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  1. #181
    Community Member Cleanincubus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Svartelric View Post
    People constantly complain about FF being a perma-effect; also, at lvl 24+ most people are low on item slots, I doubt most of us bother with switching constantly a lvl 2-10 item, let alone wearing it permanently.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    On Feather Fall clickies.

    3 uses at a very low caster level is ideal.

    Some people want permanent feather fall. Those people can use a different item to get that ability and for them the clicky effectively does not exist.

    For me, permanent Feather Fall is a significant detriment to an item. Feather Fall is an effect I usually do not want active, and on the occasions I want it, I want it to be active for the shortest possible time period.
    Perhaps I missed it, but I haven't seen anyone ask for the clicky part removed and replaced with a permanent FF effect. I agree, that it would be horrible if they did.

    All I've seen is people sharing a similar opinion that I have (when voicing displeasure of course), that a Feather Falling clicky is just seems uninspired. Meaning, lazy development. There are plenty of other clicky effects that could be placed on the item, in place of the FF. A FF clicky seems like a huge step back in loot design to me.

    But oh well, the decision has already been made, not worth discussing for it or against it.

  2. #182


    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    Hmmm... while I can't really say too much that hasn't already been said against the items we've seen so far in this pack, I find it a pretty strong letdown that there wasn't a continuation of the Shavarath tradition of "set bonus" items and particularly "class-themed secondary set bonuses". Mostly just seems similar to one-off items like we got from the epicified Orchard. Not a bad thing, but I was hoping for a return to form of the original set magic we got from the original ToD.

    Also content pack tie'ing together with weapons. Was hoping for mobs with DR/200 Evil+Magic archons, DR/200 Evil+Cold Iron eladrin, along with the normal needs for silver+good for devils and silver+cold iron for demons. Basically I was looking for content that would make me question Thunderforge t2+ trumps-all-content and maybe some new weapons with DR-breaking properties that make sense to use - and swap through for these conditions. Obviously, augments allow you to get around some of these issues.

    Where'z my?

    GIANT-BLACK-GREAT-AXE: 6[2D8] damage, extended crit range, metalline, epic evil, epic evil burst, limbchopper, bleeding X, targets hit by Giant-Black-Great-Axe cannot receive healing for 10s, healing amp -50. (crazy artwork style - worth the artists time just on the number of mirrors people would buy to always be shown wielding the crazy axe).
    ^- something evil for chopping on all those self healing goody two-shoes-types, of course it eats some of your incoming healing.

    Solar Lance: Quarterstaff 7[1D10] damage, crit profile of Sireth, metalline, epic good, epic good blast, armor piercing 25%, % chance to proc earthquake, -2% unrecoverable fortification.
    ^- the beam of light you wield gives astonishing damage, but also gives the enemy a 2% chance to have a successful critical.

    Also... I wanted an explorer area in the archon realm we can see from the floating rock... I don't usually like explorers... but outerplanar ones... nom.
    Gotta really agree with this post!

    And everyone, enough with the feather fall is the least of the problems
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  3. #183
    Community Member Holymunchkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    As we said back when those items were new, Deathblock reducing the amount of damage (and subsequently, healing) you get from Negative Energy is working as intended.
    Hey Steel. For endgame, negative energy is the worst self-healing mechanism---on a class that doesn't shine in end game. Hope you can reconsider how absorption is working. If there' not time enough for it, we're ok with that. From a perspective of balance in end-game though, it seems kinda silly.

  4. #184
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    Concerning deathblock items with neg energy absorption, how many items in the game benefit one kind of build while directly penalizing another? Not many, I suspect.

    Would it be too difficult to make it so that these kinds of items have no effect while the user is undead?

  5. #185
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    As we said back when those items were new, Deathblock reducing the amount of damage (and subsequently, healing) you get from Negative Energy is working as intended.
    The word "quality" in the descriptions is gross - it feels like reading the menu at Denny's.

  6. #186
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Glad there's a new great xbow, would like to see another named repeater. Also glad there's another named rune arm. It's a bit odd, though. As far as force, it's not as good as Knives Eternal. So to use it, you'd have to either gimp your TH repeater by putting in the 22% kinetic lore or wear the kinetic lore bracers from Wheeloon, which would then prevent you from wearing the doublestrike bracers from Wheeloon. I guess it's good for people who can't get Knives Eternal from the raid, but otherwise, I'd have liked to see sonic+sonic lore or maybe acid+acid lore.

  7. #187
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    You have asked what would fit the theme? how about putting something on the weapons that break the DR of the mobs in there?
    either aligning or cold/flame touched iron.
    Otherwise it has no use putting a slot on it if we need to use it for a dr breaker instead of a dps option.

    for example, why would a swashbuckler not use a Turbulent Epee when he does this content at lv 15? (13 norm, 15 on elite) instead of the weapons here?
    for example, why would a barb not use a greensteel/Maelstrom when he does this content at lv 15? (13 norm, 15 on elite) instead of the greataxe here?

    The weapons could have been a reflection of the weapons they use against each other, so good vs evil based (in terms of dr breaking)
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by richieelias27 View Post
    Heroic version of tireless aid: Densewood
    Epic version of tireless aid: Planeforged Steel

    This is the fanciest middle finger to druids that I have ever seen.
    I would laugh out loud if this weren't so tragically true!! Oh well, s'pose i'd better spend my time arguing over a trivial clicky... /sigh

  9. #189
    Community Member Hara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ned_ellis View Post
    I would laugh out loud if this weren't so tragically true!! Oh well, s'pose i'd better spend my time arguing over a trivial clicky... /sigh
    Pretty sure Steel addressed this issue of different shield construction for heroic and epic earlier in the post where he stated that this was NOT WAI, i.e. a bug/mistake that would be rectified.

  10. #190
    Community Member Hara's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for posting images from those of us too busy with Live DDO

    First off thanks guys for posting images of the potential items for U27. Wow for 3 quests and a raid there do seem to be an awfull lot of items coming along in U27. Looking at them though Im not sure that many of them would fit into my current Lvl28 gear setup, which is a shame. If the new epic quests are of a similar level to the orchard epics then I guess this gear is supposed to be on a par so Im not that suprised.

    With regards to the FF issue, could you not just put an effect on the item that grants a feat - Wings of the Archon : this feat when ACTIVE grants the character Feather Fall. We already have items in the game which grant feats, Necklace of the Mystic Eidolons grants Augment Summoning. The player could then drag the icon for the feat to their action bar and use as appropriate. If this works out please consider retroactively doing something similar to my (ok everyones) Epic Ethereal Bracers I hate perma FF.

    One of the other things that stands out are the Quality and Determination bonuses - do we really need additional types of bonus. I have lost count of the number currently available but I'll have a go (and probably miss out loads) Enhancement, Exceptional, Insightful, Sacred, Profane, do we still have Inherent or did that one go bye byes? I'm confused and I've been playing DDO without a break since Necropolis part One came out so I have no idea how new players cope. Please get rid of these new bonuses we dont need them. If the intent of them was to give us higher stats then simply increase Exceptional and Insightful, but really more types of things just overcomplicates.

    Its difficult to comment too much on the items thematically without seeing the quests themselves, personally I would expect the loot in a quest to reflect the content of the quest - see Chronoscope for some excellent themed items, just taking a bunch of items and throwing effects at them to pad them out doesnt work. If I'm fighting a red named Orthon then when I kick his fat butt I expect the chance to get a nice item out of his chest that is appropriate for that enemy as per Chronoscope - a very nice set of lvl4 full plate in that case iirc.

  11. #191
    Community Member Iriale's Avatar
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    *facepalm*. Another update with zero loot for my toons? Devs, you are doing a very good job sending me to other games!!!! This is frustrating.

    Devs, if you create a new item that use the slot of a must have item (because there are imprecindible properties that only appear in one o very few items) add these properties to the new item too, or at least to other item in these update!

    A caster review:

    epic rod of mythant. In an item spot would be awesome. In a weapon, meh, we have already thunderforged weapons. And the “but not every weapon is for all” is not valid for me. Zero loot for me in at least 3 updates!!!! Please, give us things useful too to thunderforged users! My problem, devs, is that I don’t have enough slots for spellpower and I need too many spellpowers on epics. Spellpower only on weapons is frustrating. As a weapon, this item doesn’t give me enough carrot for a serious grinding, sorry. Now, give me it in a slot different, and I will want it. Other thing: wizardry is plain bad. No, thanks. 25 spell points more when the mobs have a lot more of hps is a joke. Give me maximize and empower cost reduction (better if is general metamagic reduction). We need cheaper metamagic in epics, with those epic npcs bloated with hps. In heroics, I use greensteel mana item: I don’t need wizardry. In epics, wizardry 275 is a joke.

    If you prefer give me plain spell points, give me the metamagic cost reduction in other items and in this item give me not wizardry (I have 150 spell point augment!), give me instead elemental power (spellpoints of greensteel items--- give me a number a little bigger than the heroic one in epics. At least, I will no need swap the greensteel item for a better epic item when the spell points are used, it’s an annoying thing) Of course, in heroics elemental spellpoints are in conflict with greensteel items. My advice: create an elemental spellpoint augment for epics and change the wizardry for metamagic reduction.

    Halcyonia: wisdom +5 in the heroic items is a joke! Anyways, for old players, wisdom +6 is no great too (we got wis +6 with greensteel con opp items), but +6 is a ok bonus. In helm slot this item is in conflict with the deific diadem, in epics. A lot of players won’t want grind it for this. Why a new bonus for wisdom, when are there not items with insightful wis +4?

    The Band Immaterial (Ring): the insightful enchantment bonus is nice, but give us very few more. Illusion has only a spell!!! Add more schools (conjuration, transmutacion and abjuration would be nice) or change the insightful school bonus to a general bonus to all schools. And add potency, please!!! There are not high epic items for casters with potency, it’s very frustrating. I use the sage’s rings, which is good for melees (cocoon boost), but awful for casters, we got the cha and wis bonus on the deific diadem… If I choose this ring, I will give up potency… it’s not a good trade… or at least will be a frustrating trade.

    Gauntlets of the Arcane Soldier (Gloves): wizardry again??? How many times you give us a bonus that doesn’t stack??? Why the caster loot is always so frustrating since you are in the design??? I repeat: this bonus gives us very few, the increment in spell points is ludicrous. Devs, give us things that improve our mana efficiency!!!!!!!! Or give us huge new bonus to spellpoints (you have created an unnecessary new quality bonus for other things, reutilize the greensteel bonus to spell points, for the love of god!), but wizardry is a joke. If you want that I replace the necro gloves with this gloves, give me too Magical efficiency 10%. You should be aware of the must have properties that we have slotted and give us too in the new gear, devs. Where are the items with spell penetration on high epics? Give a bonus on spell pen too.

    Resonation (Necklace): no, no, no. On Harmful Spellcast is nice, the rest is garbage. Casters need too defensive items, create with this item a nice defensive consolidation item with must have defence bonus, but I don’t have room for small stacking bonuses, I have problems with slotting all the defensive base bonuses already! And necklace? Devs, devs, be aware of the must have slots, please. There are only an item (not weapon) with a spell critical bonus to all schools… and is a necklace.

    And nothing more? Devs, seriously, this is frustrating. Another wasted update. Another more. Terrible year. Devs, please: metamagic reduction, where is it? We need better mana efficiency in epics! This is a shroud/shavarath update, give us epic augments with elemental power (grensteel bonu to spellpoints), elemental energy (greensteel bonus to hps), concordant opp, etc. You have negated the best defence consolidation item to pale masters: the Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance. Give PMs other defensive items with a concentration bonus and negative amplification!!! (in a cloak if is possible, replaces the deathwyrm cloak) I know that you hate PMs, but this is getting ridiculous (and if you don’t hate them, you dissimulate very well!)

    Where are the insighful +3/+4 items to cha, wis and in items? Why you give +12 str items and +4 insighful str and dex, but not for caster stats? melees have now few damage? *sarcasm*

    I said this a lot of times: we need more spellpower items not weapons (or more universal or consolidated bonuses to spellpower!), we need that in epics the DC difference between our main 2 schools and the others is not so big. An item with only enchantment and illusion is only meh, give us bonus to other schools too on the item. Deadly, devs, is an universal bonus for weapon users. It is useful with ALL weapon types, ranged and melee. Casters are not so lucky: they have so many schools, they need spellpower, spell critical & spell focus vs an universal deadly for EACH school. See you the disparity??? And the metamagic reduction is for each feat!!! And we need magical efficiency too. Too many bonuses to spellcasting, devs, too many. We need some consolidation.

    Where are the items with spell penetration on high epics? And potency? Replace to heroic greensteel bonuses? Please, there are a lot of things that casters need on epics. Stop of putting wizardry on all items, that is useless while give us only +25 spell points and give us the things that we *need*.

    This only talking of casters. See monks, for example. Where are the items with enhanced ki, for example?
    Last edited by Iriale; 07-14-2015 at 07:30 AM.

  12. #192
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    On Feather Fall clickies.

    3 uses at a very low caster level is ideal.

    Some people want permanent feather fall. Those people can use a different item to get that ability and for them the clicky effectively does not exist.

    For me, permanent Feather Fall is a significant detriment to an item. Feather Fall is an effect I usually do not want active, and on the occasions I want it, I want it to be active for the shortest possible time period.
    Feather fall has its place, just not on endgame gear.

    the cast version is restrictive.. you are stuck floating for the duration of the spell... (or the person you griefed by casting it on them..)
    permanent doesn't run out so you can swap it as many times as you desire.. smart players realize this early in the game and use that to their advantage.
    You don't get any shorter or faster duration than swapping in/out your permanent item.. no spell version is this quick.
    Permanent ff item cant be dispelled for those annoying quests like Coalescence.. where trogs are spamming dispel at you.
    controlled decent fast or slow.. for those trapped drops like Garamols optional in subterrane... or Ghosts of Perdition..
    Ultimately, a permanent FF item is a great swap-in item that I can get at level 1 that I do not want on an endgame piece of gear.

    Something interesting for an endgame piece of gear would be to give it a 30 second fly clickie... now that I could find lots of use for..
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  13. #193
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    On Feather Fall clickies.

    3 uses at a very low caster level is ideal.

    Some people want permanent feather fall. Those people can use a different item to get that ability and for them the clicky effectively does not exist.

    For me, permanent Feather Fall is a significant detriment to an item. Feather Fall is an effect I usually do not want active, and on the occasions I want it, I want it to be active for the shortest possible time period.
    Ah cmon, srsly?

    Is it really that hard to swap in/out a ff item instead of waiting like a tard for the duration of the clickie to expire?
    Doesnt that fit exactly what you want? Shortest possible ammount and used only when needed?

    I dont get it, why would anyone with a reasonable ammount of gameplay experience prefer a ff clickie in this game?
    Why would you want something that locks you into a 1 minute + cant remove ff buff?

    If they alrdy want a clickie, then put something useful or interesting on it.
    I still like propulsion boots, i still like epic duskheart, i still like epic jerky, i still like fom pot, i still like epic brawns, i still like various nshield robes, i still have a arsenal of dm, dp and invisi clickies from old days, i still like litany.
    Not a single of those and most items are op, but yet they offer a nice interesting thing to have.
    Example jibbers was the best clickie they created, unique fun to use, and makes you want to suicide yourself just to see it.
    But cmon, to waste dev time on a ff clickie? For what purpose? Sigh
    Last edited by Blackheartox; 07-14-2015 at 07:52 AM.

  14. #194
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    It is meant to be a healer/tank shield, it's not meant to be fantastic DPS. Also, all the hats have new appearances - They didn't make it into this build.
    I get the purpose of the shield, for tanking purposes it looks yummy, but a green augment slots makes it subpar. Both for healer and tank. Tanks need the option of extra DPS. Healer might want to find a way to diversify another spellpower. By making it a utility augment, blue or yellow only you limited the usability of 1 of possible 2 items for red spell power or damage augments. It really should be Orange or Purple - some will use it for utility and others to diversify spell power or DPS. It still won't maximize DPS for a tank, but it'll diversify from say proc based DPS (my favorite like meteoric) or bash proc dps.

  15. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hara View Post
    Pretty sure Steel addressed this issue of different shield construction for heroic and epic earlier in the post where he stated that this was NOT WAI, i.e. a bug/mistake that would be rectified.
    Cheers hara-i missed the post but I guessed it was a lama bug; liked the irony of the other user's comment though!

  16. #196
    Community Member Steve_Howe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    I get the purpose of the shield, for tanking purposes it looks yummy, but a green augment slots makes it subpar. Both for healer and tank. Tanks need the option of extra DPS. Healer might want to find a way to diversify another spellpower. By making it a utility augment, blue or yellow only you limited the usability of 1 of possible 2 items for red spell power or damage augments. It really should be Orange or Purple - some will use it for utility and others to diversify spell power or DPS. It still won't maximize DPS for a tank, but it'll diversify from say proc based DPS (my favorite like meteoric) or bash proc dps.
    Green slot is fine on that shield. Golem's Heart goes great in that slot on a Tank build.
    Steve Howe was voted "Best Overall Guitarist" in Guitar Player magazine five years in a row (1977–1981) and in 1981 was the first rock guitar player inducted into the Guitar Player Hall of Fame.

  17. #197
    Community Member legendkilleroll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve_Howe View Post
    Green slot is fine on that shield. Golem's Heart goes great in that slot on a Tank build.
    If your staying at 28 you will have plenty of green and blue slots for a golem's heart, spell power slotting can be difficult when your some type of hybrid, unless you slot in your weapon, then ofc your losing dps you may have to dedicate a gear slot for spell power, i think shield should be red, orange or purple

  18. #198
    Community Member Alternative's Avatar
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    The Band Immaterial - any chance to change the illusion to conjuration? It could actually compete with other rings since enchantment is generally good, and a lot of people use webs, with warlocks also having the tentacles. Illusion on the other hand is not popular and not well represented. I played a necro/illusion completionist wizard for a long time, and phantasmal killer just doesn't work at the highest content, so putting illusion focus on a ml28 gear is rather moot.

  19. #199
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post

    Good, I'll throw some quick ideas:

    - Armbands of the Silenced Ones (Bracers): Dexterity +11, Dodge +11%, Seeker XII, Reflex Save +2, Green Augment Slot

    I don't think Seeker fits in here. This seems like an item towards Assassins. What could be a nice idea would be some stacking Dodge Bonus, stacking MDB bonus, a +4 Insighful Dexterity, upgrade the +11 Dex to +12.
    And if you want, this Raid would live way longer if it had 5 more items with one +12 Stat each.
    seeker is fine as it boosts crit damage more appliable to dex users. remember rangers also are dex based although lost in the class updates...

    and agreed the raid needs more than 5 items or it will be a 20 runs and done for only select characters. It needs something for everyone.
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  20. #200
    Community Member Gralhota's Avatar
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    Default Plz DEVs its not a offense

    Any DEV can tell me when come next update ?

    I am caster (WIZARD) this update is another useless update for me.

    Sorry but I will not argue about my opnion I and other wizards we doing this for months .

    Wizards already have a bad design for the game and the items are well below those melees .

    I just want know when i can back to look if game issues for caster are fixed.

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