I'll admit that I am really stoked about this tree! It really seems to fit how I enjoy to play. I copied over my capped FvS and changed him to a pure Warlock and gave it a go. I thought it went quite well so I wanted to try something a bit low level and see how that went.
First, on a whim, I was thinking of splashing 2 Rogue for soloing content as I need. This wasn't a good idea as (at least initially), I just didn't have enough skill point.
Re-do and did a +1 LR to pure level 4 Warlock. Again, I am really excited to pummel my way through some low-level content. I went into Missing in Action and....
...I was pretty thoroughly bummed. Now, I'll admit that I don't understand all of the ins and out of Warlock yet and how to increase my aura damage, etc. On top of that, I only had a couple of low-level sickles to play around with (seemed flavorful). It felt so horribly bad. Bah.
On a lark, I switched to the focused EB on the other side. WHOA! A whole different story. The damage was simply overwhelming. Gosh that was fun!
Exit the dungeon and switch to full Soul Eater (with more crits and the chain blast so this may not be the right name as I only cared about Enlightened!). Go into the other dungeon by the Rusty Nail and proceed to completely outclass the bad guys. GLORIOUS!
Okay, now I am exited to try that a bit more. Eat an Otto's stone and level to 20 and try Heroic Elite LoD. Did pretty darn well except for the annoying bit of having to turn off EB to break through doors. The Fear Immunity bug always played a role with numerous deaths to Rakshasha in there.
So, my only criticism on that build was a lack of a "Boss DPS Finisher". I went Focused EB and that did help, but I didn't have any ED's running - just a plain, vanilla level 20 toon (and probably under-geared to boot).
So, 2 points to this overall tl;dr:
- When does the Enlightend tree kick in? Wow, that just felt bad at low levels. Really a bummer.
- Is there any sort of Boss DPS alternative in general?
Thanks for reading. Good times and I can't wait. Please make Enlightened focused toons okay at low levels.