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  1. #1
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Changing Your Pact

    I have seen at least one other post asking about it. The answer was one that I concluded via my own testing as well.

    In short...
    Question: How do I change my pact?
    Answer: You can't.
    Response: That's dumb.

    Allow me to elaborate.
    I have been running the Warlock since it was released on Thursday, June 18th, and I must say, I really do love it. I think it is a fairly fun class. Not a do-all, end-all. Decent balancing; garbage saves. Anyhow, that's not what I'm here to speak about.

    I have been running in the Great Old One Pact since my first Warlock life, mainly because I liked the idea of the saving throw being a Will save: something that hopefully not many end-game monster would be able to make. Well, I think I was wrong. Unless you are specifically shooting for maximum Charisma and Difficulty Checks, Warlocks simply don't allow you to overcome end-game Epic Elite monster's saves. This was no surprise. That's how it should be.

    So I figured, "what the heck, why not try Fey Pact and the various spells and abilities it's packaged with." So I make my trip over to Fred, thinking, "oh this should do the trick!" Needless to say, I was sorely disappointed when I realized that I couldn't switch my Pact! I searched the forums, and the conclusion was one that I feared: you can't change; how dumb is that!
    The only way to change your Pact is to (1) use a Lesser Heart of Wood, or (2) True Reincarnate (or Epic Reincarnate).

    The answer on the thread I previously referred to asserts that having to use a Heart of Wood isn't "an unfair requirement," providing that "Lesser hearts drop randomly and can be traded and bought." I simply cannot agree with this. Lesser Hearts are not a common item. They don't drop like Blood of Dragons; they are very rare and therefore very expensive.

    So while other classes can change the damage type they focus on (melees can simply equip a new sword, rangers can equip a new bow, and spell casters can quickly reset their Enhancements or use a Blood of Dragons), Warlocks are stuck with one Pact. Permanently. (Save for the highly costly options I listed above)

    I'm not saying that changing your Pact should be as easy as swapping your equipped weapon, nor as easy as swapping a spell. Your Pact is intimately bound to your character and shouldn't be something you change daily. I do however think that it should be an option for those wishing to try something new. I believe it should be as easy as swapping a single Feat, or perhaps implementing a new drop, similar to Blood of Dragons, that allows Warlocks to switch their Pact.
    Last edited by Clemeit; 07-08-2015 at 03:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    Unless you are 1st level ilts just easier to use a LR since warlocks have multiple class feats(they shouldnt have done it that way since you dont get a choice on what to pick) I dont see any way for it to be change due to the way they designed the class.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Unless you are 1st level ilts just easier to use a LR since warlocks have multiple class feats(they shouldnt have done it that way since you dont get a choice on what to pick) I dont see any way for it to be change due to the way they designed the class.
    Although it is true that you choose Class 'Feats' along the way, there is only 1 Feat to choose from anyways. There is no choice; these Class 'Feats' should just be automatically granted.

    Lesser Reincarnation is what I spoke about in the OP. It's expensive and impractical. I'm pushing in the hopes of changes, not for a regurgitation of already suggested fixes.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clemeit View Post
    I have seen at least one other post asking about it. The answer was one that I concluded via my own testing as well.

    In short...
    Question: How do I change my pact?
    Answer: You can't.
    Response: That's dumb.

    Allow me to elaborate.
    I have been running the Warlock since it was released on Thursday, June 18th, and I must say, I really do love it. I think it is a fairly fun class. Not a do-all, end-all. Decent balancing; garbage saves. Anyhow, that's not what I'm here to speak about.

    I have been running in the Great Old One Pact since my first Warlock life, mainly because I liked the idea of the saving throw being a Will save: something that hopefully not many end-game monster would be able to make. Well, I think I was wrong. Unless you are specifically shooting for maximum Charisma and Difficulty Checks, Warlocks simply don't allow you to overcome end-game Epic Elite monster's saves. This was no surprise. That's how it should be.

    So I figured, "what the heck, why not try Fey Pact and the various spells and abilities it's packaged with." So I make my trip over to Fred, thinking, "oh this should do the trick!" Needless to say, I was sorely disappointed when I realized that I couldn't switch my Pact! I searched the forums, and the conclusion was one that I feared: you can't change; how dumb is that!
    The only way to change your Pact is to (1) use a Lesser Heart of Wood, or (2) True Reincarnate (or Epic Reincarnate).

    The answer on the thread I previously referred to asserts that having to use a Heart of Wood isn't "an unfair requirement," providing that "Lesser hearts drop randomly and can be traded and bought." I simply cannot agree with this. Lesser Hearts are not a common item. They don't drop like Blood of Dragons; they are very rare and therefore very expensive.

    So while other classes can change the damage type they focus on (melees can simply equip a new sword, rangers can equip a new bow, and spell casters can quickly reset their Enhancements or use a Blood of Dragons), Warlocks are stuck with one Pact. Permanently. (Save for the highly costly options I listed above)

    I'm not saying that changing your Pact should be as easy as swapping your equipped weapon, nor as easy as swapping a spell. Your Pact is intimately bound to your character and shouldn't be something you change daily. I do however think that it should be an option for those wishing to try something new. I believe it should be as easy as swapping a single Feat, or perhaps implementing a new drop, similar to Blood of Dragons, that allows Warlocks to switch their Pact.
    I created a Drow warlock but my only choices at the time were Fiend, GOO, and Fey. GOO was acidic-based, Fiend was fire-based, and Fey was force-based. And now that they changed some of the pacts after adding new ones, I wanted to change my pact to something more appropriate to the Drow. However, that is a no-go. For me to have a Drow with another (NEWER) patron, I'd have to **REMAKE** my Drow. From scratch! I don't want to go through all of that trouble. Nor do I want to spend the bloody ton of money to gain the stats needed to raise the "new" Drow lock up to their predecessor's level. Call me lazy and cheap, but... No. If they had given the option to change pacts when they added them, most everyone with a 'lock, would have a new patron!

    (Still think DDO should be rewritten with 5e specs! Warlock would be MUCH easier to build! But to rewrite DDO's code, you'd have to start from scratch. IMO 5e is MUCH easier to deal with than 3.5. Just saying.)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drake_Silvack View Post
    I created a Drow warlock but my only choices at the time were Fiend, GOO, and Fey. GOO was acidic-based, Fiend was fire-based, and Fey was force-based. And now that they changed some of the pacts after adding new ones, I wanted to change my pact to something more appropriate to the Drow. However, that is a no-go. For me to have a Drow with another (NEWER) patron, I'd have to **REMAKE** my Drow. From scratch! I don't want to go through all of that trouble. Nor do I want to spend the bloody ton of money to gain the stats needed to raise the "new" Drow lock up to their predecessor's level. Call me lazy and cheap, but... No. If they had given the option to change pacts when they added them, most everyone with a 'lock, would have a new patron!

    (Still think DDO should be rewritten with 5e specs! Warlock would be MUCH easier to build! But to rewrite DDO's code, you'd have to start from scratch. IMO 5e is MUCH easier to deal with than 3.5. Just saying.)

    Alignment: Any - but being Lawful, Chaotic or Good restricts your pact options.

    Fey - Any

    Fiend - Not Good

    Goo - Not Lawful

    Celestial - Not Chaotic

    Abyss - Not Good

    Carceri - None

    Therefore the only alignment that is universal to swap pacts would be Netural. Sounds like you need an alignment change and an epic reincarnation to rebuild and stay at level 30.
    Last edited by SoulDustar; 09-08-2021 at 02:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drake_Silvack View Post
    I created a Drow warlock but my only choices at the time were Fiend, GOO, and Fey...
    Sounds like you're complaining that some classes, or in this case class decisions, are alignment locked.

    That's how the game works, sorry, it is what it is.

  7. #7
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    just a couple of things

    first this is a thread that was made over six years ago so some of the information may not be vaild

    second - if you can avoid the alignment issue you can change at will with a simple epic reincarnation - no fuss no muss just same race instant new pact!

    third - there are some things in the game which are just alignment locked - ie you cant make a chaotic neutral paladin this is just one of those things.

    finally, i am too lazy to find it, but the devs said they eventually want to make more feats based on your pact, so they made them like the domains for clerics..... which you also cant switch out w/o lr

    if you dont want to do that...... then you have to spend money on heart and/or alignment change

    Last edited by Hobgoblin; 09-08-2021 at 05:12 PM.

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