Bravery does something besides First Time per difficulty bonuses, it provides a extra bonus for doing a quest at least once. This suddenly made a great many poor xp quest worth doing at least one time. Suddenly, once and done became more important than continually doing the same few quests over and over again.
Increasing First Time Bonuses per difficulty would not address this issue correctly, nor would it relieve the narrow three level range before power level penalties kick in.
Yes, these solutions of has been presented before and debated before:
- Subtraction from bravery streak ~ likely rejected as its likely easier to suppress bravery than subtract from it, and likely less buggy in the long run.
- Increasing first time bonuses ~ does not address the first time ever doing the quest without cheesy heavy over level questing, leaves the players farming each difficulty of certain quest w/o seeking out new quests during a life. Increases instants in certain locations which can in past produce problems
- Removing Bravery numbers over five ~ removes an achievement symbol from the game when this game has so few.
- Increasing Grouping Bonuses full time ~ has the fear of being abused by multiboxing. Shifting it into bonus weekend (which should be full weeks imho not weekends), prevents players from planning long term, and grants variety of big burst weekends of various amounts. It hard to say what is wrong math when it comes and goes.
- Increasing XP bonsuses from trapping ~ already done.
- Removing death penalty to be self only ~ requested for a long time by many.
- Dealing with lack of Bravery or First Time bonuses after multiple Epic lives ~ not dealt with atm.
- Dealing with the upcoming huge jump in XP to get to level 30 cap ~ not dealt with atm, probably being debated behind closed doors. Decreasing the 150k per level incremental to 100K per level would do it. Also allowing Epic Reincarnation to stay at 28, and introducing Demi-God reincarnation system from 30 back to 28 would do it. Introducing regenerating First Time Epic Bonuses would deal with this and the one before this.
- Dealing with Raiding Xp being typically too low and the theory that increasing raiding xp will help raiding ~ being dealt with by the bonus raiding xp grouping. Also being dealt with by the suppression of bravery to allow players to raid as they please w/o fear of losing bravery.
- Dealing with certain worlds not having enough population to group for raids ~ often requested but problematical in theory, nothing atm.
- Dealing with lag promoted by overworked DDO computers ~ new equipment incoming, hopefully will see more thereby.