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  1. #1
    Community Member Avocado's Avatar
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    Default So you want to survive in EE as a sorc? Heavy armor is your answer.

    I just recently finished up my last sorc life and was ambitious with the build. I almost exclusively run ee content and the mobs tend to hit hard and sorcs tend to draw a lot of aggro with aoe spells. Most of the time taking more aggro then one can handle. I couldnt get my dodge up high enough to satisfy me so i ended up taking adamantine body. It was the best thing i could have done for my sorc. Prr goes up to around 100 and mrr about 50-60ish. Much better then a measly 12 or so percent dodge. I advise those wanting to play sorcs in endgame ee to find a way to get proficient in heavy armor. As a bladeforged/warforged you can drop your arcane spell failure by 35% (15% inherent body + EK tree 5% + 15% spell agility aug) so there is no worry on arcane spell failure. I will post my bladeforged 18/2pal fire sorc if some are interested.

    May the age of running from bosses be over.

    Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by MousePointer View Post
    I advise those wanting to play sorcs in endgame ee to find a way to get proficient in heavy armor.
    Proficient? You realise that's 3 feats?

    With the more standard layout being something like Maximise, Empower, Heighten, Quicken, PL:Wiz, 2xFocus Feats.
    What would you even drop? And then you have to invest into EK to get rid of ASF if you go heavy.

    I personally go with light armor or medium armor without proficiency, depending if I take the ASF reduction from drow or not (even those AP are tight).
    Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
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  3. #3
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Proficient? You realise that's 3 feats?

    With the more standard layout being something like Maximise, Empower, Heighten, Quicken, PL:Wiz, 2xFocus Feats.
    What would you even drop? And then you have to invest into EK to get rid of ASF if you go heavy.

    I personally go with light armor or medium armor without proficiency, depending if I take the ASF reduction from drow or not (even those AP are tight).
    With WF/BF it's a bit easier to fit in, and obviously pally splash gets it free. But for everyone else, yeah 3 feats is way too much.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    With WF/BF it's a bit easier to fit in, and obviously pally splash gets it free. But for everyone else, yeah 3 feats is way too much.
    I just wanted to point out that it's not that simple for fleshies.
    But anyway not being proficient isn't that bad. You only lose the BAB part of the formular, which isn't much to begin with on a sorc.

    So generally OP is correct - it is a good idea to slap on some armor. It's basically free PRR/MRR.
    I still wouldn't take heavy though, don't like those AP put in EK.
    Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
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  5. #5
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Proficient? You realise that's 3 feats?
    Excuse me?

    Adamantine Body is ONE Feat!

    What are the other two?

    And with two Pally levels Heavy Armour is free to Fleshies anyway! {Sorcs don't have any bonus feats to lose here.}.

    Arcane Spell Failure removal is all Enhancements and Gear NOT Feats!

    The OP said nothing about using a Shield but even then you don't HAVE to take Shield Mastery!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Excuse me?

    Adamantine Body is ONE Feat!

    What are the other two?

    And with two Pally levels Heavy Armour is free to Fleshies anyway! {Sorcs don't have any bonus feats to lose here.}.
    Read the other posts? Obvious is obvious.
    It's already mentioned that toasters only need 1 feat and fleshy pallys get it free. But not every sorc fits these prereqs.
    Worst case (fleshy pure sorc) you would need 3 feats to get heavy armor prof.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Arcane Spell Failure removal is all Enhancements and Gear NOT Feats!
    Correct, but it's not like someone here claimed otherwise.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    The OP said nothing about using a Shield but even then you don't HAVE to take Shield Mastery!
    No one else in this thread mentioned shields either. Not sure what that comment is about.
    Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
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  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Read the other posts? Obvious is obvious.
    It's already mentioned that toasters only need 1 feat and fleshy pallys get it free. But not every sorc fits these prereqs.
    Worst case (fleshy pure sorc) you would need 3 feats to get heavy armor prof.

    Correct, but it's not like someone here claimed otherwise.

    No one else in this thread mentioned shields either. Not sure what that comment is about.
    So why not actually state the other two feats then?

    I can't think of any reason why ANY sorc or wizard should need to take 3 feats to get Hvy Armour Prof!

    The reason I mentioned the Shield profs is in case that's what people were talking about!


    What are these supposed feats that are required to be proficient in heavy armour when there's no feat that gives reduced ASF and you're not talking about Shields?

  8. #8
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    So why not actually state the other two feats then?

    I can't think of any reason why ANY sorc or wizard should need to take 3 feats to get Hvy Armour Prof!

    The reason I mentioned the Shield profs is in case that's what people were talking about!


    What are these supposed feats that are required to be proficient in heavy armour when there's no feat that gives reduced ASF and you're not talking about Shields?
    A pure fleshy sorc/wizard does not get proficiency in any armor. If he wished to get proficiency in heavy armor he needs to first take light armor proficiency and medium armor proficiency. The light and medium armor proficiency granted in ek do not count, because it would be too easy to spend the ap, then spend one feat on heavy armor prof, and then drop the ek tree completely. So they prevent that by requiring you spend 3 feats, to gain light armor, then medium armor, then heavy armor proficiency.

    The op talks about taking heavy armor proficiency, but then goes on to say that he took adamant body. It is much easier to take adamant body for one feat than for a fleshy caster to try to take all 3 armor feats to get to heavy armor proficiency, and unless its an elf, will have more of an issue getting asf down to 0, as wf and bf get 15% from racial, so do elves, but no one else.
    Last edited by Lonnbeimnech; 06-03-2015 at 08:40 AM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    So why not actually state the other two feats then?

    I can't think of any reason why ANY sorc or wizard should need to take 3 feats to get Hvy Armour Prof!

    The reason I mentioned the Shield profs is in case that's what people were talking about!


    What are these supposed feats that are required to be proficient in heavy armour when there's no feat that gives reduced ASF and you're not talking about Shields?
    Oh, OK then...
    Heavy armor prof. requires medium armor prof., while medium armor prof. requires light armor prof.
    Sorcerers get none of these so you have to take all 3. I actually thought that was clear. Sorry for the confusion.
    Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
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  10. #10
    Community Member Avocado's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Proficient? You realise that's 3 feats?

    With the more standard layout being something like Maximise, Empower, Heighten, Quicken, PL:Wiz, 2xFocus Feats.
    What would you even drop? And then you have to invest into EK to get rid of ASF if you go heavy.

    I personally go with light armor or medium armor without proficiency, depending if I take the ASF reduction from drow or not (even those AP are tight).
    Not if you skip out on 20 sorc and take 1 fighter or 2 paladin. Id say the +20some to all saves or the heavy armor prof is better then sorc cap. Especially when you are BF/WF because the the capstone active makes you immune to repair.

    If you go WF/BF you can invest 7 points in EK and 4 in WF/BF tree to completely drop ASF.

    Also, I dont take maximize or empower. They feel like a trap and the sp usage is too high. It affects SLAs yes, but it isnt worth 2 feats to get a fireball i can cast every 8sec?.
    Last edited by MousePointer; 06-03-2015 at 02:15 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Red_Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MousePointer View Post
    Not if you skip out on 20 sorc and take 1 fighter or 2 paladin. Id say the +20some to all saves or the heavy armor prof is better then sorc cap. Especially when you are BF/WF because the the capstone active makes you immune to repair.

    If you go WF/BF you can invest 7 points in EK and 4 in WF/BF tree to completely drop ASF.

    Also, I dont take maximize or empower. They feel like a trap and the sp usage is too high. It affects SLAs yes, but it isnt worth 2 feats to get a fireball i can cast every 8sec?.
    I usually don't turn on maximize or empower for most spells. That said, the SLA hugely benefit from metamagic. And I have my fireball spell set to "always empower" because I find that to be the most cost effective method of casting the spell most times. I only turn on both feats for all spells when I get to a boss I want dead, and want it dead yesterday.
    Finding ones past, present, and future in the threads of destiny.

  12. #12
    Community Member Ghwyn's Avatar
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    My sorc's last life was BF with one level of paladin. Used one feat for adamantine and the damage reduction was worth it along with points spent in EK tree.

  13. #13
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MousePointer View Post
    Not if you skip out on 20 sorc and take 1 fighter or 2 paladin. Id say the +20some to all saves or the heavy armor prof is better then sorc cap. Especially when you are BF/WF because the the capstone active makes you immune to repair.

    If you go WF/BF you can invest 7 points in EK and 4 in WF/BF tree to completely drop ASF.

    Also, I dont take maximize or empower. They feel like a trap and the sp usage is too high. It affects SLAs yes, but it isnt worth 2 feats to get a fireball i can cast every 8sec?.
    Eth already (and needlessly IMO - it should be obvious) pointed out the permutations of this. The title
    of the thread only mentions sorc and EE - it doesn't say BF/WF or 18/2 or any combination thereof.

    As for your comments on max/emp, I'm not sure whether you're trolling or not.

    More generally, if you're proficient and care about the BAB addition to PRR - DP clickies would, I think,
    take care of that.

  14. #14
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Why do people think harmor is the solution for everything sigh.
    In my last sorc life i went 18 bf 1 fsoul 1 monk and utilized docents and being centerd while keeping all feats i need and could ever want for dcs/nuking.

    IF you want to play a harmor or addie body sorc, you will spend to many points, to many useless points in eldritch, you will waste some of mandatory feats and your dcs wont be high enough for epic elite contet.
    So what you do then is splash 2-4 levels of fsoul or wizzard and just do a dumbed down shiradi.
    Imo that is the natural progresion of addie body /palie levels or harmor feat unless you do what eth said.

    So question toward opener, is he talking about shiradi sorcs or dc sorcs?
    Since those 2 are appereantly 2 different existences and play entirely different and have different content approach

    Also here is a screenie of stats i had at that build, of course a draconic dc sorc, i will never taint my sorcs by going shiradi :

    I laugh at those who take addie body and waste feats, and lose 20% dodge.
    But lets assume a pure fleshie.
    3% air ele form 1 haste 11 item 3 plifes for a nice sum of 18% dodge.
    ITs imo more mitigation then harmor provides
    Last edited by Blackheartox; 07-08-2015 at 10:12 AM.

  15. #15
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackheartox View Post
    why do people think harmor is the solution for everything sigh.
    In my last sorc life i went 18 bf 1 fsoul 1 monk and utilized docents and being centerd while keeping all feats i need and could ever want for dcs/nuking.

    If you want to play a harmor or addie body sorc, you will spend to many points, to many useless points in eldritch, you will waste some of mandatory feats and your dcs wont be high enough for epic elite contet.
    So what you do then is splash 2-4 levels of fsoul or wizzard and just do a dumbed down shiradi.
    Imo that is the natural progresion of addie body /palie levels or harmor feat unless you do what eth said.

    So question toward opener, is he talking about shiradi sorcs or dc sorcs?
    Since those 2 are appereantly 2 different existences and play entirely different and have different content approach

    also here is a screenie of stats i had at that build, of course a draconic dc sorc, i will never taint my sorcs by going shiradi :

    i laugh at those who take addie body and waste feats, and lose 20% dodge.

  16. #16
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MousePointer View Post
    sorcs tend to draw a lot of aggro with aoe spells. Most of the time taking more aggro then one can handle.
    In the old days, one would learn how to manage aggro better, and become a better player...

    Nowadays, people just continue to play dumb and strap on heavy armor...

    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

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