Blade and Soul feels fun. Giving Skyforge a look too, and then there's Tera.
I checked out Drakensang, but the community seems to be too low :\
Blade and Soul feels fun. Giving Skyforge a look too, and then there's Tera.
I checked out Drakensang, but the community seems to be too low :\
Doppelganger? Whatever are you talking about, my dear?
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Figures, I don't check in for a day or two and suddenly y'all post.
Haven't done too much lotro in the last week. Been needing a break of helping out every single settlement in East Rohan. about weak warriors when they are too afraid to assault the orc camps and yet they send me in alone. I'm a hobbit! Ok, a hobbit you don't want to mess with but still...
Made a thief near the end of last week in GW2 and got daredevil unlocked. I wasn't sure I'd like the class but I'm actually having some fun with it. I am so done making characters now. Seven is almost too many but then I have some that I won't or don't play much so I guess it will eventually even out.
Glad to know I'm not alone in my thinking.
I agree...I grumble at them about getting off their own lazy butts and do the errand themselves. The xp is a bonus for being downgraded to an errand boy/girl. Although, if I'm such a great hero in the land...isn't that being utterly disrespectful even in a time of war?
By the time Frodo finally tosses the ring into Mount Doom, I have a feeling my hobbit's reputation will be greater than his...
I've been told there is a chinese curse that translates to "May you live in interesting times". I'm not sure the last two months have been a curse, but I have been having a life. Looking for a new job after the contracts dried up, had a friend visit from england, got a nasty-gram from the government in regards to taxes, got a new job, the guy that I was hired to help quit, leaving me both new and overworked.
The tax thing is still all messed up. Apparently the tax department isn't allowed to talk to any of the other departments, even to confirm the legitimacy of deductions so now I need to get some sort of records out of one department to give to another.
Settling into the job. The guy who quit hasn't actually left yet, he goes at the end of the month, so at least I've got a few weeks of learning the basics.
I'm starting to miss the days when I didn't have a life and I could play DDO all day.
On the plus side, first pay check, new cloths, and new computer.
Zyinniah Hazelnut and Curissa Hazelnut on most servers.
Last edited by Tscheuss; 09-23-2016 at 06:56 PM.
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
Hi all, hope everyone is well. We're good, except all of us being sick this weekend as the preschooler brought home a bug.
Tscheuss! I decided to give Laurelin a look. I looked up the RP forums for both Landroval (which I'm on) and Laurelin... and well, Laurelin's site rocks while Landy's is pretty darn underwhelming. I had thought to just transfer my whole account over to Laurelin cause I have more than enough points, but it won't let me - I suppose due to the region differences. Ouch, there goes my access to crafters and stuff.
But anyways, I'm going to pop on and make a new toon there and check it out. My concern is that as a GMT-5er I'll miss most of the fun stuff. But hopefully it'll play kind to my uber tourist casual playstyle these days. Let me know if there's any special things I should know, please.![]()
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”-J.R.R. Tolkien
No transfer between regions is the big downside... maybe the only downside if you like the RP style. Laurelin has varied degrees of RP, and it has the kinships to reflect them. It also has a lot of non-RP kins and players due to the world consolidation.
We just had the Harnkegger Games. Most events are listed on A regular event for Hobbits is Green Dragon Friday (GDF) at 3 pm /servertime every Friday. I am not sure how long it lasts, though. I always forget to look at a clock. XD
Most kinships are very helpful to kinnies and strangers alike. Many have high crafters that will make things for free, for materials, or for a fee (usually free for non-LI stuffs). Which kin you join will depend on your play and RP style. A nice middle ground kin is TheBrightMelody (xfer from Withy, iirc). They have RP members, but do not require RP.
That about all I can fit in, right now. I am playing more on DDO, atm.
Laurelin has stricter enforcement of the rules. ^^
Last edited by Tscheuss; 09-25-2016 at 02:24 PM.
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”-J.R.R. Tolkien