just to get it started.
Loot (most of it) is available in the Dojo from the center cabinet in the loot room (not that loot room - the other one).
Over 50 items (25 with two versions - heroic and epic). Seems to be following the eOrchard Template (btc for raid loot, bta for all other).
Some interesting items in there - - for all classes (yes, warlock, rogue, fighter, cleric, and all others)
First I want to say thank you for all the constructive feedback.
Then I want to remind everyone that this list is NOT complete nor exhaustive. There are more items coming that didn't make it into this build.
I also want to remind everyone that the items that are showing are still Lamannia versions - and we should realize they are not finished. (ie FF clicky not working etc.). Kindly bug report them.
Then I want to also remind everyone that the Dev's did not have to share this with us - and so show some decorum and be polite and respectful.
Finally do keep posting feedback - questions and bugs. Just kindly post reasons as well as opinions.
Thank you to those who updated the WIKI: Update 27 named items (thanks Cru for posting the original link in this thread)