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  1. #221
    Community Member AbyssalMage's Avatar
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    This isn't pertaining to you explicitly, but to those who hold this logic.

    Quote Originally Posted by SamaelBael View Post
    I recently stumbled upon the reaper difficulty discussion ingame and would like to deposit my concerns as a 99,99% PUGer.

    *) We already spread the groups in the LFM over 4 difficulties (solo/normal/hard for undergeared/casual/farming players and epic for the well geared/favor farmers/experienced players)
    Implementing another difficulty will drive an even greater gap between the casual/beginner and the pro. Considering that this game has hardly any new gamers i fear that this will lead to newbies (D&D movie in production, remember?) feeling abandoned in a game that practically bursts with required intel. Abbreviations, item bonuses that don`t stack - which other game has that many defensive mechanics(AC, DR,PRR,Dodge,Incorporeality,Concealment)?
    Adding another difficulty does not dilute the player base. A level 16 adventure on (15)Casual, (16)Normal, (17)Hard, (18)Elite or Reaper is still attracting the same group of level 15 to 18 players (assuming groups are not taking an XP penalty for over level PC's).

    Increasing the end game from 28 to 30 dilutes the player base; instituting another difficulty does not. This theory doesn't match what actually happens on live servers with only 4 difficulties.

    *) I am aware of a lack of challenge for well geared experienced players. How could there not be that problem? We are allowed to self-heal/-buff/-tank/etc.
    I tanked the Stormreaver in EH FoT with my 670HP assassin without difficulty. No SP, just scrollhealed(Agro has to come from somewhere^^). There will be no permanent solution to a lack of challenge if every well geared character can solo most of the content. It is a MMO, get 5 new players and walk them through elite if you want a challenge (5 might be autofail, try 2).
    No wonder we are missing the challenge if we 6man a quest with 6 characters all able to solo said quest.
    Give Rejuvenating Cocoon a far longer cooldown and a lot less players will demand higher difficulty. Healers would get more attention again.
    Or players would switch destinies, non-human would become a hindrance again, scroll / Silver Flame healing would be used more often, but I doubt Cleric/FvS/Druid would see anything other than a casual bump.

    *)Instead of spreading the playerbase over one more difficulty, why not implement a slider for the champions(0-100%?)?
    That way every PUG could decide if they want more challenge in their EE run, the can turn up the spawnrate of champs to 100%.
    If they want a challenge but know they will not be able to make it through EE, they could go with EH on 100% champs.
    Expand the abilities of champions. They make the game more interesting, but most of us just realise that they hit harder. How about group buffing?(bard style aura/song)
    What a surprise it would be to encounter a group of mobs with 2 champs, both instead of attacking grabbing their guitars and buffing the whole group with GH and the healing song.^^
    With a champ slider 0-100 champs could be allowed in raids/wilderness areas?
    Difficulty does not spread the player base too thin, which live servers confirm. I do like the sliding Champion Scale but see this also as a farming mechanic which Turbine is allergic too

    From my experience what registers as challenge is hardly the HP of the mobs. The amount of mobs is just a mild annoyance.
    Running elite quests with underlevel cannith crafted gear is a challenge.
    Running EE with just Heal scrolls for selfheals that heal for 130 is a challenge.
    Running ToEE2 with 670HP, only scrollheals, 50 concentration and stacking aoe dots is a challenge. I really hope you swore off that aoe instakill with wavepattern warning though. 2 are enough in game...

    Might have gone a bit off-topic there, hope its useful insight though,
    Challenge is relative and has many factors. I could stand on my own "soap box" but it isn't worth the effort. Now it's about enjoying the ride and having fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    This^ in so many words is how you say time and feedback on Lammania are wasted.

  2. #222
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Thumbs down Don't lock folk out of gear

    I have no problem with Reaper giving better drop rates.

    But I do have a problem with those using "more challenge" as mask for meaning "more exclusive loot".

    Increase loot drop rates for sure, works well enough on other diffs. Increase xp too. Why should the game only be more challenging at cap anyway? Surely add the extra challenge throughout?

    "But Reaper only" loot is a no-no, and would lock a chunk of the players out of best loot.

    And after all anyway, the added challenge is it's own reward for those that find EE too easy, right?

    BTW, that name? Do we call Elitists, Reapists now? Sounds a bit dodgy!

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