No this is NOT the Giant's Knife, before you say anything.
Giant's Knife is a greatsword.
Find the rest of my joke weapons here! -> List of Joke Weapons
Name: Enchanted Breakable Sword
Weapon Type: Longsword
Damage: (0-5) 1d6 - 1 Slash
Critical Roll: (0 - 10) 20 / x2
Attack Mod: STR+
Damage Mod: STR+
Durability: 20
Material: Scrap
Hardness: 0
-1: This weapon is less well-made than normal, giving a -1 penalty to Attack and Damage Rolls.
Poor Durability: This weapon was made with less-than-durable materials, and will always lose 1 durability with every successful hit.
"Why would I ever want a sword to be enchanted so that it breaks literally almost after every battle!?"
"Well...maybe you could give it to your enemies?"
"Great idea! Here, hold the sword for a second..."
-- Last conversation held by Erwin the Enchanter and his client, shortly before the former's untimely demise at the hands of the latter who requested his services and was unsatisfied with the result.