Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
I don't like the idea of getting rid of the Shavarath Effect.
The whole idea of going to another plane is for things to be different there.

This is one pack (or two).
there will be plenty of others where the DC casters can shine.

If anything, you should find a way to add to the Shavarath Effect to make it hard for other players too.
We would need to see major nerfage to paladins, barbarians, bards, and melees/ranged toons is general if this approach is taken.

Even in content where DC casting works it's far more effective to come with a great axe and plow through the dungeon.

I play a wide variety of builds so I am not looking to see one build shine over another, but if people think DC casters should be ineffective, we should put all builds on an even playing field. I would like to see DC casting work, but if that is not in the cards perhaps nerf the other builds so the challenge level is equal for all builds.