Greetings all,
I'm having a slight dilemma since the latest patch. I recently came back to the game after a short hiatus, and have been enjoying my time back for the last two weeks. However, since the most recent update yesterday (U26), I have been unable to log in to the game. Every time, the same issue occurs in which I launch the turbine launcher program and type in my credentials as normal. Upon the launcher stating that the server is up, and selecting my applicable server (Orien), the launcher closes without any sort of error message, and the game itself fails to launch. Please note that I have tried other servers as well to no avail.
Troubleshooting steps taken so far:
1) Reinstalled game completely (used both the standard and progressive installation packages
2) Uninstalled/Reinstalled Microsoft .Net framework
3) Uninstalled/Reinstalled C++ redistributable
4) Modified Userpreferences.ini to disable opening video, then removed entire directly when that failed.
5) Attempted to also install the game via steam when both Turbine installers failed.
6) Disabled UAC
7) Ensured windows firewall allowed complete access for (TurbineInvoker.exe, TurbineLauncher.exe, and dndclient.exe) – No other firewalls are active
8) Completely removed Anti-Virus to ensure no possible conflict with the installation (will reinstall once the game starts working again.
9) Completely stripped down all starting programs/services to allow for a “clean boot”
10) Attempted to run the game in windows “safe mode” as well to ensure no program/service conflicts.
At this point, I’ve run out of ideas. I’ve submitted a ticket to Turbine, but have not yet heard back from anyone, and am hopeful that the community may be able to assist. Could someone please advise regarding any steps I may have missed?
Also note that I did just purchase the Shadowfell expansion yesterday as well, I don’t believe that has anything to do with the recent login issues, as that is based on the account, and not the launcher piece itself.
Thanks in advance for any assistance that may be provided,
(So after 2 days, this was resolved by the following: "The game calls on a DX9 API named "xinput9_1_0.dll". Oddly enough, my system diagnostics stated that DX was fully functional as we are up to DX11 at the moment, so an old API from DX9 didn't show up on the radar. After manually adding the DLL to my System32 directory, it started miraculously started working.")