I thought I'd come check out DDO again (I've played off and on since beta), and I have been reading the character forums (particularly this one, since I like to try new builds).
There have been so many patches and updates since the last time I played (I think right after Forgotten Realms expansion), that I was wondering what the new benchmarks were, or even if they still exist.
For example, it used to be if you couldn't get an AC of 90, there's no point in considering AC, or if you didn't have "X" reflex, there was no point in getting evasion, etc with to hit, lock-picking, UMD....
When designing builds, are there benchmarks that have to be met for certain skills, Armor, saves, tohit, etc in order for those additions (or class-dipping) to be considered viable (not necessarily the best, but could enough to raid and play ee content without embarrassing self or being a dead weight - and maybe soloing some ee content).
(I understand the concept of playing what it fun, but for me, part of the fun is being able to play high end content without being totally gimped and, since high end groups can be hard to find, being able to solo at least some of that content)