Last edited by Hazelnut; 11-27-2015 at 02:45 PM.
Zyinniah Hazelnut and Curissa Hazelnut on most servers.
Uh ... no.
I still have, sitting in a corner, a tube TV from the 90's. It takes under 10 seconds to warm up. That's a tiny bit faster than my flat-screen (about 5 years old now) is from a cold start. Okay ... so that would be a yes. :-)
My parents have an ancient (1970s colour) and it takes several minutes to warm up.
Last edited by Hazelnut; 11-27-2015 at 02:44 PM.
Zyinniah Hazelnut and Curissa Hazelnut on most servers.
oh fear not, for that will be occurring. it's just not the same when it's once every few weeks vs all day every day.
I was humbled quite heavily the day she left as one of my friends called me latter at night just to see how I was doing as he knew i'd be sad. The genuine concern in his voice was very moving to say the least and made me wonder just what i've done in life to gain friends like that. Not ashamed to say it bought a tear to the eye.
in other news... While it wsa great to visit my parents, that bed is killer on my back.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Doomsday thought of the moment. Climate change of 2 degrees.
You know... we or nature could artificially cool the earth to give us time to fix things, but would the current technology and profiteering market allow us to actually fix it while it chills?
By artificial... just have a large volcano or an asteroid hit the Earth such that massive amounts of particulate blocks sunlight causing a decreases in temperatures globally.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
There's also the option presented in Kingsman.
Tho since I lack both power & wealth to get included in the special group, I'm holding out for the Zombies to take over and fix everything.![]()
Remember.. the Mondays...
Ended up buying Skyrim for $10 (including all DLC) during Steam's Thanksgiving sale. I'm actually rather enjoying it more than I though I would. It reminds me a lot of Oblivion but with a lot of the updates they did from Fallout 3. So it's ended up a nice mix.
Oh and of course I've modded it some...mostly for looks of environment but also made the horses and npc's that follow you essential so they can't be killed. heh.
The AI is a bit odd ball when it comes to the horse though...I've dismounted my horse to fight wolves and it goes running off in some random direction... So, I've had to continue on foot because I can't find it once the wolves are dead but then I got in combat again and in came the horse to help kill the critter. I also had to fast travel once (I try to do as little of that as possible) because my horse decided to help kill a bandit cheiftan and then fell off the bridge we were on. The horse got stuck on the pillar partway down so I couldn't get to it... screenshot
I'm here and alive.
Spent much of this week on in the hospital with the little one for her scheduled seizure monitoring, very boring and we didn't catch as much as we had hoped (but at least got some).
Otherwise, it's busy and then squeezing some DDO time in now and then.
Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf