ouch not a good way to see things :P
i both receive tells and send tells to people, when they go online... both for quests and raids
i do not see it as a bad thing... when i catch a tr zerg, i try to complete quests with him before he outpace me...
usually i split and while he does the main quest i try to complete an optional. (usually i am able to complete b4 he finish, except on EE quests)
when people send me a tell, i judge their power level and create mini groups... so if i see all strong i don't say a thing...
if i see all weaks and 1 strong or medium... i divide party with me + 1 weak v.s. the rest and assign them a task, usually if quest is simmetrical 4 weak people are expected to do what 1 strong + sidekick does.
if i encounter 4 strong + 2 weak i usually make the 2 weaks follow each a veteran to learn a piece of the quest and support veteran
if someone dies alot i give him tasks who do not require fighting.. like collecting stuff (certain quests require collection of items...) or just keep them guarding a base, a spot... with help of 1 strong fighter + 1 healer.
for raids i seek people putting EE raids or EH raids for favor gain, when i organize raids i usually accept anyone... (although i do the easy raids, which i know, and which do not require all party of twinked people.)
i usually am not ****ed off for menial things as deaths... i get "distressed" when people do not listen or read "critical orders" (those that can stall or fail a quest) like killing too early the miniboss in shroud part 2...
i both call their name, write in party chat and send tell to tell to STOP IT... till they stop, and reminds them not to do it. and why they shouldn't do it.
If i see a player is a liability i may even ask to stay in a secluded place while rest of party does a risky task.... like end fight in sleeping dust lie with 2 or 3 spiders already dead, and the troublemaker being the one who killed them by accident.