Closing Worlds:Hoo boy... Yeah, I've got some work to do. A bunch of my alt locations are closing.
US EU Elendilmir Estel Riddermark Gilrain Firefoot Eldar Nimrodel Anduin Windfola Morthond Imladris Maiar Dwarrowdelf Vanyar Silverlode Withywindle Vilya Snowbourn Meneldor
Remaining Worlds:
US EU Arkenstone Belegaer Crickhollow Gwaihir Landroval Sirannon Gladden Laurelin Brandywine Evernight
You know, what really gets me is that I have to hear about this on OUR forums. Hasn't been a single word about it in the game launcher.
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 08-08-2015 at 11:32 AM.
Ikr? I went and logged in all my alts to make sure I don't lose a name when the deluge begins (any chars inactive for a year+ are at risk of getting a rename token).
More useful lotro noise.
Last edited by Tscheuss; 08-08-2015 at 02:03 PM.
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
According to the article, there's supposed to be a "Transfer" button on the launcher now and we're not supposed to be able to create new chars on the doomed servers.
I have no button, and could create new chars.
But yeah, logging all alts to keep their names safe. Couple dozen to go.
(Would probably go faster if I didn't stop to AH browse...)
Ouch. Those aren't even my chars, and I still feel the pain.
So who is Steffany on Landroval? Was the only char in Trueheart kin that had logged on in the past year.
Tin, I usurped the kin (and set you to successor) to make sure it has a currently active leader for the ensuing chaos. The kin house had been reabsorbed by the collective already.
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 08-09-2015 at 09:17 AM.
Steffany was my first full RP char from years back. Little hobbit warden that got sidelined by Bethiny my mini. Steffany also felt the cut of the assassins knife.
I have 2 lotro chars left now - both my highest level ones. One on Landroval (my old main) and the other on Elindilmir which I'm not to sure where will end up.
The night of the long knives is finally over in Lotro land now
oh and CD, I have an email from Lotro announcing the server closures so I can only assume everyone got that email and didn't have to find out 2nd hand from forums etc?
Well I get the feeling i'm doing a bit to much atm to make myself better and might be overdoing it.
Went to physio today and they did an arm movement test and went hmm, then after the physio session she was like, ok now lets see how that movement is now.
and the arm decided it didn't want to move more than a few centimeters no matter how much I willed it.
"Ok, I guess I've worked those muscles well today, you need to rest more and stop doing so much" was her reply...
yeah great, looks like I'll be in recovery for a long time to come as my "helping" dosent seem to be doing the help part.
3 months and counting, really had hoped i'd be back at it by now.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Running around Metropolis today in DCUO and went to the top of the Lex Corp building. Quite the view.