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  1. #1
    Community Member Lemdog's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Ideas for a new PrE for monks - Zen archer.

    These are my thoughts and ideas for a new monk PrE when the monk pass rolls along in the somewhat distant future.

    Here it is , feel free to disagree, but please do not be blatantly insulting of my work, and if you have to, explain why.

    Core 1 - Your point blank shot extra damage is increased from 1(W) to 1.5(W)
    Core 3 - +3 ranged and melee power
    Core 6 - Your ten thousand stars may be used every 30 seconds instead of every 60 seconds.
    Core 12 - Stun on the run - Acts like stunning blow with a ranged weapon - Stun an enemy with your bow or shuriken for up to 7 seconds. DC = 18 + ½ character level + Wisdom Mod. 12 Second Cooldown 1
    Core 18- +8 ranged and melee power
    Capstone - ‘You are a master of applying your inner strength and peace to a ranged tactical perspective’ +2 wis +2 dex. You gain +4 ranged power and while wielding bows you gain 20% doubleshot and 0.5(W). Your Ki arrows now gain a 5% chance to paralyze enemies with no save. (all 1 ap)

    Tier 1
    *Quick shot - 2%/5%/7% ranged alacrity. 1/1/1
    *Toughness - +5/+10/+15 hitpoints. 1/1/1
    *Novice archer - +1/+2/+3 ranged power. 1/1/1
    *Bleeding firearms - 33/66/100% chance to apply a stack of bleed on every successful hit with a shuriken or bow. 1/1/1
    *Awareness - +1/2/3 to Listen, search, and spot. 1/1/1

    Tier 2
    *Injuring firearms - +.5/.8/1(W) damage to all types of bows. 1/1/1
    *Improved guile - +2 sneak attack die, +5 point blank shot range, +2 ranged power 2
    *Apprentice archer - +1/+2/+3 ranged power. 1/1/1
    *Shield - Permanently gain the effects of the shield spell - +4 shield bonus to AC , immunity to magic missiles. 2
    *Action boost - Melee and ranged power - 10/20/30. Duration: 25 seconds. 1/1/1

    Tier 3
    *Tactical stun - Reduces Stun on the Run's cooldown from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. 2
    *Zen shots - Adds your wisdom to hit for all bows and thrown weapons. 2
    *Skillful archer - +1/+2/+3 ranged power. 1/1/1
    *Improved shield - Replaces shield and gain the effects of improved shield. +10 PRR and +5 shield bonus to AC and protection from magic missiles. 2
    *Ki arrows - Create a stack of 100 returning arrows using Ki. The enchantment bonus starts at +1 at level 1, and increases by 1 every 4 levels. Antirequisite: Conjure arrows from Arcane archer. 1/1/1

    Tier 4
    *Severe stun on the run - Improves your stun on the run to cause 75% helpless damage instead of 50%. 2
    *Greater zen archery - Adds your wisdom mod to damage with bows only . 2
    *Master archer - +2/4/6 ranged AND melee power. 2/2/2
    *Greater shield - Your shield now grants +20 PRR and +10 MRR. +6 shield bonus to AC and protection from magic missiles.
    *Phlebotomizing firearms - Requires tier three of bleeding arrows. Automatically applys full stacks of bleed on an enemy.

    Tier 5
    *Critical firearms - Requires Stun on the run - +1/2 Critical threat range on all shurikens and arrows. This requires Earth or Fire stance active. 2/2
    *Devastating firearms - +1 crit multiplier on all shurikens and arrows. This requires water or air stance. 2
    *Ultimate archer - +10 ranged power. 2
    *Superior shield - Your shield now grants +30 PRR and +20 MRR. +7 shield bonus to AC and protection from most force damage.
    *Tensers Transformation (SLA). You can cast Tensers transformation as a spell-like-ability using ki. Costs 25 ki. Lasts 1 minute + 5 seconds per monk level. Tensers tranformation : Causes the caster to become a virtual fighting machine becoming stronger, tougher, faster, and more skilled in combat. You gain a +4 alchemical bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, a +6 alchemical bonus to Armor Class, and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. Your base attack bonus equals your character level. Your spellcasting ability is reduced, resulting in a -2 penalty to all spell DCs, -2 to your rolls to bypass enemy Spell Resistance, and doubling the cooldown of your spells.

    Afterthought: I realize this tree may be a little OP at first, and i may make some adjustments to it. I also realize it may be a little too generic. Feel free to comment or give any feedback! This was also made with the intent to use shurikens and bows, but also to use a little bit of melee when the time is right. **Also note this is a very rough draft, if it wasn't already clear.
    Last edited by Lemdog; 07-07-2015 at 10:04 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    Moved his sense of humor to a new data center, eh?

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