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  1. #1
    Community Member TheGuyYouKnow's Avatar
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    Default caster viability

    i took my wizard into the first quest 'the archons trial' on eh and it was slow as i expected. dretchs, archons, jariliths and hezorus immune to my primary spell type electric so fights were typically energy burst the few tieflings, renders and abashi and then neg the hezorus then wail and circle of death to death with the rest of them.

    i did note the trapsmiths path for the extra chest the first door i was able to knock first time(didnt see what i rolled), the second door dc i needed a 19+52 and the 3rd i could not open on a 20 but was able to bell it so likely the dcs for the door are 65,70,75 on eh or something similar

    so eventually i was able to make it to the end, pretty straight forward quest but the final trial was room was full of archons, immune to all spell types and very high spell resistance, all while spamming commetfall and bladebarrier but luckily no divine punishment. so pretty much i only had my necrotic ray and negative slas to kill 5(?) archons and died once in the process. when it was just the boss left i was able to just face tank it with my aura and occasional negative burst but with only negative spells doing damage it took about 10 mins to kill the red name alone.

    i decided to roll a barbarian for the 2nd and 3rd quest.
    Elemo - Patorikku - Happyfruit - Wookiee ~Ghallanda~

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Yeah I went in with 81 enchant dc on my spellsinger and even with debuffs was unable to land holds or dances most of the time.

  3. #3
    Community Member Avocado's Avatar
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    Ran with 87 EQ DC and they laughed at me. I couldnt knock down anything reliably. Looks like this is the update that will be the end of all dc casting.
    Ridiculous saves and spell resistance is just a DC casters worst nightmare.

  4. #4
    Community Member Portalcat's Avatar
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    I'm just going to hop on the bandwagon here in hopes that it helps make the problem as visible as possible.

    My maxed-out PM couldn't really do squat in these quests on EE. The spell pen is obtainable at the cost of 1-3 points of DC (and the new loot compensates for that), but both the fort and will saves seemed nearly impossible past that. It's one thing to have to enervate SLA enemies before you FoD them and/or power drain those with high fort saves. It's another when you have to do several cycles of that to kill a single dretch.

    Look, a decked-out PM is one of the most top-heavy builds imaginable, with completionist, epic completionist, the fate points beyond epic completionist, several pieces of MoD gear, several tier 3 TF weapons, and several other pieces of rare loot all making a substantive difference. It's okay for some builds to be great in some content and less great in other content. It's not okay to make 100% of the DC caster builds unworkable with a single update.
    Last edited by Portalcat; 07-13-2015 at 04:21 AM.
    Member of Storm Lords on Thelanis.
    Portalcat (Completionist, Epic Completionist), Catwithnuke, Catwithaxe

  5. #5
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Shavarath content is designed to make casters suffer. If you play caster, just skip it. Gear might be good, but it's not worth the trouble, unless you have group carrying you taught, or very specific build centered around the few abilities that work.
    It's always been like that. There will be massive switch away from casters at endgame content again after the update.

  6. #6
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    Your best option is to play a barbarian, it's what Turbine wants you to do
    Personal d000m level: 83%

    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Ape_Man does clever trolling nothing more. Don't feed him/her.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wh070aa View Post
    Shavarath content is designed to make casters suffer. If you play caster, just skip it. Gear might be good, but it's not worth the trouble, unless you have group carrying you taught, or very specific build centered around the few abilities that work.
    It's always been like that. There will be massive switch away from casters at endgame content again after the update.
    Just because things were done stupidly in the past does not make it okay to continue to do things stupidly.

    How do they address this because every friggin time it has been addressed by giving us more DCs. That is stupid because it makes casters OP where they were previously balances
    Personal d000m level: 83%

    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Ape_Man does clever trolling nothing more. Don't feed him/her.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ape_Man View Post
    Your best option is to play a barbarian, it's what Turbine wants you to do
    Nonsence, it is quite clear Turbine also approves of you playing a dps warlock or a repeater build. Paladins are starting to fall out of favor tho...
    Poppytop of Khyber; I have no alts. Sodapoppy, Poppydieslot, and Poppytart may never be seen in the same party as me but, I assure you, that is because of reasons other than their being alts.
    Come party with the Poppy! Join the BrattyTop flight!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladislaio View Post
    Nonsence, it is quite clear Turbine also approves of you playing a dps warlock or a repeater build. Paladins are starting to fall out of favor tho...
    +1 to you. Please raise some hell on the player's council about this.
    Personal d000m level: 83%

    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Ape_Man does clever trolling nothing more. Don't feed him/her.

  10. #10
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    Don't worry the devs will be here to tell us that the mobs only have saves in the low 50's and everything is fine. Clearly the case.

  11. #11
    Community Member Holymunchkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    Don't worry the devs will be here to tell us that the mobs only have saves in the low 50's and everything is fine. Clearly the case.

    We really need a few power gamers who are given a small stipend to play-test. Pick up Eth and Ladislio(?). We need people making development decisions that play this game addictively and understand every minute game mechanic. I know those 2 are on the PC but people who have no clue use their right to express their opinions... plebians!!! =p

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