Hello fellow sarlonians!
What is this post about?
Sarlona Sunday has been tried in the past with little interest, but after keeping at it since the end of februrary me and the other hosts are satisfied with the results and have decided to make a forum post about it. The thread is here to serve as an easy way to find information about upcoming events for anyone interested as well as general information about Sarlona Sunday.
What is Sarlona Sunday?
A simple weekly event that allows roleplayers, new as veteran, to gather up at a set time in a set location - If you are from a different server and just want to get some RP done, roll up a character and Sarlona on any sunday from 2PM EST/6PM GMT and you know you'll find some. Roleplaying is hard to come by in DDO, especially for new players and we hope this will serve as a fine hub to find some!
What happens on Sarlona Sunday?
A saying we have in norway goes like this; It doesn't get more fun than you make it! The RP-event is kept open, so any character can hop in and have a good time. What you bring with you to the event is of your choosing and interesting stories/plot hooks can really pump up the action. We will also be hosting more special events from time to time. When we do so, I will make a post in this thread to announce it a week before or so. But when that's not on, it's free-for-all!
Put up a roleplay questing group!
Make friends and start a static-group/RP guild!
Try to pickpocket the paladin!
Gamble with dice!
How does it work?
Meet up at the Bogwater Tavern when you see the LFM (or before). We will RP using general chat in /say and /emote, there's no need to join the LFM - But you can if you want to of course.
General guidelines:
1. Use your common sense.
2. Be cool.
3. Treat table dancers as drunkards and take it with a grin.
4. Understand that OOC and IC are seperate.
5. Have fun!
That's all I got so far folks! If there's anything else you'd like to see or have some ideas for something special that could happen.. Send me a message and we can talk about it and plan it together.
Happy roleplaying folks, see ya on sundays!