Hello all. Here is the list of items I need and list of items I have to trade with.

Listen of items for trade:

Ability tomes (all of them are upgrade tomes):
Strenght: +3
Dexterity: +3
Constitution: +3, +2
Intelligence: +4, +2
Charisma +3

Skill tomes:
Perform: +2, +1
Open lock: +2, +1
Bluff: +4, +3
Haggle: +3
Swim: +3
Tumble: +2
Heal: +2
Move silently: +3, +2, +1
Search: +2, +1
Spot: +3
Concentration: +3, +2
Spellcraft +2
Listen +2
Intimidation +3

2 Moundane mini-mimic certificate

Platinum: 6 million

Astral shards: 270

15 Flawless Siberys dragonshards (high level Fred feat swap)
200 Elixer of major mnemonic

Looking for:
160 Rusty gilled mushrooms (Heroic !)
TP codes

Please contact me ingame on Yushimitsu via mail or whisper.