Since now weapon focus et similia give +2 melee power, I was thinking about a pure fighter taking as many weapon feats as he can.
Something like this:
Human pure Fighter Kensei, max STR and CON.
Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Precision, THF, ITHF, GTHF, IC: Slashing, Stunning Blow, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect THF, Perfect TWF
Weapon Focus x3, Weapon Specialization x3, Great WF x2, Great WS x2, Superior WF x2.
It seems to have all the useful feats, and 30 melee power just from feats.
To this add another 24 from epic levels and 18 from LD for a total of 72 base MP.
Then add in 9 MP from Vanguard Follow Up, 30 MP from Vanguard action boost and Master's Blitz.
I'm not an expert builder (no rogue levels sorry), so I don't really know if such a build could be viable
Is it just a poor feat choice? Is Kensai so crappy that to be viable I should wait Fighter pass?
EDIT: a variant could be 18/2monk for evasion and another feat, but you lose 15% doublestrike and +3 tactical DC, so much worse imo.