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  1. #1
    Community Member onndahri's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default looking for partner

    hey all,
    im a returning player and after a long hiatus it seems like it has become incredibly more difficult to get a group together, especially to grind, maybe things have changed to a point where windows are no longer the fastest method but from what i can tell they still have their place, since i mostly solo anyways its not too bad except for when i want to farm a single quest. also it might be nice to have someone to talk to. I'm a grown man with a job and work almost every week day and some sats but i still find time to hop on almost every night for a few hours and a lot of Sundays i would probably play more if i had someone to grind with. i live in the US northeast so i am in (EST) i have a headset but often type as i listen to music and podcasts in the background. i am a quick learner and follow directions well. i am, by no means green and have run the content that i own fairly extensively, if u been around awhile you have probably run with me before. i don't know if the forums are even populated anymore but here goes anyways

    Looking for someone who bangs out lives as i have plenty to get through as well as now having epic past lives to bang out. let me tag along and we can do lives that supplement each other. and also save us both some time maybe u have a group i could jump in with or maybe you solo and pug as they come either way id like to get under a wing and start tackling some of this long list of lives i need done

    i am premium but have a lot of the packs and i just recently gained a large amount of TP during double packages and am just waiting for a sale to buy some more content sorry for the un-organized manner of this post but i just wanted to get it up as I'm fed up with waiting and then ending up soloing most times

  2. #2
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Welcome Back!

    Window farming has done the way of the dodo, mostly. Some still do a one window farm and go on to the next quest (so en+en (epic normal then another epic normal).

    This is because of the change to ransack, and the daily playthrough bonus.

    Onto other bits: check the green link in my sig to catch up.

    Remember to have fun!

    Have fun storming the er, castles!

    See you around Khyber.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Running Buddy

    Quote Originally Posted by onndahri View Post
    hey all,
    im a returning player and after a long hiatus it seems like it has become incredibly more difficult to get a group together, especially to grind, maybe things have changed to a point where windows are no longer the fastest method but from what i can tell they still have their place, since i mostly solo anyways its not too bad except for when i want to farm a single quest. also it might be nice to have someone to talk to. I'm a grown man with a job and work almost every week day and some sats but i still find time to hop on almost every night for a few hours and a lot of Sundays i would probably play more if i had someone to grind with. i live in the US northeast so i am in (EST) i have a headset but often type as i listen to music and podcasts in the background. i am a quick learner and follow directions well. i am, by no means green and have run the content that i own fairly extensively, if u been around awhile you have probably run with me before. i don't know if the forums are even populated anymore but here goes anyways

    Looking for someone who bangs out lives as i have plenty to get through as well as now having epic past lives to bang out. let me tag along and we can do lives that supplement each other. and also save us both some time maybe u have a group i could jump in with or maybe you solo and pug as they come either way id like to get under a wing and start tackling some of this long list of lives i need done

    i am premium but have a lot of the packs and i just recently gained a large amount of TP during double packages and am just waiting for a sale to buy some more content sorry for the un-organized manner of this post but i just wanted to get it up as I'm fed up with waiting and then ending up soloing most times
    Look me up and add me to your friends list. I'm still doing a few more heroic and epic lives on my toon Silentsole. I'm through about 14 heroic lives and 4 epic lives. So plenty to go yet. I run with about 4 other regulars so we are still looking for a couple spots to fill.

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