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  1. #1
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    Default What does epic shavarath mean to you?

    Now I know that this is it's own story line compared to the old shavarath, but honestly for me the first thing that came to mind was epic ring sets. Something that at this time would be perfect for filling in the missing item slots and if done right, would add to a great end game for item farming. At this time, there isn't much reason to farm raids aside from going for tier 3 thunder-forged weapons and the few MoD or FoT items for niche builds. The ring sets, by design, were meant to provide that "one" item that each build needed to finish out their itemizing. Granted at this time the old set is horribly outdated and useless aside from say the AA ring set, but that just shows how much this could help. Also, it would allow for unique properties instead of the cram as much stats onto a single item as possible that we have been seeing lately.

    As an example, here's what ring sets for Warlock could look like:

    Enlightened Spirit set - Reduces the cooldown of aura procs by 1 second.
    Tainted Scholar set - Provides 10% (amount may vary) bonus spell crit damage.
    Soul Eater set - Vulnerability now stacks up to 30 times for your attacks, spells, and abilities and stacks once every 2 seconds instead of 3. (not sure how difficult this would be to code though)

    then some examples for Rogue:

    Assassin set - +2 stacking bonus to assassinate and entering sneak mode makes you invisible for 1 second.
    Thief Acrobat set - Tumbling takes half as long and provides an extra +2 to dex and str for 12 sec after tumbling.
    Mechanic set - You now auto search traps and secret doors as you pass by them.

    There's a lot of possibilities with ring sets and with providing unique bonuses that work with each enhancement tree, which was what I believe a lot of people were looking forward to with epic sharavath, I know for one I was. I'm saddened that the new set of items is just starting to feel like rehashes of the loot we've recently gotten. Sure some of it is nice, some of it different people could make use of, but I think overall it was a let down of what some people were looking for, especially when thinking of "epic shavarath".

    I would list more ideas, but my past posts seem to have fallen on deaf ears, or at least no responses have been given from the dev side, so I feel it would be a fruitless endeavor at this time. I apologize if this is in any way demeaning or feels hateful at all as this is not the intent as I have a lot of respect for the devs especially with the increased forum interaction lately, this is just an expression of my disappointment of an opportunity that could offer great item possibilities, but just ended up feeling wasted.

    As always, anyone is free to chime in for their own thoughts, and devs are greatly encourage to provide feedback as well. Would like to know that at least one post makes it through the clutter to them. XD

  2. #2
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    I was hoping for sets too. That would have been fantastic. Amrath truly was an area where anyone could get good loot. Not so much on the epic version though.

    Also highly disappointed with 3 quests and 1 raid. Seems a little light. I can already tell I'll be leaving after 1 week of the update.

  3. #3
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    So far, maybe about an hour or two before it gets relegated to the bargain bin.
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Ape_Man does clever trolling nothing more. Don't feed him/her.

  4. #4
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    I had high hopes of something that would keep me occupied for more than a blink of an eye. But it's seriously looking like it's back to boredom for me.

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    Also highly disappointed with 3 quests and 1 raid. Seems a little light. I can already tell I'll be leaving after 1 week of the update.
    I'm somewhat let down as well so far when it comes to the quantity. There's only 3 quests and they're all fairly short. Especially Demon Assault which took 10 minutes to complete first time through... when it was over my initial reaction was "that's it?" It does feel a little light. They could have combined Demon Assault and Devil's Details to make it one quest and even then it wouldn't have been that particularly long of a quest. Even if they combined all 3 into one quest it still probably would take less time to complete that than most take to complete ToEE part 1.

    However, I'm totally OK with this as long as we get a complete raid that takes 30-45 minutes average completion time and doesn't feel shortcutted. Now if all we get is another raid where they cut out the beginning and middle of the experience and only give us the end boss fight then yes, I'll definitely feel a little let down. I want a deathwyrm, shroud, chronoscope, tempest shrine, ToD type of raid. Not another Mark of Death, Fall of Truth or Fire Peaks.

    I know dev staff is short these days and this is probably not realistic for one update anymore, but how awesome would it have been if we could have gotten say 3-4 old shavarath quests epic'd, new ring sets with epic ToD, PLUS 2-3 new quests and a new raid?

    Maybe I need to come back down to earth. I think ever since we got so much with MoTU and Shadowfell updates my expectations for the quantity of new content we get with updates is too high.

    As far as the OP topic, rings does come to mind for me too. Hopefully one day we'll get the old shavarath epic'd with epic rings.
    Last edited by axel15810; 07-15-2015 at 10:56 AM.

  6. #6
    Executive Producer Severlin's Avatar
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    We need content with a variety of completion lengths, particularly at level 28. Temple of Elemental Evil is fairly long, these are meant for players who want to complete some content and don't have as much time.

    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We need content with a variety of completion lengths, particularly at level 28. Temple of Elemental Evil is fairly long, these are meant for players who want to complete some content and don't have as much time.

    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    That's definitely extremely disappointing. Especially since TOEE is basically one quest. Epic Vale better be damned good. Coming from a player who wants to play at end-game, all this is a huge let down. There's little-to-nothing to do. Even with this update still to come.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We need content with a variety of completion lengths, particularly at level 28. Temple of Elemental Evil is fairly long, these are meant for players who want to complete some content and don't have as much time.
    I agree. What I was trying to get across from my post above is that the total amount of playtime offered from the quest chain as a whole seems a little short. Especially since we're not getting any of the old amrath content epic'd, ToD epic'd or the wilderness area epic'd. The quests being short in and of themselves I'm fine with. Whether that playtime comes in the form of a couple long quests or many short quests isn't a big issue. The main issue was I solo'ed the 3 quests in about an hour first time through. My expectation is to get more total entertainment time from a pack first time through if we're only getting new content 4 times a year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    That is disappointing. Fire peaks is a short raid. From that I'm assuming we're only getting a 12 person boss fight phase with no questing portion leading up to it. I was hoping something more like deathwyrm in terms of length and number of raid phases.

    Sev I do appreciate your efforts and that of the devs. I know you all work really hard. We players are hard to please, hopefully I'm not coming off as complaining too much and I'm trying my best not to be overly or unnecessarily critical. If there just isn't enough manpower there to put out more than what we're getting I totally understand. I think myself and others just remember how much content we were getting when the dev staff was larger (the 2 expansion updates especially) and have really high expectations. Expectations that may not be reasonable with the staff size you all are working with now.
    Last edited by axel15810; 07-15-2015 at 05:34 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member legendkilleroll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    Please not another arena beat down.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We need content with a variety of completion lengths, particularly at level 28. Temple of Elemental Evil is fairly long, these are meant for players who want to complete some content and don't have as much time.

    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    My thought when I did the three new flagging quests in Shavarath was that they were intentionally shorter than average to allow lower level players and new players to easily flag for one of the lowest level Heroic raids. The Chronoscope and Tempest's Spine are low level raids with no flagging requirement and the Plane of Night / The Vault of Night, The Twilight Forge / The Titan Awakes, and the Zawabi's Revenge raids are near the level of the 'Defiler of the Just' raid but have lengthier flagging paths.

    The relative brevity of the content in Update 27 may be due to design considerations instead of a lack of developer resources as the Warlock class was outstanding (and took a great deal of work I'm sure) and Epic Vale / Shroud should also be impressive, showing us the Turbine is still committing significant resources to DDO.

  11. #11
    Community Member tiamat1985's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post

    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    This is really disappointing! The last raid was really short (I bet many people consider that the worst raid in the game, at least all the people i know) and you are going to give us another short raid (probably another brainless raid too)... I'm very sad to hear this.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We need content with a variety of completion lengths, particularly at level 28. Temple of Elemental Evil is fairly long, these are meant for players who want to complete some content and don't have as much time.

    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    We are looking at an 8 minute raid?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.
    Hmm... we already have MoD and Peaks for quick mostly one-location raids. I was hoping for somewhere between MoD and Deathwyrm. You know... like ToD! Since this is Shavarath. Actually, I'd put ToD into my category for favorite raid length. 3 sections. Better than LoB and Artificer which are basically explorer pre-quest and then tunnel walk and kill into a single end section. Yeah ToD. While not run for loot or XP anymore, it is probably DDO's most well rounded and fun raid.

    Feel free to delay this pack into August if it gets us a multi-sectional raid AND set-bonus equipment. Very sad about no set-bonus and class-specific secondary effect bonus loot in this pack. Seemed like it was about time to force people back to replacing two or three items if they want to get that one stacking THING-OF-AWESOME and have to regear other slots for the fallout of changing those items out.

    Not even asking for one set pair with bonus per enhancement... just per class. With a secondary set bonus triggered off having L12?L18 in that class.
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  14. #14
    Community Member cave_diver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.


    So basically what you are saying is that players will have hit their 20th completion 1st night the raid comes out (FOTP takes about 10 min to complete).

    I was really hoping for A TOD/Shroud/Chrono length of raid with multiple parts but i guess those days are gone with the lack of personnel
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tesrali View Post
    Go munt your grandma while wearing my freeway mitt!
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I am the dumb.

  15. #15
    Community Member Holymunchkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We need content with a variety of completion lengths, particularly at level 28. Temple of Elemental Evil is fairly long, these are meant for players who want to complete some content and don't have as much time.

    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    Longer raids subvert the raid bypass timer issue. MoD was awesome, but is very short. It is the most creative arena beatdown in DDO. We are all big fans. Besides adding mirror puzzles we are all hoping for a longer raid. +1 to what Gratch said. I'd be happy to see the raid delayed and raid-antics added. Give us a 12-man beat-down miorr like from HH. Give us a 12 man beat-down of the shadows phase in ToD. Mini-boss fights are excellent and add a good dynamic.

  16. #16
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We need content with a variety of completion lengths, particularly at level 28. Temple of Elemental Evil is fairly long, these are meant for players who want to complete some content and don't have as much time.

    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    Can you make it three Fire on Thunder Peaks long?

  17. #17
    Community Member Hara's Avatar
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    Given this VERY disappointing news can you not just now give us an epicified amrath, because clearly when you do decide to revisit an old pack with new quests you are unable to do it right (for whatever reason).

    Why on earth would people want short quests? I just dont get it, if you dont have a lot of time to play then isnt that what the explorer ares were for? We already have short quests in GH (Trial, Maze, Cabal) take no time at all to complete, but thats ok because they are part of a large pack which has other quests that do last longer (or used to...).

    If you are putting out a pack with only 3 quests and a raid then I would have expected the length of those quests to be on a par with Madstone and the raid to be of a similar length to Tempest Spine.

    I'm glad there arent any nice set items with this update and that people feel a lot of the loot is very meh, because it will take about a week to get it all anyway if the quests and raid really are that short.

    An epic TOD type raid would have been a very nice addition to the game as would epic sets, though I think I would have gone down the Destiny route for the sets and not Class/Enhancements. That would have given us 12 sets, more manageable than trying to produce a set for every Enhancment Path in the game.

    If this pack isnt going to cost those of us who already own Amrath anything then I see why its so short, but I would MUCH rather have to buy a pack with TP and get something worth playing than be given something for free that isnt worth playing.

  18. #18
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We need content with a variety of completion lengths, particularly at level 28. Temple of Elemental Evil is fairly long, these are meant for players who want to complete some content and don't have as much time.

    Our goal for the raid's length is somewhere in the ballpark of the Fire on Thunder Peaks raid.

    Variety is good - I agree.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hara View Post
    An epic TOD type raid would have been a very nice addition to the game as would epic sets, though I think I would have gone down the Destiny route for the sets and not Class/Enhancements. That would have given us 12 sets, more manageable than trying to produce a set for every Enhancment Path in the game.
    That's a not a bad suggestion. Didn't think about the use of EDs for set bonuses. It would make it interesting too as you could have gear swappable based on what ED you're currently using adding to planning phase for raids and such. Hmm....

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