It "felt" like they were, on a melee if felt a bit tougher than the first preview, was I imagining it or just drunker than last week?
Most monsters in Update 27 were reviewed and in many cases changed since the first Lamannia build. This is ongoing work based on our testing and your feedback.
We'd be happy to hear in which ways you felt enemies were "tougher", and in particular whether you think the current monsters are (1) surviving long enough and/or (2) threatening enough to players.
Depends on your intentions. Do you want to game to feel more active where we fight a zillion mobs are once. At the mob density I saw in these quests I thought their survivability was acceptable, I thought their damage output now was good (140 PRR/21% dodge/10% incorporeal/4 Shroud clickies for displacement/1200ish HP) on the toon I brought over.
I thought the game was better when the mobs were dangerous enough that crowd control was a good idea - that problem with that now is in this content nobody's spells can land anyway so you can't tune them up so much unless you lower their saves by about 20.
Does that make any sense?
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Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy