Now I know that this is it's own story line compared to the old shavarath, but honestly for me the first thing that came to mind was epic ring sets. Something that at this time would be perfect for filling in the missing item slots and if done right, would add to a great end game for item farming. At this time, there isn't much reason to farm raids aside from going for tier 3 thunder-forged weapons and the few MoD or FoT items for niche builds. The ring sets, by design, were meant to provide that "one" item that each build needed to finish out their itemizing. Granted at this time the old set is horribly outdated and useless aside from say the AA ring set, but that just shows how much this could help. Also, it would allow for unique properties instead of the cram as much stats onto a single item as possible that we have been seeing lately.
As an example, here's what ring sets for Warlock could look like:
Enlightened Spirit set - Reduces the cooldown of aura procs by 1 second.
Tainted Scholar set - Provides 10% (amount may vary) bonus spell crit damage.
Soul Eater set - Vulnerability now stacks up to 30 times for your attacks, spells, and abilities and stacks once every 2 seconds instead of 3. (not sure how difficult this would be to code though)
then some examples for Rogue:
Assassin set - +2 stacking bonus to assassinate and entering sneak mode makes you invisible for 1 second.
Thief Acrobat set - Tumbling takes half as long and provides an extra +2 to dex and str for 12 sec after tumbling.
Mechanic set - You now auto search traps and secret doors as you pass by them.
There's a lot of possibilities with ring sets and with providing unique bonuses that work with each enhancement tree, which was what I believe a lot of people were looking forward to with epic sharavath, I know for one I was. I'm saddened that the new set of items is just starting to feel like rehashes of the loot we've recently gotten. Sure some of it is nice, some of it different people could make use of, but I think overall it was a let down of what some people were looking for, especially when thinking of "epic shavarath".
I would list more ideas, but my past posts seem to have fallen on deaf ears, or at least no responses have been given from the dev side, so I feel it would be a fruitless endeavor at this time. I apologize if this is in any way demeaning or feels hateful at all as this is not the intent as I have a lot of respect for the devs especially with the increased forum interaction lately, this is just an expression of my disappointment of an opportunity that could offer great item possibilities, but just ended up feeling wasted.
As always, anyone is free to chime in for their own thoughts, and devs are greatly encourage to provide feedback as well. Would like to know that at least one post makes it through the clutter to them. XD