hope everyone is well, and had a had a happy and safe holiday.
May everybody have a Happy New Year!
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
In the spirit of Star Wars I present unto you something disturbing.
But to be fair, now something equally disturbing in Star Trek.
Last edited by Missing_Minds; 12-31-2015 at 03:02 AM.
If I post a DDO type comment/question in the off-topic chat forum and the Cupcake Muskateer's thread will I get banned or have my comment moved to some other forum since it's off-topic for the off-topic forum (being on-topic as a DDO related comment)? Did that even make sense?
So, here's my off-topic by being on-topic comment:
What should one really keep when levelling up?
I've figured out this depends a lot on what one plans to do with the character. For example if you aren't planning on TRing, then there really is no point in keeping much once it gets superseded by higher level gear you pick up on the way. There are some exceptions like a few clickies and situational gear.
If you are TRing what should you keep vs throw away?
* Korthos gear? probably not.
* Chronoscope gear?
* Greensteel - definitely. It takes too long to make and at ML 12 you will get a lot of use out of it on a 2nd life.
Zyinniah Hazelnut and Curissa Hazelnut on most servers.
So, as to the actual question...
1) First consideration is available space. If you have to room to hoard, HOARD! (I'm a hoarder...)
2) Second. Never think that TRing is a never never thing. I told myself for years that TRing would never be for me. Then I did. Then after climbing up thru my main's third life, I told myself I'd never submit myself to that climb again... Now I'm considering it again and regretting not grabbing a couple of the half-price hearts a while back.
3) Clickies? Always keep the useful clickies. They've gotten rare, and may also apply to 2) above.
4) Ease of re-acquiring items in question. If it's something that has a specific place to drop, and isn't horrifically rare, then obviously would be okay to ditch these particular item(s).
5) Etc?![]()
Always keep your muck banes! Or muck dooms if you have them. Unless of course they've some how out done those two lovely ooze beaters....