Too difficult? For whom tho?
The only people who find any kind of content any difficult are casters. Melees have the time of their lifes, in every single quest.
It's funny, Vargouille talks about difficulty and talks about saves. You know what happened when I went into ToEE on my blitzing Assassing last time? "Oh they have FoM..LOL I don't care, I'm blitzing".
Let's see:
Mobs with huge saves = Melees don't really care. Trip? Last time I saw a melee use trip was with Lay waste, an ability that you can spam as much as you want.
Red and Orange named = Melees can blitz on both and Mortal Fear on Orange named.
Huge HP pool trash mobs = Melees don't care, they don't have anything to stop them. Casters have an SP pool.
No shrines = Melees don't care, yes you lose some DPS by not having Infinite hast- oh sorry, you have got Draconic Reinvigoration now. A caster without SP is dead.
How is content difficult for melees? The truth is Melees are overpowered and casters have to, every single time an update comes out, argue for over 3-4 weeks for Developers to even change the slighty single point of DC.