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Ive tried recommending DDO to several friends. I will link them some videos on it and they will automatically be turned off by the low quality of graphics and either cant get into it because of that or wont try it at all. Ive also seen the problem of difficulty, or lack of rather. Ive noticed that the people who have been playing for a while now (Myself included) find the game way to easy now. Over time the quests have gotten easier, and the players have gotten ALOT stronger making the game nowhere close to a challenge. To put an example, i duo with a friend on EE quests at level or higher than our level without a problem, and im sure we are not the only ones that do that. I know that in the end turbine is a business, and needs to go where the money is and unfortunately it seems that most of the NA area (I dont know about other areas) just likes to play casually and doesnt want a difficult game.
My suggestion is this.
- Do a massive visual update on the game
Not possible (not enough money/devs)
Not wanted, many prefer realism over cartoon furries
- Make the quest difficulty system like more the challenges. Instead of picking a difficulty of normal, hard, or elite, pick epic or heroic (If it applies) and then pick a level for the quest. This way you can have the casual and new players have a lower difficulty and the players who are geared and want a challenge have a challenge. You would have to make the loot scale as well, but im sure it could be done.
No, the code is a huge mess as it is, pilling another system on top of that doesn't help the stability.
If a veteran does his elite run he can help out the lowbie on normal.
We also have challanges in place for this (with leadership boards) and they rarely get used.
I know that the visual update is easier said than done, it would be a lengthy process and not cheap either. But in the end i think it would be worth it if you could draw in new players
My question is: would you want that to happen? drawing in more people that leave after 3 months because they were suckered in by pretty pictures?
As others have mentioned, graphics don't make a game, gameplay does.
Minecraft and retro gaming wouldn't be where they are today if it wasn't for that.
they entire mmo world suffers, it suffers from the layer of MMO players that are like driftwood, going from (F2P) mmo to the other, rarely settling, always rambling about that amazing game from their past (eg, everquest, wow, guildwars diablo, etc) causing many game to be created on the fly with terrible QA and paywalls (supported by incomprehensible currency conversion rates).
Many of those have forced server merges within their first few years (alods, aion etc)
As for the quest difficulty rework i think that would be fairly easy to do, and would bring some players back who have left the game due to the game being to easy. I think the hardest part would be getting the scaling right.
This is all my own speculation, i said "I think" alot because i dont know for sure.