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  1. #1
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    Red face Some bugs, and some opinion...

    These are things that I have noticed over the last 3 days, I don't know if they have been addressed, yet, I saw someone said something about magic missles; however, I have a more specific bug for the shield spell/warlock permashield that I'm not sure that has been addressed.
    Well, I was going to start with Evard's Tentacles, but since I mentioned shield I might as well start there...

    SHIELD SPELL/WARLOCK PERMASHILED ENHANCEMENT: not stopping wizard past-life magic missles, it's a complete exploit people are using in PvP--not that I car very much about PvP, this just happened to be where I was going to be trying out the magic missles spell/warlock permashield enhancement. There was this guy down in there and just using that attack over and over and over while we were trying to test out abilities on each other. Followed us from pit to pit, and continued to harass us with his Past Life magic missles. How about you fix this bug, because just trying to test abilities out alone this one person with that one ability was ruining the entire night of testing--since we all had the shield ability and all should have been protected, but weren't, and he was able to COMPLETELY and utterly disrupt our testing time. If this is what it was like for us, I can only imagine what people that have the shield spell must feel like when other's that PvP and take wizard past life magic missles just to take Shiradi so they can exploit the bug. Can we make sure this NEVER happens, again, soon?

    EVARD'S TENTACLES: It looks cool 1d4 damage per lock level per 2 second amped by spell power to all in the radius. This is not happening. Damage is happening to maybe one or 2 of the mobs in the area, damage is FAR from 1d4 per lock level amped by spell power--unless that averages out to about 45 dmg for a level 20 warlock with 272 force spell power per 2 seconds, and the damage doesn't even stay still it will hit maybe this mob these 2 seconds then another two mobs for the next tick, and for most of the ticks, it doesn't even do damage. So, yeah, major problem there. Damage problem number two. It's not doing 2d4 per lock level per 2 seconds amped by 272 force either to all in the radius, etc.. Debilitating effects are not working, creatures in the area of effect are not slowed, even though they are given the "slowed" graphic above their heads, the slowed effect is not actually applied to them, they just come running out of the cloud if you run away from them away from the cloud; they have no problem moving full speed. Which leads to the next problem. I'm running a DC 49 Tentacles in Lords of Dust Epic Normal, on groups of cultists. Grouping them up, casting tentacles on them, and then running away, NONE of them are ever captured by the spell, and as I've already said, they aren't slowed. So, what's working with the spell, is that it looks really cool, but please fix it so that it's the real debilitating DoT that it should be.

    STUNNING BLAST--Warlock Tainted Scholar Ability: Once again, running Lords of Dust, gathering up mobs, and blasting them with this spell, all of them should be getting stunned by this ability with a DC of 57 on Epic Normal, unless they are rolling 20s, and that's fine, I was expecting to see maybe one or two not being affected by the stun blasts. But, to my extreme disappointment, this is NOT what I'm seeing. I'm grouping up mobs in LoD blasting them and almost all of them are saving. In groups of 5 to 6, 1 or 2 were getting stunned, in groups of 4 maybe one would get stunned each time I tried out the ability--given I had the depravity to use it. But, anyway, DC 57 Epic Normal, they should be doing the exact opposite behavior that they are displaying. Please, look into this, because this is one of the only good abilities for the Tainted Scholar imo...

    CONFUSION--Warlock Tainted Scholar Ability: I've cast this thing about ten times now on mobs that are attacking me, then never leave me to attacking something else, they just keep attacking me. I don't even keep attacking them, so that I don't agro them to test it, and they still just stay attacking me, and refuse even if I start running all around the room, into their friends, they just keep chasing me. I do not think that this is working as intended, and if it is, then what's the point of the entire line of confusion? Once again, they get the graphical representation over their heads--of a red dot like they are held, which should be a great big question mark to denote confusion, I don't know who decided to make it to the held graphic, but they don't seem to be getting the effect of the actually ability put on them when it is cast, or the ability isn't functioning properly. And, honestly, what is the point? Why should we invest so **** heavily in abilities that are number one only potentially going to work, just because abilities don't always hit, and then even if the ability does hit, it might not even end up being helpful?! Is that a great big fat fat fat FAT waste of Enhancement points for the strapped for enhancement point Warlock already? So, you can fix confusion, because it's not working right, but I'd rather you got rid of it, give the tainted scholar something that is going to actually be CERTAINLY effective against mobs, and not just wishy washy, "I'd like to help out the party, so let me cast this thing that might help out the party?!" Why? We have much better spell selections to use for the effect that that is kinda going for like Mass Suggestion, Mass Charm Monster? Why would we use the confusion line, when we have those options? I don't see the logic. So there's a bug and my two cents...

    Our main weapon, and it's affects on the environment. First, there should be some sorta low tier ability in one of our trees that let's us extend the range of our blast, because at present, the blast range is hideous. You know what if you want that to be the normal blast radius, and gimp us ray and blast range like all other ray and blast range type magic and effects: Rune arms, blast, and ray spells, fine, but give us the option to at least enlarge it in one of our trees, such that if we want to hit that **** archer that is way up there ranging us without any recourse, actually have recourse. At present, for reasons that are beyond me--not wanting to make the Aracnophobia quest too hard?, Warlock blasts do not break sarcophagi. They break tables, stool, vases, pots, jars, storage bins, bookcases, and one other thing, basically, what's up with the sarcophagi? Also, I'm sick of changing to my weapon to break open doors, my weapon is my eldritch blast, it obviously has a physical form, and impact. If a fireball can blast a door down in one hit, and weapons and break doors down in three hits, then there is no **** good reason that I cant hit those doors three times with my blasts, whether they be blasts, cone, chain, or enervating blast, that door, should come down. Fix it, please, or give us a good reason why you won't.

    Last, but most certainly, not least. How can you possibly make Shining Through, something that the Warlock, clearly, and obviously NEEDS to survive a T5 ability?! You are locking out all other top tier trees, and saying, if you want to live, for get about those other two. I've been playing content now for days, and without Shining Through in my build, forget about it, DEAD DEAD DEAD. And, Brilliance? *** is that? Brilliance isn't helpful, period. I took Brilliance just by itself to see how much it would help me, omg, it doesn't do a **** thing to help me survive, not in heroic material, nor in epic material, it doesn't help for jack. Shining Through is the only thing that gives you a chance, and sometimes it is a **** close call with that cooldown on Shining Through, too, sometimes in heroic, you're just like, "OMG, come ON, COME AROUND! FINALLY, *CLICK*, *PHEW* just in time Shining THrough's CD came off!", and sometimes, well, I'm sure you know what happens when the CD doesn't come around fast enough.

    Making Shining Through a T5 ability completely precludes all other tree tops, so you might as well not even think about them in builds. Any Warlock that passes up Shining Through, after all the testing I've done so far with and without it, would just be dumb. Therefore, you're making pretty much all Warlocks invest at least 31 points into Enlightened Spirit. See, I really DO NOT know what your guys' problem is, you have 2/3 of the solution already there, and all you need are a couple of changes and one more ability that is flavored right, and viable. Then, you will have a complete Warlock without being lazy, and without forcing us to do things we don't want to do.

    Number one, Shining Through--even though I hate to admit it, is good, it works, but it could use it's cooldown to be lowered by a few seconds, and it SHOULD NOT be T5, just replace Brilliance with Shining Through at T4, and Enlightened Spirit is completely taken care of. You did good with Enlightened spirit, but guess what, you're not done with the warlock, just because you put viability into a single tree at the very top?! That doesn't even make sense. So, here's what's next, you have Steal Life Force, at T4, right where it should be, in Soul Eater tree, lower the CD on that ability, and let people use metamagic on it, and you will have fixed that tree, too, and all of a sudden it will be viable, because it will have real self healing--without using diving magic of any sort or even the flavor of any sort of niceness about the ordeal--"I take your life, you give it to me, you die, I live!", if that isn't Warlock enough, the I don't know what is! That CD needs to be no longer than 5 seconds, and it needs metamagic capabilities, because 120 healing every 20 seconds will not work. Number three, you have the Tainted Scholar tree, no ability to survive in there, I know you can come up with something, how about you get rid of that confusion stuff, and make the tree viable with something to make it survivable!

    All right, that's all I got for now, hopefully my words don't fall on deaf ears. But, if they do, oh well, I tried for the community. SHRUG
    Last edited by ZhenBuYaoShi; 06-18-2015 at 05:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    Number one, Shining Through--even though I hate to admit it, is good, it works, but it could use it's cooldown to be lowered by a few seconds, and it SHOULD NOT be T5, just replace Brilliance with Shining Through at T4, and Enlightened Spirit is completely taken care of. You did good with Enlightened spirit, but guess what, you're not done with the warlock, just because you put viability into a single tree at the very top?! That doesn't even make sense. So, here's what's next, you have Steal Life Force, at T4, right where it should be, in Soul Eater tree, lower the CD on that ability, and let people use metamagic on it, and you will have fixed that tree, too, and all of a sudden it will be viable, because it will have real self healing--without using diving magic of any sort or even the flavor of any sort of niceness about the ordeal--"I take your life, you give it to me, you die, I live!", if that isn't Warlock enough, the I don't know what is! That CD needs to be no longer than 5 seconds, and it needs metamagic capabilities, because 120 healing every 20 seconds will not work. Number three, you have the Tainted Scholar tree, no ability to survive in there, I know you can come up with something, how about you get rid of that confusion stuff, and make the tree viable with something to make it survivable! All right, that's all I got for now, hopefully my words don't fall on deaf ears. But, if they do, oh well, I tried for the community. SHRUG
    I have to disagree here somewhat. I have also been testing on Lamaland with Warlock at cap in EE with just the TS tree and done fine. Yes, you have to keep an eye on health and use cure potions at points, but they certainly can survive without Shining Through. With just me and my brother, both in level 28 Warlock with primarily TS enhancement lines doing ToEE on Epic Elite, the only place we ran into big issues was the final fight.

  3. #3
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    Thumbs down You disagree somewhat? Cure Potions, seriously?!...

    Quote Originally Posted by Drakos View Post
    I have to disagree here somewhat. I have also been testing on Lamaland with Warlock at cap in EE with just the TS tree and done fine. Yes, you have to keep an eye on health and use cure potions at points, but they certainly can survive without Shining Through. With just me and my brother, both in level 28 Warlock with primarily TS enhancement lines doing ToEE on Epic Elite, the only place we ran into big issues was the final fight.
    That's right, we're going to heal ourselves with healing potions. Look, I don't know what kind of special uber player you are, but people aren't going to be saving themselves on a Warlock with healing pots in Epic Elite content. I don't care if YOU were able to do it, but that's not what's going to be happening for the typical person's experience. People are not going to go into ToEE on EE with their Warlocks without Shining Through, and heal themselves with healing potions and make it out alive. Disagree all you want, but I think your case is much more unique than standard. Wands and Pots do not cut it, period.

    I found that once you get out of a certain level of heroic content pots and wands are not sufficient to keep you alive. If you want to do Elite content past about level 14, at which point I had already had Shining Through for a while, but was not NEEDING to use it or die before a between fight situation. But, around this point, you start looking for the Shining Through button while you're fighting, and you keep your eye on it and your health from then on.

    That's what I found, and not just some tricked out perfectly geared level 28 lock DUO--not even soloing, which is what I'm talking about and what everyone cares about, so you had twice as much fire power to rely on, and scaling is not very big with just a duo as compared to a party scale, with all the trimmings with obviously upper echelon players playing talking about use pots to live through Elite content. Try some more testing, start at level 7, and test from there. Don't just come talking about one dungeon, in perfect uber gear at end game, cause you just left out 95% of the rest of DDO--I know what they give you on the test server, christ, and say you "somewhat" disagree that Shining Through is necessary. Then, the most annoying part is that you actually say, but the boss fight was problematic. Really?!

    You don't need Shining Through in Elite content for "running" trash mobs, you need it for "road block" type trash, that make you stop in an area, because there are so many of them, that you must be especially strategic, and for mini-bosses and end bosses, it's necessary.

    I'll use LoD as an example:

    You can, at level, do the Elite content without being vigilant about the Shining Through ability up until the point that you get to the drow prying dragon shards from the wall. If you do not have Shining Through, and I've speced and respeced just to do LoD Elite just for this reason, at level, just to see how important Shining Through was for a Warlock to get through a hellstorm of a situation, which we all know that is. If you do not have it, every time you get to the drow prying dragonshards from the wall, they obliterate you. The only way I was able to survive it was with Shining Through on ever CD, and pots on every CD with chain blasting, other than that, it just wasn't happening. The next "road block" group that is just around the bend from there is almost the same, a little bit easier, but not too much! Then, again, Shining Through isn't DIRE, again, until you come to another problematic situation, dealing with the hellhounds/Flamefang wasn't doable without it on every CD with pots to heal at every CD. A friggin champion Hezrou Savage teamed with a hellhound and a Rakshasa champ, made it VERY necessary, again. I didn't even TRY the Drow Ritual solo as a lock without evasion, and the 12 Fire Reavers that immediately spawn, yeah, I'm daring, but not stupid. The hardest part in the dungeon was, of course, the end fight, and the entire fight, through all the groups of mobs, and for the two bosses, Shining Through was absolutely necessary. But, between my Warlock CC spells, and my powerful chain blast for the mob groups, and enervating blast for the bosses, I was able to defeat the dungeon, at level.

    Anyway, I'm tired, and I don't want to rebuff anymore about claims of cure potions as a way to survive Epic Elite content, because that's just ridiculous.

    If you're going to come and discredit my arguments, then come with something that actually has some credence to it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    That's right, we're going to heal ourselves with healing potions. Look, I don't know what kind of special uber player you are, but people aren't going to be saving themselves on a Warlock with healing pots in Epic Elite content. I don't care if YOU were able to do it, but that's not what's going to be happening for the typical person's experience. People are not going to go into ToEE on EE with their Warlocks without Shining Through, and heal themselves with healing potions and make it out alive. Disagree all you want, but I think your case is much more unique than standard. Wands and Pots do not cut it, period.
    First I need to make a correction, I checked when I got home and it was Epic Hard not Epic Elite. Second, I am far from an uber-elite player, This was on Lamannia during the first test release, we had fresh 28'd (leveled through dojo, no past lives) and it was the gear you get from the cabinets.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    I found that once you get out of a certain level of heroic content pots and wands are not sufficient to keep you alive. If you want to do Elite content past about level 14, at which point I had already had Shining Through for a while, but was not NEEDING to use it or die before a between fight situation. But, around this point, you start looking for the Shining Through button while you're fighting, and you keep your eye on it and your health from then on.
    I played many different levels of Warlock during the Lamannia preview.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    That's what I found, and not just some tricked out perfectly geared level 28 lock DUO--not even soloing, which is what I'm talking about and what everyone cares about, so you had twice as much fire power to rely on, and scaling is not very big with just a duo as compared to a party scale, with all the trimmings with obviously upper echelon players playing talking about use pots to live through Elite content. Try some more testing, start at level 7, and test from there. Don't just come talking about one dungeon, in perfect uber gear at end game, cause you just left out 95% of the rest of DDO--I know what they give you on the test server, christ, and say you "somewhat" disagree that Shining Through is necessary. Then, the most annoying part is that you actually say, but the boss fight was problematic. Really?!
    You neglected to say solo, and not that is NOT what everyone cares about, it may be what YOU care about, but you are not everyone. Get snarky all you want, I was letting you know that my testing did not show that Shinning Through was as "required" as you claimed.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    Anyway, I'm tired, and I don't want to rebuff anymore about claims of cure potions as a way to survive Epic Elite content, because that's just ridiculous.
    Fine, you don't have to rebuff any claims, I didn't ask you to anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    If you're going to come and discredit my arguments, then come with something that actually has some credence to it.
    Whatever dude, I still say the Shinning Through, though nice, is far from being so required that every Warlock must take it to survive.

  5. #5
    Community Member elg582's Avatar
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    Couple of additions:

    Sky shots - I know they listed something about it in the release notes, but they've got it wrong; it's not just while moving or changing your aim, it happens randomly, just like in the bad old days when the asteroids room in abbot was unbeatable.

    AoE limit on aura - I don't know exactly what it is, but I've noticed that, when surrounded by 10+ enemies, it doesn't hit them all.

    And the shield enhancement isn't block ANY magic missiles, for me; was out in Orchard getting nailed by the zombie shepherds.

  6. #6
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    Unhappy I now concede on confusion, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by elg582 View Post
    Couple of additions:

    Sky shots - I know they listed something about it in the release notes, but they've got it wrong; it's not just while moving or changing your aim, it happens randomly, just like in the bad old days when the asteroids room in abbot was unbeatable.

    AoE limit on aura - I don't know exactly what it is, but I've noticed that, when surrounded by 10+ enemies, it doesn't hit them all.

    And the shield enhancement isn't block ANY magic missiles, for me; was out in Orchard getting nailed by the zombie shepherds.
    Permashield Warlock: Steel, you actually said that this was going to be fixed in this upcoming update. You said that the problem that I reported was fixed, Wizard past life magic missles were no longer passing through, and magic missles of the regular type either. Now, BOTH of them don't work. Seriously, what's going on, here, I just got killed by a Troglodyte Shaman that blasted me with his Elite magic missles and killed me in one shot?

    Targeting, Blast Control, and Breakables: I read several post were devs said they were looking into targeting; they said that targeting was going to get better in this update. I was playing Dr. Rushmore's mansion all during the bonus mats time, few days ago. Targeting breakables was a nightmare, and complete and total NIGHTMARE, everytime you want to break something, you have to wait for a second cast of your blast to target the next item you want to blast, before it registers that you want to break something else. So, you are constantly, wasting time blasting the air, or the ceiling, because Warlock targeting is still totally horrid. If you get close to a breakable, you MAY, or MAY NOT target it to smash it, but if you take the time to HARD target it, of course it will smash it... unless, OF COURSE, you're too close, then it doesn't break at all, major bug there. Here's a SERIOUSLY, I'm not being an ass, good way for you to work on Warlock targeting, when testing Warlock targeting, please run Dr. Rushmore's Mansion, and when every single blast hits a breakable that is in front of your face without having to hard target, press 'q' a bunch of times, find just the right angle for the name of the breakable to show up, and not lose a blast to the previous target before blasting updates to it's new target, then blasting will be fixed, until then, it's not fixed. Lastly, no doors, and no sarcophagi breaking down, really, still? And, you've admitted that you're "on it", but that didn't make patch 1 priority? But, putting a silencer on our blaster was at the top of the list of things wrong with our blast? Ummm, I'm sorry, but I can't hold it in, I'm very disappointed in the lack of things that were taken care of in this "fix".

    Stunning Blast: You can say this is fixed now, but all my mobs are STILL saving, and what is up with the HA-DOU-KEN 3 second charge up for that blast, and then forever cd on it, to boot? I'm very disappointed.

    Evard's Tentacles: I still don't see the targets getting slowed, they still get the animation, but they don't seem to get slowed still. Thank you for making them now get grappled when they fail their save, most of the mobs are getting grappled now, just like they should be with my saves. Thank you for fixing the damage, most of the mobs are taking PROPER damage now, I'm seeing hundreds flying up, not low 40s, on one mob, like I was seeing before. And, it is holding them for a short period after the spell is finished, too. Problem yet to be fixed, the initial slowing effect that is supposed to have no save is still not being applied as far as I can see, except for the graphical arrow above their head. But, this spell is almost 85% functional, and I'm loving it now, thank you, just one more problem to take care of, please....

    Confusion: I concede to your line of confusion, if that is how you want a warlock to play it, and believe that this is enough survivability for the tainted scholar, sobeit... I still think they need more survivability than just confusion.

    Lastly, I'm still, also, disappointed that I don't have the option to extend the range of my blast, very disappointed that Shining Through is STILL a T5 ability, although this is not a bug, I still cannot believe that you are making something so important a tree top closing all others, and I'm still confused as to why the extra light damage die in Enlightened Spirit are tied to a bunch of AURA defensive capabilities starting at Tier 1, and ending at Tier 4 with damage? Why invest 9 points into an aura attack over 3 tiers, and then at the pinnacle of the line grant what should be elsewhere for people that actually use blasting, because really, that's just a waste of 9 points to Eldritch Blasters to get to the extra 3d6 damage die for our Blasts. And, you're doing this to us, because? The Eldritch Blast extra 3d6 light damage already has the prerequisite of having to have to invest 20 points into ES, strapping blasters a set of 3 aura boosting effects is a waste of points, time in getting to what we're really after, and makes no sense thematically.

    So, like I said, thanks for the little you did, but some of the things you promised to deliver on in this update are NOT there, and some things that aren't there that weren't promised just should have been, anyway, when we've been talking about them since Update launch.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    Permashield Warlock: Steel, you actually said that this was going to be fixed in this upcoming update. You said that the problem that I reported was fixed, Wizard past life magic missles were no longer passing through, and magic missles of the regular type either. Now, BOTH of them don't work. Seriously, what's going on, here, I just got killed by a Troglodyte Shaman that blasted me with his Elite magic missles and killed me in one shot?
    We're looking into it. Before the patch, the ward effect disappeared on rest or zoning into any quest. It shouldn't be doing that now. We're looking into the reports.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    Lastly, no doors, and no sarcophagi breaking down, really, still? And, you've admitted that you're "on it", but that didn't make patch 1 priority? But, putting a silencer on our blaster was at the top of the list of things wrong with our blast? Ummm, I'm sorry, but I can't hold it in, I'm very disappointed in the lack of things that were taken care of in this "fix".
    Some things take longer than the patch window; this is one of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    Stunning Blast: You can say this is fixed now, but all my mobs are STILL saving, and what is up with the HA-DOU-KEN 3 second charge up for that blast, and then forever cd on it, to boot? I'm very disappointed.
    Prior to yesterday's patch, Stunning Blast had no save on the stun; it always stunned mobs that aren't immune to stunning. It now has a save consistent with other Level 4 Evocation spells. If monsters are saving constantly against it, take a look at your Evocation DC.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZhenBuYaoShi View Post
    Evard's Tentacles: I still don't see the targets getting slowed, they still get the animation, but they don't seem to get slowed still. Thank you for making them now get grappled when they fail their save, most of the mobs are getting grappled now, just like they should be with my saves. Thank you for fixing the damage, most of the mobs are taking PROPER damage now, I'm seeing hundreds flying up, not low 40s, on one mob, like I was seeing before. And, it is holding them for a short period after the spell is finished, too. Problem yet to be fixed, the initial slowing effect that is supposed to have no save is still not being applied as far as I can see, except for the graphical arrow above their head. But, this spell is almost 85% functional, and I'm loving it now, thank you, just one more problem to take care of, please....
    The slow is working as intended. It's 25%, the same penalty as the Slow spell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    We're looking into it. Before the patch, the ward effect disappeared on rest or zoning into any quest. It shouldn't be doing that now. We're looking into the reports.
    Just tot add another voice here, it isn't blocking MM for me either. I was in Gianthold and being damaged by MM yesterday after the patch.

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