Some of the binding makes no sense..
Raid items.. sure BTCoA its a raid item that should notably be the best of the best named items in the game for the level it represents.
Upgraded crafted items.. makes sense to bind as you tier up power of named items..
Quest items.. BTA/BTCoE/BTAoE.. in many cases is heavy handed.. many items coming out of quests shouldn't be bound at all.. only the more powerful/upgradeable items should carry these tags..
Chain end rewards.. BTCoA.. why is it that Quest items are BTA, unbound when the chain is fully bound and not tiered for difficulty.. chain drops normal version and is BTC.. why?
This makes no sense to me whatsoever.. if anything the chain version should have lesser restrictions than the quest version.. you have to run 4 quests at a chance of getting a item from the reward list.. not farm 1 chest in a quest.
Fix end reward list givers for running chains.. don't give us some BS of how its not possible.. you are doing it in saga's already with a point system and sagas recognize difficulties and reward list is based on it.
Unbind chain rewards or change them to the on equip binding.. whatever tier is less than the quest farm version... makes no sense to me that farming 1 quest gives a better reward than farming the whole chain.
Add named items to chain end reward list.. after a while it gets annoying to see 3 +3 BTC search tomes on the same list.. I am in a level 200 guild.. we already farmed the hell out of guild renown.. everything on the saga list is btc.
Expand the list and give us some unbound choices that we can trade or sell.. unbind all the tomes on the saga chain reward list. I would even be happy to see the guild renown stones unbound.. there would be a market for those.
On of the other things I hate seeing is "exclusive".. not every clicky item needs to be exclusive.. seriously...
Yes its nice to have clickies and more than one.. they take inventory space which means the more things we have the more space we will need and we will adjust, farm favor, buy more space...
Raid items should not be exclusive.. its already a grind to get them.
if we craft/build/upgrade something it shouldn't be exclusive.. Devs screwed us on Ornamental daggers with retroactive exclusive.. Kobolds still hate you for this..
and of course there are the flasks.. I was excited when I heard they wer ecoming.. great something for non-UMD users with stacks of unlimited vendor scrolls......
They came out and I farmed and crafted two of them only to discover...BTC and long shared timers.... one of the stupidest thing I have seen in this game.. two pots on the same toon.. ahhhhhrrrgrrrrr...
It was a grind getting them and an ever longer grind making,000 times...
remove shared timers. give each flask its own cooldown timer.. If I want to build/carry 10 flasks and cycle drink them then let me.. its 10 inventory slots.. or the equivalent space of 1,000 scrolls...
We want "re-playability" of content.. not "one and done".