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  1. #1
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Default U27 Morninglord Palemaster Necromancer Build

    I know I know. It's a bit premature for a U27 build since U26 hasn't even hit the streets yet.

    I've been assuming that when eShavarath hits that spell penetration will once again be important and hopefully obtainable. Of course this is all speculation at this point, but since a friend asked me to write up my build I thought I should implement probable U27 changes and if it turns out spell penetration isn't needed I can always etr and replace it with something else.

    I am sacrificing some DC for DPS, but of course if DCs requirements are really high I might change that.

    Race: Sun Elf (requires +1 lesser stone or drow is also very close resulting in 6 racial AP being redistributed)

    st: 8
    dx: 8
    wi: 12
    int: 20 (all level ups)
    con: 16
    cha: 8

    1: Empower
    1W: Maximize
    3: Completionist
    5W: Spell Focus Necromancy
    6: Insightful Reflexes
    9: Past Life Wizard
    10W: Quicken
    12: Greater Spell Focus Necromancy
    15: Spell Penetration (** Assumes spell penetration is necessary for eShavarath which comes shortly after warlock is released)
    15W: Extend
    18: Greater Spell Penetration (** Assumes spell penetration is necessary for eShavarath which comes shortly after warlock is released)
    20W: Heighten
    21: Epic Spell Penetration (** Assumes spell penetration is necessary for eShavarath which comes shortly after warlock is released)
    24: Epic Spell Focus Necromancy
    26: Epic Spellpower <Element>
    27: Ruin
    28: Epic Spellpower <Force>

    Starting: 20
    Level Ups: 7
    Tome: 6
    Item: 11
    Insightful Item: 3
    Exceptioinal Item: 1
    Pale Master Enhancements: 4
    Arch Lich Form: 4
    Archmage Enhancements: 2
    Morninglord Enhancements: 2
    Ship Buffs: 2
    Yugo Pots: 2
    Epic Destiny (Draconic): 3
    Completionist: 2
    Littany: 2
    Echoes of the Ancestor - Arcane: 1
    Total 72

    Necromancy DC
    Base: 10
    Spell Level (Heighten): 9
    Item: 6 (Thunderforged item)
    Augment: 2
    Intelligence: 31
    Ship Buffs:1
    Thunderforged Medium Armor Caster Bonus: 1
    Palemaster Enhancements: 2
    Spell Focus Feats: 3
    Past Life Wizard: 1
    Necromancy DC Twist from Magister: 3
    Necromancy DC: 69
    Epic Deific Diadem 2 (Easy to enough to count this since 2 aura ticks every 3 seconds proc it)
    Total Necromancy DC: 71
    Situational Necromancy Augmentation Debuff: 10
    Total Effective Necromancy DC with Debuff: 81

    Note: Death Aura and Less Death Aura each tick every two seconds which keeps Epic Deific Diadem at 2 most of the time and helps trigger necromancy augmentation more frequently.

    Spell Penetration:
    20: Wizard Levels
    5: Draconic bonus caster levels
    3: Piercing Spellcraft from Draconic
    2: Twist: Echoes of the Ancestor - Arcane
    3: Arcanum Morninglord enhancement x3
    3: Archmage Spell Penetration enhancement x3
    8: Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration and Epic Spell Penetration feats
    9: 3x Wizard and 3x Favored Soul passive past life feats
    7: Thunderforged Items
    1: Arcane Sanctum Ship Buff
    Total Spell Penetration: 61
    Destiny: Draconic Incarnation


    Echoes of the Ancestor Arcane
    Necromancy Augmentation
    Necromancy Mastery
    Endless Faith

    Past Life Stances
    - Shadar Kai x3
    - Energy Criticalx x3
    - Power of Life and Death x3
    - Skill Mastery x3
    - Colors of the Queen x3

    Enhancement Spend

    Morninglord (14)
    Core (6)
    - Elven Accuracy
    - Intelligence
    - Elven Accuracy
    - Intelligence
    Tier 1 (2)
    - Arcane Fluidity x 2
    Tier 2 (6)
    - Arcanum x3

    Archmange (25)
    Core (4)
    - Magic Missle SLA
    - Gust of Wind SLA
    - Chain Missles SLA
    - Fireshield LA
    Tier 1 (7)
    - Energy of the Scholar x2
    - Traditional Caster x1
    - Spell Critical
    Tier 2 (2)
    - Spell Critical
    Tier 3 (10)
    - Spell Penetration x3
    - Spell Critical
    - Intelligence
    Tier 4 (7)
    - Intelligence

    Palemaster (41)
    Core (6)
    - Dark Reaping
    - Shroud of the Zombie
    - Shroud of the Vampire
    - Shroud of the Wraith
    - Shroud of the Lich
    - Master of Death
    Tier 1 (12)
    - Necrotic Touch x1 (filler)
    - Deathless Vigor x3
    - Spell Critical
    - Negative Energy Conduit x 3
    Tier 2 (11)
    - Efficient Quicken x3
    - Spell Critical
    - Bone Armor x3
    Tier 3 (4)
    - Spell Critical
    - Intelligence
    Tier 4 (4)
    - Spell Critical
    - Intelligence
    Tier 5 (4)
    - Necromantic Focus
    - Improved Shrouding

    Helm: Epic Deific Diadem with Vitality +20 and Topaz of Greater Enchantment slotted
    Necklace: Epic Noxious Embers with Greater Transmutation and Greater Necromancy slotted
    Trinket: Epic Littany of the Dead with Heal +11 slotted (magestar, pale lavendar ioun stone, bauble, spyglass)
    Cloak: Deathwyrm Cloak
    Belt: Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance with Search +15 and +2 insightful constitution slotted
    Ring 1: Ward Token with Insightful Strength + 2 and Insightful Charisma +2 slotted
    Gloves: Concordant Opposition Gloves with 10 hp and 150 spell points
    Boots: Halcyon Boots with Draconic Soul Gem and Globe of True Imperial Blood Slotted
    Ring 2: Upgraded Lantern Ring with Strength +8 and Power 250 slotted
    Bracers: Dumathoin's Bracers with Good Luck +2 slotted
    Armor: Medium Dragonscale Armor with False Life 40 and Spell Agility +15 slotted (not proficient)
    Goggles: Intricate Field Optics with Spellcraft 15 and Feather Falling slotted
    Quiver: Epic Quiver of Alacrity
    Weapon 1: Thunderforged Kama Nullification 150, Necromancy +6 and void lore 22% Meridian Fragment and Insigtful Wisdom +2 slotted
    Weapon 2: Thunderforged Kama Impulse 150 Spell Penetration 7 Kinetic lore 22% Glaciation 138 slotted
    Alt Weapon 2 for MOD: Thunderforged Orb with Impulse 150 and Transmutation Focus +6 (no tier 3)
    Alt Weapon 2 for enchant instead of Spell pen: Thunderforged Orb with Impulse 150 and Enchantment Focus +2 with Glaciation 138 slotted (no tier 3)
    Cosmetic: Elite Spider Cult Mask with Festival Glaciation 120
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Remind me how spell pen works again? at 72 INT you are dropping at least 10 INT.

    I assumed spell pen is based off INT, so are you dropping 5 spell pen just by lowering your INT that far?

  3. #3
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldgolem View Post
    Remind me how spell pen works again? at 72 INT you are dropping at least 10 INT.

    I assumed spell pen is based off INT, so are you dropping 5 spell pen just by lowering your INT that far?
    Spell Pen is a caster level check. Lower Int lowers DCs, not Spell Pen.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Spell Pen is a caster level check. Lower Int lowers DCs, not Spell Pen.
    hmm, so only 61? seems abit low since spell resistance is usually 10 above CR, and we already have 60+CR in some epics currently. isnt eshavarath supposed to be level 30?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violith View Post
    hmm, so only 61? seems abit low since spell resistance is usually 10 above CR, and we already have 60+CR in some epics currently. isnt eshavarath supposed to be level 30?
    This is simply not true. The wiki has been wrong on that for so long it is ridiculous.

    Shadovars in ee wgu have a cr of 73. In your example they would have a 83 spell resistance. Well my 43 spell penetration seems to work 65% of the time on them so that cannot be correct. A 61 vs devils should work no problem, but I guess we will see.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    This is simply not true. The wiki has been wrong on that for so long it is ridiculous.

    Shadovars in ee wgu have a cr of 73. In your example they would have a 83 spell resistance. Well my 43 spell penetration seems to work 65% of the time on them so that cannot be correct. A 61 vs devils should work no problem, but I guess we will see.
    10+CR seems accurate for drow only, basically the same way it is calculated as for the player race (10+character level).
    For other stuff it doesn't check out. Another example would be the hezrous in ToEE part 2 end fight. CR80, yet I could land some things with 42 Spell-Pen (although it was already on the lower end of things, maybe 20%?).
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  7. #7
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldgolem View Post
    Remind me how spell pen works again? at 72 INT you are dropping at least 10 INT.

    I assumed spell pen is based off INT, so are you dropping 5 spell pen just by lowering your INT that far?
    At this point I don't know what the DC or spell penetration requirements are yet. My lesser death aura/death aura combined with necromancy augmentation gives me a +10 DC frequently. I was mainly coming up with a high DC / high spell penetration build to test on Lamannia and will adjust as needed once I understand the requirements.

    Quote Originally Posted by Violith View Post
    hmm, so only 61? seems abit low since spell resistance is usually 10 above CR, and we already have 60+CR in some epics currently. isnt eshavarath supposed to be level 30?
    Hopefully the devs will give us realistic spell penetration #s. At the moment 67 is about the max without an arcane augmentation item. 3 more caster level in magister and 3 more from spell penetration from magister. If spell resistance #s match the wiki formula necromancy and enchantment may not be viable in EE content.

    I am actually hoping the opposite that my spell penetration is overkill so I can drop some of it.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldgolem View Post
    Remind me how spell pen works again? at 72 INT you are dropping at least 10 INT.

    I assumed spell pen is based off INT, so are you dropping 5 spell pen just by lowering your INT that far?
    People don't walk around with an 82 int normally. If people are walking around twisting in 3 int, spending 6 points in int for their tree, and taking twist points for int, they are making very strange builds. No point in going that high for dc's you lose quite a bit.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    People don't walk around with an 82 int normally. If people are walking around twisting in 3 int, spending 6 points in int for their tree, and taking twist points for int, they are making very strange builds. No point in going that high for dc's you lose quite a bit.
    Mine does, and I do lose a bit to pay for it, but hoovering through EE TOEE makes up for it (85 is the highest I can find that is pretty much maintainable). I would say Slarden's build above would too, if he didnt swap the INT for Spen. But if INT isnt attached to SPen, then its a moo(cow) point anyway.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldgolem View Post
    But if INT isnt attached to SPen, then its a moo(cow) point anyway.
    I like it!

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