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  1. #1
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Default DDO Store Accessibility Changes

    Happy patch day! We have made some configuration changes in the DDO Store today. As of today once the worlds open, while using the DDO Store if you experience a blank white or blank black page and the Store refuses to load for you, please respond with the following information:

    - Time of day (please include your time zone)
    - Whether you were logged into a character or in the character selection screen when it happened
    - If possible please provide a screenshot of the behavior

    Thanks for being a DDO patron and we'll see you in game once the worlds are up!

  2. #2
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    read and understood
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  3. 06-18-2015, 11:31 AM

  4. #3
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hammertop View Post
    ...I bought a 1600tp card at walmart over the weekend and it didn't work when I tried to apply it and of course you can't get a refund after it's scratched...
    I'll see what I can find out about this. I know that some of the codes that used to work when put directly in the Store interface changed to only work when you apply them by logging into so I'll take a look. I'll check on the UGC images as well.

  5. #4
    Community Member PentegarnDarras's Avatar
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    Just checked two characters on G-land.
    So far, it looks to be fixed.

  6. 06-18-2015, 04:32 PM

  7. #5
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hammertop View Post
    Hey thanks Tolero, I'm most concerned prospective bone-heads like myself get a heads-up so no one else makes the same mistake.

    The fellows on the phone-line couldn't fix it, but they were great to deal with so that took a fair bit of the sting out of it.
    I'm following up with the support folks. Out of my own curiosity, were you ever able to apply it directly through the myaccount site? My check around today indicated that in the case of those Walmart cards they *should* still work, but big swaths of the code batches changed to where you can't just plug it right in the in-game store interface like you used to. Still researching the UGC versions.

  8. 06-18-2015, 04:49 PM

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Happy patch day! We have made some configuration changes in the DDO Store today. As of today once the worlds open, while using the DDO Store if you experience a blank white or blank black page and the Store refuses to load for you, please respond with . . .
    I've been dealing with a black store window for a long time, probably over a year, on my main character. I saw this post and figured I'd give it a try. I just signed in and the full store just popped up instantly, no loading, no thinking. It just worked. Whoever figured out what the issue was and fixed it THANK YOU.

  10. #7
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    I have never had this problem in the past, or if I did it was so rare I forgot about it.

    I have checked MULTIPLE times since yesterday, zero problems.

    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit
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  11. #8
    Community Member horriblescarz's Avatar
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    Default store issue

    i was gonna grab some advents, but i load the store, select list view.. sort by lowest cost first.. and tried to hover my cursor to get the skinny info about said advent.. no lil bubble of text.. i see where it is supposed to be by the lil rectangle but no actuall tool tip info.

    pls scrap the awesomium_process.exe i had no issues with the game or the store prior to the last update but the re-introduction of crapsomium_failprocess.omfgwhy is causing me the same issues as before.. huge lag, system resources spooling up until system crash, when my network attempts to renew the lease it fails and locks up forcing me to use taskman and kill the ddo client.. i also have to manually close out 1 awesomium_process.exe that is persistent & i have to close out 2 netsession, then i can reconnect to my home network.
    i tested my system stability under heavy load with other games and was unable to replicate thesde events.. exit the other games, and load up ddo and in the char selection screen when the initial 2 processes of awesomium start up and it all goes downhill from there.

    this all started with the current update, i have experienced these events in the past and awesomium was the culprit back then.

    the issues this was supposed to fix could of been simply addressed if the player hit the HOME button if the window hung up and failed to properly load..... maybe simply making the home button more obvious would of been a simpler and cheaper solution than licensing a piece of software the devs have no clue how to properly implement with a single process instance & with the 7 active processes it spawns to load a window for a small percentage of the players that had issues navigating the UI is unfair to the rest of us that know how to navigate the ui.

    pls roll back this change so i dont have the memory leakage issues that are caused by the bad implementation of the awesomuim product.

    this is so frustrating, i upgraded my founders pack for 'Warhammer 40K Eternal Crusade' (i cant wait for it to go live.. i will leave ddo for good on that day) and renewed my sub to 'Star Trek Online'
    Last edited by horriblescarz; 06-19-2015 at 02:58 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ianliam View Post
    ( That Awkward moment when you get in the van and realize there's no candy )

  12. 06-19-2015, 03:30 PM

  13. #9
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    Blank White Screen. (Previously it used to load up first as Black for me, and loaded up successfully&functionally after a few character swaps)

    - Time of day (please include your time zone)
    Central European Summer Time = GMT+2

    - Whether you were logged into a character or in the character selection screen when it happened

    Both logged into characters and on the Char. selection screen. Same happens.

    - If possible please provide a screenshot of the behavior
    DDO store is blank white, not much to see :/
    Last edited by janave; 06-20-2015 at 04:37 AM.

  14. #10
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    - Time of day (please include your time zone)
    Central European Summer Time = GMT+2
    that's not the time of day, that's just the time zone - I suspect you are posting with the issue on screen right now, so your forum post time is the time.. but just for clarity it might be worth stating that. /meh. not my business, not meaning to interfere or criticise, just wanting to make Tolero's job as easy as possible and save her having to do maths.

  15. #11
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Nice memory leaks from Awesomium.

    Can you add option not to have that stuff start each time I switch character? I am tired of having to run scripts to kill it.

  16. #12
    Community Member Beelzebjorn's Avatar
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    Default Surprise! No more alternate payment methods?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Happy patch day! We have made some configuration changes in the DDO Store today. As of today once the worlds open, while using the DDO Store if you experience a blank white or blank black page and the Store refuses to load for you, please respond with the following information:

    - Time of day (please include your time zone)
    - Whether you were logged into a character or in the character selection screen when it happened
    - If possible please provide a screenshot of the behavior

    Thanks for being a DDO patron and we'll see you in game once the worlds are up!
    That's all fine, but what thappened to the alternate payment options? There seem to be changes in the works, at least if Severlin' producer's letter is to be believed: "You will still be able to purchase Turbine Points with a credit/debit card, PayPal, and a wide selection of alternate payment methods."

    Instead, right now, the options offered are Paypal and CC, and that's it.

    Me, I came close to buying a useless 50 Euro Ukash voucher today, but knowing how exchange rates sometimes fluctuate, I logged on to DDO to check the store. You'd think that when payment methods are removed, there'd be a big, friendly announcement somewhere like... oh I dunno, maybe on the start page when you open DDO Store, but no - Just the "more payment methods"-button missing, several clicks into the purchase process.

    Not cool. Shape up.

    Now, I'd like to send some money your way (Warlock, for starters)...

    So, is this a temporary thing?
    Is this a local thing (I'm in Sweden)?
    Have I simply missed that big friendly announcement where Turbine informs us of these changes in detail, including when we can expect more payment options and which ones?

    Frankly, I'm getting somewhat sick of surprises.


    “But the plans were on display…”
    “On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
    “That’s the display department.”
    “With a flashlight.”
    “Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
    “So had the stairs.”
    “But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
    “Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”
    "It's not a measure of health to be well-adjusted in a fundamentally sick society"

  17. 06-23-2015, 04:54 PM

  18. #13
    Community Member RianO's Avatar
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    Default white window

    hello there!

    over the last week i had no access to the DDO-Store at all - regardless of daytime (in germany), from character-screen or in-game on all servers.

    all i get is a blank (white) screen!

    i tried all the suggested fixes from the customer-support-FAQ

    ...before that it worked - it was very slow and i needed to change characters from time to time, but at least it worked!
    ...everything else in the game just fworks fine.

    running on XP-Sp3 with a GForce GT610 and DirectX 9

    any idea what else i might try?

    thanks in advance

  19. #14
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Just wanted to ping this thread real quick to let you know I'm chasing several store-related things and will have some more specific updates soon as I can (crashing issues take priority atm). Expect a new thread and I'll close this one out at that time.

  20. #15
    Community Member Xeroxx's Avatar
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    Very much appriciated you have taken steps to improve the store & tickets accessablitly. tyvm 4 that

    btw . I have another suggestion aswell :

    Being a vip means the store thinks i own things...
    In my case I own mostly packs and whatnot , still the issue is : lets say for example I whould like to permabuy warlock.
    atm being subsribbed as a vip the store thinks I own it. So now its pretty much others things not covered as vip where my points go.
    I ask if you could make VIPs permabuy stuff such as areas, classes and so on regardless of access as of that vipstatus.
    It could simply state (instore) "access due to VIP" or whatever...
    Last edited by Xeroxx; 06-29-2015 at 10:04 AM.

  21. #16
    The Hatchery Melkazar's Avatar
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    White screen issue on 6-28.
    11-12pm EDT
    On Merleoberon

    I usually don't have most of the issues that affect others but I did have a white screen in the store last night. It cleared up after a few minutes but the items did not deliver until I logged out and in.

    I deleted Akami earlier in the day. Not sure if it is related but I wanted to mention changes made to the computer in case it is relevant.
    What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good anymore?

    Baldric, Mulray, Tirimon, Clant, Melkazar, Dorakeen, Blastium
    If one of them falls off a cliff, it ain't their fault.

  22. #17
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    Hey Tolero,

    Today, i have tried all the workarounds - to fix the white blank page - i could locate on the Web, starting with the official faq&support pages. Checked Time&Zone settings, repatched Browser folder, checked the HOST file, removed all the adblockers, reset gfx settings, etc...

    I was wondering if you could share some technical details about what was specifically changed in update 26, (update 25, 24, 23, and afaik 22 - amnesia kicks in -... store opened just fine)

    I am using mostly default settings, no proxy, nothing fancy. It might be a connected problem that i also cannot load the ingame help page, altho it shows a 404.

    Out of ideas, any clue is appreciated.

    Thank you.

  23. #18
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    No matter what time of the day (I've tried in the morning, in the afternoon, during the night..., I am getting a blank screen, both on the character select screen and in the game world. I'm using PlayOnLinux on Ubuntu if that helps. I'm in the UTC + 01 time zone I believe.


  24. #19
    Community Member RianO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Happy patch day! We have made some configuration changes in the DDO Store today. As of today once the worlds open, while using the DDO Store if you experience a blank white or blank black page and the Store refuses to load for you, please respond with the following information:

    - Time of day (please include your time zone)
    - Whether you were logged into a character or in the character selection screen when it happened
    - If possible please provide a screenshot of the behavior

    Thanks for being a DDO patron and we'll see you in game once the worlds are up!

    ...and still - for more than 3 weeks now - WHITE SCREEN
    - any time! timezone EST+6
    - on ALL servers, on ALL characters AND character-selection-screens
    - tried all suggested fixes

    I'ts really crappy to see whats on sale all the time, but not be able to BUY anything :-(

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