Just curious, as I know we're a very unpopulated server by comparison, and have many guilds from many different time zones, but do we have any Raid Guilds on Wayfinder?
Just curious, as I know we're a very unpopulated server by comparison, and have many guilds from many different time zones, but do we have any Raid Guilds on Wayfinder?
Are there even any Guilds on Wayfinder with enough "active" players to fill a Raid?
When I say active I don't mean log on once a month - I mean active!
Not any more. The last guild who could run raids among themselves has seen a significant drain as many have moved to another server. We can still fill raids, but then there are typically people from 3+ guilds involved. My own guild is dead for quite a while and the sadness on this server has finally made me cancel my sub.
You can try to set up raid lfms maybe at weekend possibly you will find some players
Last edited by the_dark_one; 03-11-2016 at 02:51 PM.
Akando, Luziel (Leader of Samurai Orien)
For my brief time in Wayfinder when I was running for favor (a year ago), there were some guilds that I heard were running raids. Knights of Power definately were running Mark of Death, Shroud, VoD, HoX, etc. Another guild that has a lot of players but don't know about raiding policies was Haus Feuerfuchs. I think that guild is German though.
Anyway, with the help (and connections) of a certain player from Knights of Power, we gathered enough people and I led 2 Abbot raids (most of them had not run this before). To do it, my LFM was up for 5 hours advertizing that I would run Abbot raid and flagging that night. Good times
P.S. Now that I'm posting this, I logged at Wayfinder to remember the names of the guilds. There is a Tempest's Spine elite BB LFM waiting for people
Last edited by Faltout; 07-04-2015 at 10:01 AM.
My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts
Hi Faltout, just chiming in that while Haus Feurrfuchs had been founded when Wayfinder was the "german" Server, it meanwhile is open for all and most guild members are using English as the forum language. Haus Feuerfuchs is no dedicated raiding guild, tho. Raids are done based on individual efforts from guild members and we really appreciate their work. Usually, raids from Haus Feuerfuchs are open for all and spots are given on a first come first served base thru the lfm panel, as are many raids on Wayfinder.
To the less informed: Wayfinder operates differently when it comes to Raids. Even my guild with its mass doesn't try to pull it off alone (we're up to 650+ members now), and the guilds on this server didn't grow up competing with one another and putting up walls between each other. As result, I think we have a decent relationship across all guilds on server.
Instead, we use a Raid Chat Channel to announce and schedule Raids, on the User Chat 1 channel. To join the channel in Wayfinder, type the following:
/joinchannel wayfinderraids
Then, if you want to send out a text, type /1 then text to push on the User Chat 1.
Kyll - Guild leader of Your Part Time Guild on Wayfinder server.
-- Your Part Time Guild has over 750+ Guild Members!
I have also stopped playing DDO for some Months now. The fact that you could not even fill an epic Shroud on this server has finally drawn me away from this game.
Orien: Drache-V36, Merkades-V6 , Askasia-Cleric
Believe me i tried everything. I am playing this game since 2008 and the situation was never that bad.
Probably during american times you can still fill a group but difinately not during german times.
And i am not missing the game anyway. There are a lot of other things in development that went the wrong way in my opinion. And there is no way of return now.
Orien: Drache-V36, Merkades-V6 , Askasia-Cleric
You are right, the situation at the moment is far from ideal. Nevertheless there's raiding going on now the lag is reduced to a point the most can deal with.
But I haven't seen a legendary Shroud run for some time and there are reasons for that.
At first, some people still don't get how the raid works even the major challenges are the same like in the heroic version and when they are told how it works they still act like they still don't get it.
Raiding in large guild-heterogeneous groups takes a lot of extra time here. A organized four men Deathwyrm takes empirically half the time of a run with a full group.
More important, gathering all those mats to craft an item an endgame toon gets some benefits from takes **** long time and not every build would benefit from legendary greensteel at all. In case you play one of those builds who want an tier tree augment done, you are screwed here, because everone who doesn't wouldn't stay long enough at high level to support you.
Global channel for raids: /joinchannel wayfinderraids
Need some people to run Tempest Spine with me on wayfinder. PM me so we can set up a day and time please.
the xp would be nice but what I realy need is this http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Goggles_of_Perception
I didn't see anyone actually answer your question about what Wayfinder guilds raid.
Here's the list:
Teaparty of Teabags
Densetsu no Samurai
Haus Feuerfuchs
Helden Gmbh
Knights of Power
Order of the Designated Popes
A Very Bad Guild
Heroes of Hommlet
The more interesting list is who can lead a raid. You get one of those guys on your team and they can pretty much duo you through what you need.
Raid leaders:
Edwardt (from Popes) does it all but especially good at Necro & House C raids
Tectoc & all his alts, Kasatka, Teabagged (from Tparty) specialist guild who does saga raids & CitW
Celender & Ashe (from Haus F) Thunderholme raids
Zbarb, Thunderfoot, & Tristam (from DnS) does them all but esp mid-range raids (VoN, Gianthold)
and for the lowbies Kikku/Cerena (from Hitori) runs TS and Chrono on a regular basis
If you're used to raiding on other servers like me, you're going to see a totally different style here. Most people are under-geared. Zerging a raid is rare. Having 10 people in the raid who know what they're doing is rare. Everyone is a LOT more polite. Expect a lot of ty's for rezzes. Expect people to actually help you if you get lost. Players might not know there are timers on rezzes. You always get one guy who doesn't know you can't summon a hire.
So if you always feel gimped on another server and you've always wanted to do some raiding, Wayfinder is a good place to go. Be gimped and raid.
Wayfinder performs Raids as a Server, rarely as an isolated Guild, and our Raid Chat Channel has proven over and again to be a useful resource. Whether it's a rapid build on a Saturday for a quick heroic Chrono raid, or to pre-announce weekend raids coming up, the Raid Chat Channel is one that other servers should emulate.
There are Raids going all the time, but they're announced and coordinated across the Raid Chat Channel, not within any particular guild.
Once again, type the following to join the Raid Chat Channel on Wayfinder:
/joinchannel wayfinderraids
Kyll - Guild leader of Your Part Time Guild on Wayfinder server.
-- Your Part Time Guild has over 750+ Guild Members!
I agree with Nuclear_Elvis regarding the Wayfinder Raidchannel.
The Channel is not bad, if you have a raid lfm up or you are planning to run a raid, you can tell it there. Not everyone always looks at the lfms, so you have maybe a better chance to get some more players or to join a raid if you missed the lfm.
Alternative you can also send privat tells to certain players.
MugginsMai has already called a couple players and guilds who are doing raids and know how to do them. If you see these guys online or player of the guilds, you can ask them.
Akando, Luziel (Leader of Samurai Orien)
Great raids today. Been awhile since we had a full 12 man raiding party.
We did:
L Hound of Xoriat - Legendary Hard
L Shroud - Legendary Normal
L Tempest Spine - Legendary Hard
Defiler - Epic Hard
Firepeaks - Epic Hard
Deathwyrm - Epic Hard
With a Chest Blesser too.![]()
Last edited by Vulkoorex; 08-22-2016 at 01:31 AM.